Chapter 3

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I woke up. Again, in strange bed. I must have fainted when I saw a dragon. Nice. I need to learn not to faint when something, bit too dramatic takes place in my life.
The bed I woke up in was actually comfortable. The sheets were probably satine because damn they were feeling nice. I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud.
I opened my eyes and I saw beautiful painted ceiling.
"Thank Gods she awaken."
I heard queen's voice.
So it wasn't a dream.
I sat down on the bed, looking around me.
The room was massive and beautiful. With unknown drawings on the walls and fireplace opposite the bed. I even had small book collection there and wooden table with four chairs. In addition I had a one, green armchair. I can imagine reading all night. Oh yeah I forgot there were candles too.
In "my" room apart from the Queen and prince Aemond were two more people. A girl and a boy. By the colours of their hair I guessed they were Aegon and Helaena. Poor girl. Her faith is the saddest of them all.
'You have to change the history' the crows voice echoed in my head.
Yeah I forgot about that too.
Then princess Helaena started to talk gibberish.
"Past meets future. Past meets future."
"Don't worry about her. She talks nonsense all the time."
Only prince Aemond was standing, not bothered by their argument and just stood there looking at me. I was feeling like an artefact in the museum.
"I think it would be wise to leave lady Visenya on her on. We don't act like good hosts mother."
Aemond's voice filled the room and made both Alicent and Aegon shut up. Thank god.
I had enough of their voices.
I send him a thankful look.
They bowed their heads to me and left. Aemond was the last one. He send me one last look and closed the heavy doors behind him. It's going to be a crazy journey.
I thought as I felt on the pillows.
The news about my arrival reached the Dragonstone fast.
It was so fast that I was informed during the supper that princess Rhaenyra together with her husband prince Deamon will come to the King's Landing as soon as a new moon. Aka next month.
King Viserys, who looked five minutes from dying was happy about the news and couldn't stop talking about his first born child, for the whole evening. Which made Queen Alicent annoyed, yet she tried to hide it with uncomfortable smile. Poor woman. From friends to enemies.
I don't wish that upon anyone.
As for me, I could hear the crow's voice in my head whenever I was asked about opinion on something. It was annoying really but I knew that If I said what I wanted I would start the Dance of the Dragons earlier than possible.
I still didn't figured why the Gods chose me. I mean I was simply ordinary.
"And what do you think lady visenya?"
Alicent asked me.
"About what? I'm sorry I just got lost in my own thoughts."
"It's fine dear I was just asking if you think it's the right idea for us to hold a feast upon arrival of our guests from Dragonstone and of course to celebrate Gods sending you to us."
And for the first time I didn't hear the crow's voice in my head.
"Yes I think it's splendid idea." I said as I send small smile toward the Queen.
Prince Aemond insisted on walking me towards my chambers. The whole way we were silent.
Until we didn't reach the doors and he pulled me towards himself. I looked up at him. His violet eye looking at me with wonder. I wish I could see him without an eyepatch.
Just when I thought he will connect our lips he let me go.
"Sleep well dear." He said and left me in the middle of the cold corridor. Now what the hell was that about?
It's short and it's a filler chapter next one I promise will be longer

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