Cereza: But...

Vorvar'g: (Stern) Enough Cereza.

Cereza: Yes father...

[Cereza leaves and is now at the mansions bar, she is looking at her phone, most of the things she is looking at are posts of making fun of her and Sable while praising Hound. She clicks her tongue in annoyance but she then stumbles into a particular ad. Notices that Charlie Morningstar is in it. ]

Cereza: No fucking way...

[It cuts to Sable, he is at a demon royalty meeting particularly with a duke.]

Duke: So I suppose the work is done.

[Sable drops a Sinners head across the table.]

Duke: Ooooh, so his shop?

Sable: Burned to ashes (Grabs something from his back pocket) Here are the photos you asked for.

[The duke starts looking at the pictures with glee.]

Duke: Good, excellent, nice. Splendid work as always, your payment will be deposited later this evening

Sable: Umm....So what did this guy do again?

Duke: Oh just some stupid pride ring tailor who thought of using a cross stitch on my suit. Such incompetence these days...

[Sable looks at the duke with "Are you kidding me" eyes.]

Sable: Really?

Duke: Of course, I always need to look perfect, if my stitches don't match up to the rest of my clothing then I'll be the laughing stork. Nobody wants to be the laughing stork. You know what? For such a good job here's a bonus.

[The duke throws something at Sable, he catches it and then is revealed to be a dog treat. He looks at the Duke offended.]

Duke: Hope you enjoy it.

Sable: (Sarcastic) Thanks. (Muttering) Fucking prick.

[Sable leaves, the it cuts to him again arriving to the Hellclaw mansion. He goes straight to the bar where he sees Cereza. She notices him.]

Cereza: Hey Sable, (Hides the phone.) how did the reunion with the duke went?

[Sable sits down nest to her, the bartender prepares a shot of whiskey for him.]

Sable: (Shows the dog treat) As well as you can expect. (Sighs ) Went from hunting hitman to fucking tailors. I swear royalty these days get more and more petty.

Cereza: Oh? It's the lethal and capable Sable bored of the mercenary life?

Sable: No, it's just that when I started I felt like I was doing something meaningful in hell, now I'm just taking over their stupid grudges or inconveniences.

Cereza: Is that so? Poor you. Say, would you be willing to do something different then? If it gave you that feeling again?

[Cereza gives her a wicked grin.]

Sable: I know that look Cherry, what do you have in mind?

[Cereza shows Sable the ad from before.]

Sable: What the fuck was that? Rehabilitating sinners? And Charlie is working on that?

Cereza: Yes, this is our big chance Sable.

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