(Like this, but open

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

(Like this, but open.)

She is also wearing pair of black fingerless gloves and boots, with a black utility belt. There is also an Omnitrix symbol on the belt buckle. Sophie also has a red mask over her eyes, with white eye-holes.

And Sophie's official hero name: Supernova.

Both Snare-Oh and Wonder Woman slowly lower down the Firetruck, with Superman setting it and the fireman down.

Fireman 2: "Man, that was close."

Superman: "Are you guys okay?"

Fireman 1: "A little worse for wear." He hips out of the Firetruck. "But okay."

Up above, Snare-Oh and Wonder Woman retract their bandages/lasso.

Supernova: "This is so cool watching you guys." She tugs on one of Snare-Oh's bandages. "But when can I start fighting people?"

Snare-Oh: "That's too dangerous for you right now. You've only been training with your powers for two weeks."

Wonder Woman: "But she is capable of defending herself if necessary."

Snare-Oh: "That may be true, but I would still rather wait until we're sure she's ready."

A sudden scream rings out in the air, and everybody looks over to see a young blonde girl hanging in a tree, which is close to falling over.

Girl: "Mommy! Help!"

Without any hesitation, Wonder Woman flies over to the girl and gets her out of the tree before it could hit the ground.

Wonder Woman: "I got you, little sister."

Girl: "You're not my sister!"

Wonder Woman flies down and lands in front of a nearby building, where a blonde woman is standing there.

Woman: "Cassie!" She runs over and takes Cassie in her arms. "How could you run off like that? You almost scared me to death."

Cassie: "I'm sorry."

Woman: "I don't know what I'd do if anything were to happen to you." She turns around and walks over to the door. "You're my whole world."

The woman renters the building, closing the door behind her. As Wonder Woman stares at the door, a traffic pole begins to fall over due to the high winds.

As the pole begins to fall, Supernova flies over, fire blasting out of her feet. After getting close enough, she blasts fire out of her hand, knocking the pole away and melting it.

Supernova: "Woah, that was close." She lands in front of Wonder Woman. "Are you alright? You seemed a bit distracted."

Wonder Woman: "I'm sorry, I was just..." She trails off, looking away. "I don't know."

The Omnitrix Wielder: Arsenal (Ben 10 X Justice League)Where stories live. Discover now