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"Ey Royo, you gave me a key for a reason yeah? Gotta make sure you're not having an old man health" Jamie said as he unlocked the front door and stopped in the entryway. The smell was... fucking amazing. Well amazing to Jamie. It smelled like muddy pitch and sweaty men and something... something like a tangerine.

Roy was stomping through the house, Jamie could hear him getting closer, heart speeding up as that scent crawled closer, got deeper into his head, fogged his mind and made his blood flow south. Even as Roy rounded the corner and had a nasty look on his face.

"Fucking hell" Jamie said as Roy stomped up him. His eyes were dimly red, crimson, hair sleep messy, and in nothing but a pair of gym shorts. Jamie couldn't help but sigh as his eyelashes fluttered, Roy smelled so fucking good and was so fucking strong and hot and-"

"Why the fuck did you come in my fucking house? I locked the fucking door for a fucking reason. Stay out, you should know fucking better." Roy barked as he stomped his way be in Jamie's face. He let a growl roll through him, he didn't want anyone to bother him for a few days, three days was all he fucking needed. Of course giving Tartt was a mistake, he had to come in at the worst time. Roy just let his face snarl up, teeth bared, growling rolling from his chest.

And Jamie just looked between those crimson eyes and his sharp teeth. It was the hottest fucking thing he'd ever seen.

"You're in rut" Jamie said dumbly as he licked across his teeth, Roy just jerked his head a bit snarling.

"That's why I locked the fucking door" He growled and it sent a shiver down Jamie's back. Fuck Roy smelled good and Jamie knew there was a knot just waiting for him under those thin shorts. Shorts that his eyes slide down to gawk at, they'd be so easy to yank don't and get at that cock pressed lazily against the front, chubbed up and warm.

"You're a grouchy alpha" Jamie breathed out and Roy got impossibly closer, face a breath away, smell dizzyingly.

"Get out of my fucking house" Roy growled it so close Jamie could feel the words rumbling through his lips, through his whole body. Roy waited for a second longer, staring Jamie down. And Jamie just melted, forcing himself to not kiss the alpha right there... or dropping to his knees.

Instead, when Roy turned to stomp back into the body of the house Jamie chased after him.

"I could um I could help. You know. I'ma omega leaning beta, don't have the parts but I got the... the urges. Instincts." Jamie said, following as Roy made his way to the kitchen. ' Like a bear' Jamie thought as he took in Roy's hairy body as he walked through a dug through kitchen.

Roy turned around, eyes a brighter red, eyes more focused, sharp.

"Offering yourself up, trying to get on my good side Tartt? I don't think that's a very good idea. For you." Roy asked, eyes staying trained on Jamie, the kitchen island standing between them, a grey marble divide.

Jamie's bottom lip got caught in his teeth. Roy wasn't wrong. He'd let a guy use him for a rut before... it was difficult, straining, and ended up not even mattering. Jamie just felt used after and not in the nice way. Bit this was Roy .

"I'd do it with you Roy, alpha, I just need some lube. I've done it before. I can take a- a knot." Jamie said, leaning over the counter. Roy shook his head, a laugh cracking from his mouth as he walked to stand behind Jamie.

"Is this what you're good for? Being a rut bitch? Offering your ass up to anyone that wants to breed you?" Roy asked and grabbed Jamie's hips, fingers sliding under his shirt and jacket. Jamie gasped as Roy's warm rough hands slid up his sides, rucking up his clothes. Jamie felt like a statue has he felt Roy's breath against his lower back, hands shoving his clothes up.

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