Chapter 2: Anguish

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A couple of years later.......

Izuku was now 17 years old. He was sitting down, doing his usual business of writing (or drawing) in his quirk analysis book. Izuku doesn't know why, but at a certain point when he was 6 years old, he had started to make these analysis books which consisted of writing down information he had found out regarding a hero or villain's quirks. Izuku would pretty much do this every single day, whenever he had time to do it.

After some time, the teacher came through the door, holding a stack of papers.

"Alright class settle down!" Said the teacher. Everyone proceeded to get back to their seats and calmed down to allow for the teacher to speak.

"Alright as for the remainder of the class, today we are going to go over jobs and what you guys want to do when you are older....however we would be doing that if it weren't for the fact that I already know all of you want to be HEROES!" The teacher exclaimed as he threw the papers up in the air.

The whole class cheered, with each person flexing their own quirk. Izuku simply rolled his eyes at the reaction of his classmates and continued to write in his notebook. Suddenly an explosion could be heard at the back of the class. Everyone turned around to see a instantly recognizable Blond kid with spiky hair standing up.

"YOU GUYS MAKE ME LAUGH! You guys are nothing compared to me! I will be the only one here who will achieve being a hero, and become PRO HERO NUMBER ONE! All of you guys are just extras!" He than proceeded to sit down.

"Shut Up Bakugo!" Said one of the students

"You don't have to be so mean about it!" another one said. Bakugo just smirked.

"Well students, he's not wrong. With his notes and quirk, he'll at best reach the top ten heroes." Said the teacher, feeding Bakugo's ego even more.

"Hell yeah I will!" Said Bakugo with an even bigger grin.

"Hey, doesn't Midoriya want to be a hero? More specifically, join the UA to achieve that?" Said one of the students. Everyone just stared at the direction of Midoriya, which had caused him to shrink back in his chair and stop writing. Everyone started to laugh.



During this, even the teacher started to laugh. Izuku just seemed unphased by it, but the comments were still hurtful. He had gotten a bit used to the way his classmates treated him, but that didn't listen the pain he felt from his classmates bullying him.

"DEKU!" Bakugo shouted as he stood up from his chair, causing everyone to stop laughing.

"Who do you think you are, deciding to join the same college as me? You think you're better than me huh? DO YOU?" Bakugo said in a threatening tone, causing small explosions to come from his hand.

"No, I don't think I'm better." Said Izuku. Bakugo just sat down and glared at Deku for the entirety of the class.

30 minutes later....

The class had ended and people were already rushing to their homes. Izuku was almost halfway done with packing up his things when the voice he wanted to hear the least shouted his "name".

"DEKU!" Said Bakugo, as he was being followed by his lackeys as they approached him.

"What do you want now, Kacchan?" Izuku said in an annoyed but fearful tone.

Bakugo was actually a bit taken back by the annoying tone Izuku gave him.

Regardless, Bakugo just stared quietly at Izuku. Suddenly he grabbed the analysis book from Deku.

"HEY GIVE THAT BACK!" Shouted Izuku as he tried to grab the analysis book from Bakugo, but couldn't as the lackeys grabbed him to hold him still.

"Or what Deku huh? Or what? You wouldn't even stand a chance against me. Plus this will teach you a lesson for even thinking about joining the UA!" After he says this, he opened the window of the classroom. Bakugo then used an explosion to launch the book outside.

"NO MY ANALYSIS BOOK!" Shouted Izuku as he finally pushed free from the lackeys, but he was too late. As he stood near the window, Bakugo put his hand on Izuku's shoulder, and proceeded to slowly burn through the fabric where it finally reached his skin. Izuku winced.

"Listen Deku for what I'm about to tell you. You'll never succeed at becoming a hero. Look at you, you have no quirk. So here's a little advice for you. How about you maybe swan dive off this building, maybe in the next life you'll get a quirk."

With that Bakugo let go of Izuku's shoulder and proceeded to leave the classroom with his lackeys. Izuku just stood there and began to cry.

"Why, just why can't they stop focusing on me being quirkless? Why do things always have to be this way."

Izuku stayed for a while inside the classroom crying, but eventually he collected himself and proceeded to head down to exit. As he went outside, he looked around the area for his analysis book. After a couple of minutes of looking, he finally found it floating about in the schools fountain.

Izuku swiftly grabbed the book and tried his best to dry it up. He looked through the pages and saw that the majority of the things, although wet, were still intact and readable.

"Stupid Kacchan." Said Izuku as he put away his analysis book and proceeded to sit down near the fountain. Izuku tried his best to cover his burn mark.

After a while, a car pulled over and the window went down revealing a young lady with green hair tied up into a bun.

"Hey Izu! I'm so sorry for being late to pick you up today, traffic was a pain." Said the lady with a nervous smile.

"It's okay mom, don't stress about it." Said Izuku with a simple smile.

After being bullied for so long, Izuku learnt how to hide his pain pretty well. It's concerning to say the least, but he didn't want his mom stressing about him whilst she was working at the hospital.

"What's wrong Izuku? You look tired." Said his mom with a worried tone.

"I'm fine. Todays Friday, and I just wanna go home and relax." Said Izuku with his fake smile once more.

After settling into the car, they finally drove off to their home.

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