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Pov (Y.N)
I woke up the next day to a message from colby

Hey beautiful can we meet maybe you could come to mine for a bit I miss you x

Hey Colby sure I'll come round to yours are you parents in or just us ? X

Just us there delivering Christmas presents to the family won't be back for about 2 hours maybe longer x

Okay on my way x

And now I feel like a teenager again sneaking out of my bedroom window and gently shimmering myself down so that I don't get Hurt and now I'm walking yes I could take my car but then my mum will know I'm out and I'll be in more trouble, I knock on Colby door and he smiles at me "Hey, Come in" he says as he steps aside "Hey" I say back smiling at him "You wanted to talk ?" I ask he smiles "No I wanted to hang out" He corrects making me laugh "Fine I did want to talk to you it's just so nice having you back in my life and..." He sighs "I still love you I know it was my fault and I know I hurt you but I can't help it (Y.N) your stunning and adorable and you make me smile and you make me a better person and when I'm with you I feel so happy like I'm complete Honestly you don't have to say anything back I just wanted you to know" he says smiling sweetly at me I want to tell him how I feel but I'm scared to. "Hey do you want to watch a movie ?" He asks "Yeah I would love that" I say smiling "What do you want to watch you can pick ?" He asks "Shall we watch Fall?" I ask he smiles "Yeah of course" He replys, He puts the movie on and I rest my head on colby shoulder before feeling my eyes close

Pov (Colby)
I feel her head fall onto my lap I look down at her she asleep she looks so beautiful and peaceful I give her a kiss and then go back to watching the movie, a while later I feel movement I look down to see her eyes on me "Hey pretty girl" I say as she wakes up "Hey Pretty Boy" she replys which makes me smile "You okay?" I ask she nods looking at me "I haven't asked how are you parents ?" I ask her I instantly see tears in her eyes I sit up in my seat "Hey what's wrong ?" I ask her she begins to cry now, I put my arms around her pulling her closer to me "They broke up there not together anymore about a year ago, I was in Australia when they got divorced i didn't think it would Hurt this much but it does Colby it really does" She says as I just hold her closer to me "I suppose it is hard because you've just got back and what you knew isn't here anymore" I say fearing that I made it worst "It's my fault isn't it Colby for leaving them they were happy before I left" she says blaming herself "No, It's not your fault and sweetheart they wasn't happy not before anyway they never spent time together the happiest they were is when they were in company of other people remember they didn't speak to eachother when they were at home you told me that when we were at school" I say she looks at me "Did I?" She replys "Yeah you did pretty" I say I pull her closer to me and wrap my arm around her as she sinks her head into my chest "Colby what did I do that's so wrong ? I just feel like I'm letting my mum and Dad down and it doesn't matter where I am I feel like I'm letting the other one down like I can't enjoy myself in there company because the other one is missing time with me" She says still crying "Why do you feel like that ?" I ask she sighs before looking at me "I'm sorry Colby you really don't need my problems" She says as she looks away from me " (Y.N) No it's fine I just want to know why you feel like that ?" I say trying to calm her down " Mum and Dad both want me at there for New Years and it doesn't matter who I pick I'm letting the other one down, I hate it I'm use to spending it with both and now I've got to pick boxing day and Christmas day are easy both get me on one of those days but new year that's diffrent" she says I see the stress in her face now "Don't spend it with them then come to Las Vagus with me and Sam and spend it with us I'll happily spend new years with you your not letting anyone down then and you've spent two important holidays with them" I say smiling at her.

Pov (Y.N)
"Are you sure ?" I ask looking at Colby "Yeah I'm sure so what do you say?" He says smiling at me "I think its a good idea" I say smiling at him "Okay well we go home the day before New year's Eve so are you going to come with us ?" Colby asks smiling "Yes please" I say smiling. He doesn't know it but he's just helped me so much and I'm so happy right now I love him omg I actually love him I've fallen for him again.

Dear Diary  (Colby Brock + Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz