An unwanted pitstop

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A light blue sedan creeped down an icey wooded road, the shrill sound of the cars engine struggling echoed through the crisp late afternoon air. Tony sighed deeply as he searched for an exit into some sort of town, hoping he would make it and wouldn't have to pull over into a snowbank.

A glimmer of hope rose in his heart as he saw a snow covered sign in the distance accompanied by an exit, he put his foot down and the car plodded forward. That glimmer of hope was soon distinguished when the sign was close enough to read the slightly faded blue frost covered letters "Whoville". He sighed louder and repeatedly hit his forehead into the steering wheel, this could not be happening, why here? Why now?

Tony looked further down the road 'maybe I can make it to the next town?' he thought to himself, but a weird click from the engine shot that down. He begrudgingly turned into the exit and let the car lumber down the hill into town, muttering curses under his breath.

It didn't take very long for it to come into view, the technicolour lopsided buildings, the complected swirl shaped roads, the wonky staircases. This was the same old Whoville alright, Tony looked to the left and that's when he saw it; Mount Crumpet, the centre of so many sweet and awfully bitter memories for him.

Tony groaned as his car's engine took its last struggling breath and died with a sound that matched how Tony felt about this nightmare. He gathered his things and got out of the car, the sharp December wind cutting into him like knives piercing through his fur. He locked the door and began to walk down the street, if he followed the blaring Christmas music he'd find someone eventually right?

He followed the pavement onto Main Street, witch was covered in people skipping and zipping around carrying massive piles of gift boxes and grocery bags. He walked until he was near the biggest Christmas tree he had ever seen and then looked around for someone who didn't look too busy. He stumbled over to a lady who was wearing a red and green tartan dress with caramel brown hair in large buns "uh excuse me miss, but I just broke down on the edge of town. Is there a mechanic around here?" The lady put down the four gifts she was holding "oh you poor thing, yes! LouWho the Mechanic's shop is just down Eggnog Avenue over there and to the left, you can't miss it!" She then reached into her green cardigans pocket and shoved a candy cane into Tony's hand "Merry Christmas!"  And with that she picked up her gifts and sauntered away.

Tony looked down at the candy cane in shock "uh.. thanks" he said basically to himself before heading to Eggnog Avenue. He makes his way down and turned left as the lady has said and came across a large red building with a red truck hauling a Christmas tree attached to a tow truck out front and a big yellow sign that read "LouWhos mechanic shop".

He walked through the open garage door on the front and up to a yellow mini with a pair of overall clad legs sticking out from beneath it "hello?" He called. The legs crawled forward wheeling the board the man was on out, revealing a Who with a bushy beard and a twinkle in his eye, it also created a shrill squeek

"I'm Lou.." the Who looked up at the well built tiger "haven't seen you around here before" the man stood up with a grunt and wiped off his oil stained hands on an old cloth before putting his hand out to shake Tony's

He shook his hand and quickly placed it back in his pocket, it was too cold "I'm Tony, my car broke down on the edge of town and I was hoping to get it fixed quick.. I got somewhere to be"

Lou nodded "right.." he walked over to his pick up truck and patted the door "hop in, direct me to it" he got on the truck and attempted to turn it on, the engine stalled for a second then roared into action "damn this cold"

Tony hoped in and buckled himself "it's just past Main Street" Lou nodded and pulled into the street, driving slowly to avoid hitting people "you been here before?"

Tony looked off into the distance "yeah.. but my time here wasn't.. great"

Lou nodded "well hay, it's Christmas this weekend. Maybe you'll have a better time here.. where ya headin? We don't get many visitors this time of year"

"There's this hotel in Whattropolis I'm spending Christmas in"

"That's like 70 miles away.." Lou muttered

"Yeah- hay it's just here"

They pull over and Lou gets a look under the hood of Tony's car, he tries and fails to start the engine "yeah that things gone I'm afraid.. I'm gonna have to fly I new one in. But given the weather and the time of year it could take a few days"

Tony rubs his neck nervously "a few days?.. where am I gonna stay? What am I gonna do"

Lou looked over at him "we'll put you up in Johnny Sue Whovalou's BnB, it's on the west side of town"

Tony sighed, he couldn't believe his back luck "ok.. thank you"

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