Diary entry

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Pov (Y.N)
After all the chaos yesterday I felt even more connected to the past like I was some how reliving it so with me feeling nostalgic I decided to pick up my diary where I left off........

1st August
Dear Diary, Today Me, Sam and Colby had a movie night which was so fun, it was basically a massive sleepover but shhh so we made popcorn like fresh popcorn and we had loads of snacks and drinks and I got the blankets out Colby made a joke about me having to many blankets and Sam said he was going to take my fluffy one home with him because it was to warm so anyway we sat down and watched a whole lot of horror movies and Colby let me lay on his lap which was so nice I love him so much he's like a gental giant just don't tell him I said that lol, Sam hid behind a pillow on the 3rd horror movie we watched which was so funny and Colby started shouting at the screen he's behind you which made us all laugh best night ever.

4th August
Dear Diary, Okay Diary so I've got a date tonight with Colby which I can't wait for only thing is I have no idea where he's taking me which is probably really fun but all I know is I've put my cute dress on oh he's here now I'll update you when I'm home..... so it was a roof top date, We climbed the ladders up to the roof and it was beautiful the view was stunning and the town looks so big from up there I'm so happy. Me and Colby talked a lot about where we want to go and visit when we're older and I so can't wait we also kissed up there a few times and we eat pizza I just love spending time with him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him to as we watched the sun set from up there and on the way home he gave me his jacket because I was cold he's such a gentleman ahh I'm in love.

7th August
Dear Diary, Colby actually knocked on my door today to collect me for our car ride which was so fun and cool until my mum told him he needed to have me home by 10.30 why does she have to embarrass me like that and dad just let her normal he tells her to let me live today he agreed with her which was really annoying anyway back to the car ride we went on a little adventure which I love we drove around for a bit and then we stopped at a lake which was really nice the way the water glistened in the moon light and the stars where out as well there so beautiful the world's so magical and beautiful it really amazes me.

10th August
Dear Diary, Mum and Dad were arguing again today so i ran away not for good just for now, I went to the one place I felt safe where Colby had taken me a few weeks ago I turned my phone off and then just layed there on the grass by the lake just watching the stars there so beautiful and unique I love them so much, I then heard a voice say hey and i knew instantly it was Colby turns out when you run away they do suddenly relises that your not there which doesn't normally happen when there arguing. He layed down next to me, Colby wanted to know what was wrong so I told him everything he told me it would be fine and not to worry I believe him I do I just can't stand the fighting anymore it's just to much all the time.

18th August
Dear Diary, So today I went to a Party and boy was it fun so first off it was our friend Tara party which was so cool literally the whole of the high-school was there and you know that means Sam and Colby was there which was so fun, so we mainly just hung out but there were little moments that made my heart flutter like the way Colby kept admiring me while we all stood around talking or the way he looked Sad when Tara and I went to the dance floor for some girly time which ended in me and Tara suddenly getting to confident and stealing the microphone and singing Teenage dirtbag together and laughing and of course Sam recorded it and has the full thing on video which is just embarrassing and then the best moment was probably when Colby took my hand and danced with me on the dance floor yes it's been a great night with the best people ever.

29th August
Dear Diary, sorry I haven't kept up with you its because I've been on holiday and forgot to pack you in the bag but now that i'm Back from Holiday with Sam and colby I'll tell you what we did, Sunday ~ So the first day we spent at the hotel we were pretty jet lagged and the pool looked nice so we hung out there I mainly was in the pool swimming and then later that night we went out for food, Monday ~ The Next day we walked around the place going shopping and just taking in the scenery I mean Greece is beautiful the island is just so adorable. Tuesday ~ we went on a boat ride the next day which took us to a few places the first one being the mamma Mia Church those stairs were a work out but so worth it the view is just incredible and breath taking and everything looked just like in the movie, while on the water we saw dolphins and the sea is incredible the second stop was a place where the sea was clear so I took the opitunity to get in the water and look for fish and stuff which was so cool and then our last stop was the island where mamma Mia was filmed which was incredible to see the whole place was like a dream. Wednesday ~ We spent most of the day on the beach and I even learned to scuba dive which was so fun, and of course we did so surfing aswell and then we chilled on the beach for a bit before we decided to play a game of tennis, Colby and Sam were on one team and I was on the other and of course I won because girl power anyway we then had ice cream before I watched Sam make a sandcastle and then colby knock it over which of course was not funny. Thursday ~ This day I did something I always wanted to do but was always to scared to I went horse riding so Colby told me and Sam he had a surprise booked for this day and we'll he took us to a Horse riding place and I met my horse that was called Enchanted which was just so magical, I love horses and this one was stunning and then I learned how to ride the horse and when I looked over so were Sam and Colby which was so magical, we trained for a while before taking a break and I made sure to get loads of photo with my horse and then we went back at learning again before the instructor told me we could take the horse out to the beach and ride them there of course we could only take one so we took enchanted with us and as soon as we got there I was told I could ride the horse it was beautiful and I still can't believe I did it and of course Colby filmed the whole thing so I've got it all on video which is so cool. Friday ~ was spent hiking and when I say hiking I mean we had Quad bikes and went on a tour of the mountains which was so fun and of course I held onto Colby like my life depended on it which just made him laugh and smile at me the view was incredible and just spending time with the boys made me so happy. Saturday ~ was definetly the chill day we spent most of the day on the beach just hanging out and then we went to a Party on the night time which meant I got to put my dress on and have the best day night ever which consists of alcohol, Dancing, Karoke and lots of talking and kissing Colby of course. Sunday ~ Our Last day was mainly spent with a headache but we had a few hours in the hot tub before going back to our room and packing up for coming home then of course the flight home that I slept on.

1st September
Dear Diary, It's my last day in town before I go to college and I call a new place my home I regret my decision to move away I'm going to miss Colby and Sam so much and my parents I guess you can say I'm not sure I want to go anymore well I'm not but I have to go now everything ready for me now no time for me to change my mind so today Colby and Sam had a leaving party for me that had my family and friends and instead of being happy I felt sad really sad but I pretended to be happy anyway because I don't want to let anyone down, so I enjoyed myself and had the best time and took so many pictures. I'm really going to miss this so this is (Y.N) signing out for now Bye Diary.

I close the diary at the last page Wow that was where I left it at the start of a new chapter and a new life I didn't even know was coming yet, but I'm so greatful that I still have the diary and after reading it I'm even more sure now that I love Colby.

Dear Diary  (Colby Brock + Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن