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[I know I said this will be published in February but I had a little extra time in my hands so I might publish it now. Well here it is. Let the show commence!]

Cereza: Across the history of hell, hellhounds have been know to be at the bottom of the filth. Over thousands of years hellhounds have been nothing but slaves, workers or even pets to those who think they are above them. But 24 years ago one finally had enough of his torment with sheer ambition alone he dedicated himself to rise above the rest. His name came to be as Vorvar'g. He was a great inventor with a knack of understanding both technology and weaponry though due to his race he always suffered at the hands of the elite. Rejection. Contempt. Hatred but he was still standing. He managed to do what millions of demons were aspiring to do, he impressed Lucifer, king of hell. He showed how much his brilliant mind could change hell. Lucifer finally gave him what he always desire power, authority and status. Eventually he decided if he wanted to be remembered he needed a legacy, he and his first love then tried for a child unfortunately the birth was too much her and she passed away but no without giving Vorgar'g not one but three children triplets. The very moment he saw he knew what would they become. A great warrior, an incredible, beautiful, and capable sorceress and an incredibly annoying, shit face, douchebag, fuck face, asshole who thinks it's hilarious to tarnished the family name by-

Imp Butler:(Knocking) Lady Cereza? You're father is waiting for you.

[It's revealed that Cereza is talking to a recording app in her room. She quickly closes the app before opening the door and walking towards her father's office.]

Cereza: On my way!

[Cereza runs towards his father study two large brown door opens, inside the room orange candles light the room.]

Cereza: Did you needed me father?

[It cuts to Vorvar'g in his back suit, huge horns and quadratic glasses signing some papers, he looks up to Cereza before going back to the papers.]

Vorvar'g: How was the Acuti launch? Did the public receive it well?

Cereza: Yes the new Acuti line of knifes have been well received specially in the Pride, Wrath and Greed ring.

Vorvar'g: So I assume everything went well in the Gluttony ring as well?

Cereza: Uhh...

[In a flashback Cereza and Sable are running towards the limo as they dodged several things being thrown by other Hellhounds.]

Cereza: Well that was the last hellhound place we were welcomed.

Sable: Not that they were many to begin with...

[Suddenly a bottle is thrown at the limo. It splashes a yellow liquid at the window.]


[Back with Cereza and Vorvar'g.]

Cereza: Yep went great. Sable is still working on his mission with the duke.

Vorvar'g: Understood. Thanks for your work today.

[Cereza is pondering if she should say something, she finally gains the courage to say it.]

Cereza: So I was looking at the upcoming projects and one of them is under the urgent tagline. Beluza I believe?

Vorvar'g: (Still signing papers) That's none of your business Cereza.

Cereza: Do you need help with the Beluza project? Or are you preparing for Lucifer to-

Vorvar'g: Project Belua is confidential Cereza, I do not want you involved.

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