Chapter 6

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The worse part of being stuck in a world I only read in legends were the dreams I got. The dreams full of terror or full of prophecies I didn't know the meaning of.
I wish I could hold conversation with Princess Halaena about them but she's so into her own world that even her, dragon dreamer won't help me.
I woke up sweating, seeing the battle of Gods Eye in my dream wasn't something I expected.
If I stop the dance that won't happen but how can I stop some battles or wars that have no real life documentations.
Only one book in my time tells the story of dance of the dragon but the writing is so old and foreign that no one can read it.
It's so confusing and so annoying. Why was o chosen? Why? I don't have an ounce of the Targaryen or Strong blood. Not an ounce of valerian blood.
Even the nights in kings landing were warm. I could get used to it.
Walking barefoot around the garden was calming and helped me with my anxiety.
One trouble was that the one causing my the most anxiety was sitting in my usual spot.
Like he was waiting for me.
"My lady."
"My prince. How did you know I'm coming?"
"I've noticed you come here often at night. You stole my spot."
"Your spot?"
"I do the same thing when I can't sleep. Sit down and let the thoughts that trouble you go."
Slowly and watching him like a hawk, I sat down next to him.
He kept his distance. He was raised as a prince after all.
"What did you mean earlier."
"Mean what?"
I was surprised. I have short memory span he shouldn't test me the way he did.
"When you said my heart is poisoned what did you mean?"
"What I meant is that I know he's not the best but you should spend more time with your father and maybe meet your older half sister better. I know and I understand the pain you went through and I understand that Luke should've gotten the punishment which he didn't, for taking your eye. However, something that happened ages ago, shouldn't poison your mind."
"My father knows that her children are..."
"Bastards. So do I, however why do you think after all these years, after having three sons, she's still his successor? Speak to your father and ask him. His answer may surprise you."
I stood up waiting to leave but I had one more thing to say.
"Oh and by the way, don't hide behind the seven pointed star. It's only one at the end and you should pray to the crone more."
With that I left, more conflicted about one eyed prince.
I have not seen Prince Aemond for the whole day, well I spend most of it inside with two princesses anyway.
Princess Rhaenyra seemed to be conflicted person.
I knew what she wanted to ask before she even asked me the question.
"You want to know if your decisions have been right?"
Poor woman, almost choked on her tea.
"How did..."
"Never mind. No they weren't. You shouldn't have left for Dragonstone, you should've stay in Kings Landing and help your father make decisions. You should've convinced your father to make you the hand or someone else yet you allowed Otto Hightower to come back and sit the throne when your father withers and dies. However, you still want to give it up."
"The throne."
"I have three brothers which I think Aemond is more..."
"If greens sit the throne they will kill you and your children. Do you want it?"
"Then speak with the Queen. Make a private audience. Go for a walk or go haunting just for gracious will of the Gods, stop beefing like children. Oh and to let you know if you admitted to loosing your purity back then, Alicent would be mad but she wouldn't go that far to question legitimacy of your children."
"What happened between me and Queen Alicent..."
"Please she was sold to the king by her father. She was vulnerable and her father brainwashed her into thinking you will kill her children when you became Queen. You could've make engagement plans between your sister and your son, you could've stayed or could've fight more for your right to marry prince Deamon yet you let them play you. Talk to the Queen."
"I'll try. Why are you helping me? You know the seven disagree with what I did."
"I don't. You were in love. You got three sons that are madly in love with their mother. They will do anything for you. Besides your blood needs to sit the throne. Now my princess I'll have to make my way."
With that I stood up and left the chamber.
I was right, he was on the beach. His dragon as gracious and beautiful as the myths described.
"You were flying my prince?"
Aemond wasn't shocked when he heard my voice. He didn't even turned around at the sound of my voice.
"My lady. Meet my dragon. The second most important female in my life after my mother."
"Did you meet with your father?"
"No. I won't. You go and meet that old fool if you want. I don't want anything to do with him."
"Why not?"
"He never was a father why would I? My mother is meeting with my sister later this evening. Did you knew? My sister asked for a meeting herself."
I had to pretend I was shocked did I?
"No I didn't."
"You're lying."
"Okay maybe I do and so what?"
"I didn't say it was wrong I'm just saying you shouldn't pretend to be innocent, if you so stupid to think that my mother will now be all happy with my sister you must be really ignorant to why my mother is so against her."
"Because your mother hides behind religion to justify her actions but trust me she's not better than any sinner."
I don't know how and when, Aemond was choking me.
I could see I pissed him off with my comment. Mama's boy.
"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that."
"You are just like her, your dragon is the only thing that keeps you sane and your only source of power. I wish I ended up here before you were born. Maybe I could convince your father to behead your grandfather and to send your mother to silent sisters."
He started choking me more, until I blacked out.
"Seriously how much in trouble are you going to put yourself ? I can't leave you alone for more than five minutes."
"Oh really you are the one who didn't warn me."
"Okay we will do it again. I'll take you back to the day before Princess Rhaenyra arrived. Do not dare say a word about her blood and try to get closer to Aemond."
"But why him?"
"You find out soon enough."
Then I opened my eyes and he was sitting next to me on a bench in the garden.
"So what do you think about my sister's claim to the throne?"
Wait he didn't say it first time.
She alerted a timeline a bit.
I'm fucked.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 24 ⏰

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