Once Upon a Time

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a/n: i have spent way too much time on this to let it sit in my drafts any longer. whether you've played the original story or not, i hope you enjoy!


It's not that I hate my job. It's just that, on this particular Saturday evening, I hate my job.

I struggle out the back door of the diner clutching two bin bags and trying not to breathe through my nose. Daniel follows behind, more bin bags in tow, sighing profusely.

'Another glamorous Saturday night in New York,' I exhale as I swing the stinking black plastic bags into the dumpster.

'Could be worse,' Daniel says. 'Could be, oh, shit, a rat!' he shrieks suddenly, dropping the bin bags and leaping away.

'Don't tell me you're afraid,' I laugh, picking up the bin bags and throwing them after the other two. 'It's only – jesus, that is huge.'

The door slams open, and our manager sticks his red, shiny head out the door.

'You two! Get inside!'

'You just told us to take you the garbage' I retort, gesturing towards the bins.

'And now I'm telling you to wait on the bachelor party that just rolled in. Chop, chop!'

He disappears back inside.

'Give me strength,' Daniel mutters, raising his eyes heavenward.

Following him back inside through the hot, loud kitchen, he peels off to find some bin bags as I re-enter the heaving restaurant, scanning the room for the aforementioned bachelor party.

I had been expecting a large, rowdy group of men, but instead I'm faced with three well-dressed, sober looking guys waiting patiently on the other side of the bar. My eyes dart between them, a brief moment of relief settling pleasantly over me before my gaze comes to rest on the tallest of the three men, and his eyes lift to meet mine.

Something zips through me, and I try not to let it show as he holds my gaze. He's possibly the handsomest man I have ever seen. Dark features, broad shoulders, and brown eyes which I could very much envision myself getting lost in...

'Ah, waitress, there you are. We need your best table!' the man standing next to him announces, and I tear my eyes away to look at this man instead. He's not nearly as nice to look at, lanky, with a face which looks as though it's pinched in permanent self-importance.

'Forget the table. Just bring us whiskey, and lots of it.'

He speaks; an excuse for my eyes to flick back to his face. He's still watching me, and I pray that he can't tell how attracted to him I am as I smile. Even his voice – something tugs at my sleeve and I'm forced to look away from him again. It's Daniel.

'Riley, please take this one. I have a date, I need to get out of here early.'

'You want me to take the bachelor party? Why do I get all the rowdy tables?' I tease, turning to him.

'Because you're better at this than I am!' he pleads.

'Fine. You owe me one,' I say, but I'm smiling.

Daniel's face breaks into a wide smile. 'You're the best.'

'I know,' I shrug, reaching for the pencil pushed through my hair.

'They're seated already. Get over there,' my manager snaps as he walks past, and Daniel and I pull faces at each other simultaneously.

I compose myself quickly and as Daniel darts off to another table, I walk over to the bachelor party. On the way I'm struck with a horrible thought. What if he's the bachelor, brown eyes? That would be just my luck.

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