Chapter III

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Hi So this I now realise is basically nothing like the movie or book besides some plot points I like. So I hope it doesn't seem odd!

Laurie POV 

"I'm such an idiot aren't I Frank?" I moan as I pull a pillow over my head.

"I can conclude Laurie, leaving Amy alone after saying she could draw you was not your smartest idea."

Frank's English accent made everything more proper than it should have been, why is it always sound like he's scolding me?

"I know it was idiotic; but I got worried! Amy just looked at me and I just felt..."

Fred leaned closer, "felt what?"

I sighed, "I I wanted to kiss her."

Frank leaned back again and fiddled with his hair. "Theodore..."

"No." I moaned, "whenever you call me Theodore something bad is coming."

"Fine." He crossed his legs, "you should know that Fred is looking for a wife, he saw a picture of the March girls you had and he wanted to see if he had a chance."

I couldn't keep it in a bursted out with a stomach aching laugh. Frank. Frank Vaughn! He believed he had a chance with the March sisters! Ha! Even I couldn't seem to get any of them to see me anything more than a brother!

"I know how laughable it seems, but he seems most interested in the eldest: Margret."

"Well," I said standing up obnoxiously, "tell Fred that Meg has an interest in my tutor, John!"

"John laughed and went back to reading his book. I flopped off the arm chair and onto the floor with a pitiful sigh. 

"Will you be quiet Laurie! I'm trying to finish this novel." He said without any emotion and facial features to show how he felt. 

"Oh stop being so solemn John!" I cheered swiftly stealing the book from his pale hands, "Today we will being going to town!"

"But you have your tutor in an hour."

"He doesn't mind if I miss; and besides, I've only got a tutor because of my overprotective parents who worry about me failing."

"Because you don't focus." He said in an annoyed tone.

"While that may be true, I will inherit all my father's wealth and we have a house for me in France already." I said pulling a coat over my shoulders.

"But you could not be accepted into university..."

"Well that may be bad, I only focus on my interests."

"But those interests change every hour."

I sighed, "how do you mean?"

"Yesterday you bought seven books on the Dutch language."

"En zie hoe snel ik leer!" I exclaimed profoundly.

"I know you're a fast learner. But you have to be able to find a job."

"My father has already offered to give me a prosperous position at his company. I'll be fine John, so stop worrying about the future and focus on the present!"

He sighed and pulled in his coat.

"What in the Lords name are you going off to do?"

"You wanted to go into town, I guess we should."

I was ecstatic and jumped to my feet, "excellent John! Let's get off then!"

John POV 

Why am I friends with this man? I thought. He was so irresponsible and ridiculous about life, but he is one of the smartest men I know. 

The town centre is cold. Gosh how I hate the cold. I was told by moving to America I would be in the warm weather all year; but gosh were us British wrong even though we've been here before.

The weather is so cold I can obviously see Laurie shivering. He never said anything about himself much, only the March sisters and their wonderful family. I know he wished his family was like that, having siblings and a loving family who supports anything you did. I even wished my family life was like that; but if it was, I would've never ended up meeting Laurie or Jessica, the love of my life.

Laurie ran into the food market and bought a bouquet of flowers.

"What are those for?"

"Guess." He said.

I sighed thinking, "I think you're going to go to the March family house and beg Amy's forgiveness in the most profound and dramatic matter I and Amy will ever see?"

"Shit," he said, "I guess my plan isn't smart as I thought."

I laughed, "don't be silly, I'm just a very smart person. Amy will never guess."

"How dare you call Amy stupid!" He shouted in disgust and anger.

"I so very sorry Theodore."

"I'm going to go to the March house and beg for forgiveness and hopefully get a kiss from Miss Amy March."

"Is a kiss all you want?" I joked.

"Do not be ridiculous John!" I've shouted, "I'm only fifteen, Amy is thirteen! I have no idea how you got the idea I would want to have intercourse with her!"

I laughed at his extremely blushing face and put my arm around his shoulder. 

We left the town and went on the path towards the March house.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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