Chapter 1

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Year 2022

History lessons bored me. I swear to God majority of them were just made up bullishit. There's no way dragons existed. Or the dead invited the north of the country. There's no historical proof of that. Thus I think of them as myths. Yet my teacher thinks of it as the truth and he repeats them almost every year, during our last school lesson before summer holidays. I thank the universe that next year I will no longer have to listen to it. After I'll past all my exams and go to university I won't have to listen to him. Don't get me wrong I intend to study archeology, yet the only reason for that is that I want to proof my countrymen that they are wrong. There was no dragons, there weren't any zombies running around, killing northerners and there definitely wasn't Valyria. A mythological country that was doomed to fall thanks to some volcanic eruption. There's also no proof that any of Targaryen's could see future in dreams. Maybe if they smoked too much of plants maybe they did.
"And that's how the Targaryen dynasty met it end. Deanerys was murdered by Jon Snow, who, after he was banished, never took a wife. There's no trace of him having off springs."
"What about the dragon?"
Asked one of my classmates.
I rolled my eyes. Really? Who believes this bullshit.
"Nobody knows what happened to Drogon or her corpses.A legend says he traveled to the ruins of old Valyria and laid her body there to rest."
When the clock showed one o'clock I was the first one to stand up from my seat and after, mr. Towns, wished us happy summer I run for the doors.
Couldn't stay in this class longer than I should've.
It was so hot inside and outside the building that my uniform got stuck to my body. I was sweating. Getting staff from my locker I was approached by Alicent. My colleague from the year.
"Hey will you be attending Sam's party and the Gods Eye lake?"
"I might pop up for a bit."
"You said that last time and yet you were the one who ended up dancing on the table."
"Please the video was on Facebook and my mum saw it, I'm lucky she didn't grounded me."
Alicent laughed and her auburn hair fell on her back.
I can say she was pretty.
"So you are coming?"
"Of course I do. It's last summer before I'll have to study for A-levels if I want to get into the best university in Westeros. I need to live a little."
"Good. I'll see you there."
She turned to leave but I stopped her.
"Wait. Why is he hosting a party at the Gods Eye lake? It's creepy there."
"You answered your own question, it's because it has creepy vibe, that's why."
"Fair enough I see you there. Make sure to text me the time."
She smiled at me and left.
With bag full of stuff I collected through of the year I left school.
When I say that Sam organises the best paries I'm not laying, everyone knows of them and every single year the party is located somewhere else. I think the whole city of Harrenhale knew about his parties. Yet they never did anything about it. Privileges of having rich father.
I arrived a little bit after six. There were lots of people there already. Yet the party barley began. I told you Sam's parites were famous. I could also see him in the crowd. His platinum blonde hair, were hard not to recognise.
I rolled my eyes at his sight and went to take myself a drink.
I won't be bother by him and I will ignore his persona.
Our joint history won't go into way of me having a good time.
Couple of drinks later I was sitting at the edge of a bridge that lead to the small island in the middle of the lake. Something was calling me there. To the lake.
The moon was full and the moonlight was creeping behind Harrenhal castle. Well ruins of it. The legend has it that the ghost of prince Aemond Targaryen is rooming the halls of the castle looking for his lover Alys Rivers.
I rolled my eyes and took a small slip from my cup.
"I was looking for you"
Sam's voice made me jump. He chuckled. God how I loved his laugh.
"I apologise for scarring you. I thought you haven't come. It would be a shame."
"Why is that? We are no longer together. I don't have to attend your parties."
I looked up at him. His platinum blonde hair, shined in the moon lights, Sam's violet eyes met my brown ones and it made me miss him bit more.
I quickly snapped out of this feeling of missing him and I put on my ignorant persona face. He ignored my question and said
"You know legend has it..."
"That ghost of prince Aemond is looking for Alys in the ruins of the castle." I could imagine him rolling his eyes. Then he said something that made me choke on the drink.
"I miss you. You don't even realise how much I do."
He said and I could hear truth in his voice.
"Well if you did why did you find yourself another girl within two weeks after I broke up with you? If you really cared for me why sleep with that wench."
Ignoring me once again he said
"I went to Hardhome couple of weeks ago. That's a city you grow up in didn't you?"
"Stalker. Besides I haven't been to Hardhome since I was eleven. I don't even remember much from it."
"It was the middle of the spring yet it snowed. It was fascinating."
"You went far north of course it snowed there. We have snow in Riverlands as well."
"I still find you to be the most beautiful of all the norther ladies, my Visenya."
"Okay I had enough. I had good time yet you came and ruined it. Can you go and find your side chick and leave me alone?"
"Please think of giving me a second chance."
"Sam go unless you want to end up in the lake."
He stood up and left me, that was actually quite easy. Sam never gives up that easily. Oh well he's strange any way.
After a while I took my empty cup to go and refill it. Then I came back to my spot on the bridge.
Yep what a party animal I am.
I closed my eyes for a second and breathed the fresh air. Then I heard a splash. Which idiot was smart enough to swim at this hour in this dammed lake?
Then I heard gasping of air and with wild eyes I searched for the source of it.
I saw familiar auburn hair and I knew instantly it was Alicent. Something strange was dragging her beneath the surface. Quickly dropping my drink to the side, I stood up and jump into the lake.
The moment I reached for her, the moon covered in red and something dragged me to the bottom of the lake. I couldn't even scream for help. It was the end.

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