Ch. 77 - Chocolate Chip Muffins and Tea Bags

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"I fink so," Harry said, his mouth full of toast.

Remus eyed him. "Harry, did you eat the last chocolate chip muffin?"

Harry swallowed a large mouthful of toast. "No, that was Mum."

Selene froze, just as Remus' jaw fell open. She threw a glare in Harry's direction.

"Oh, she's so dead to me," Remus said in a hushed voice.

"Remus!" Selene gasped reproachfully. "I didn't realize it was the last one, I swear!"

"Did you hear something, Harry?" Remus said, avoiding Selene's gaze. "The wind blowing, perhaps?"

Harry snorted.

"We're inside, you prat!" Selene exclaimed. "There's no wind!"

Remus grinned at her.

Harry sat down at the kitchen table, looking pensive, all thoughts of eaten chocolate chip muffins aside. "I've got a question for the two of you."

"We might have an answer," Remus said, amused, tearing his eyes away from Selene.

Harry's expression was solemn, however. "Can I – can I just come back here when the term is over? Do I have to go back to the Dursleys for the summer?"

Selene looked at Remus worriedly, and she hesitated. "I – I don't know, Harry... I'll have to ask Professor Dumbledore."

"But – but surely he'll say yes, right?" Harry said, desperation edging into his tone. "I mean, what could possibly be wrong with coming to live with you guys? There's – there's a place for me and everything!"

Selene pressed her lips together, and she looked to Remus for help, her eyes wide. She honestly had no idea what Dumbledore would say, but in her prior experience, she almost never got what she wanted – most of all for Harry to come live with her permanently.

"Even if he wants you to go back to the Dursleys, Harry, it won't be for very long," Remus said quickly, catching sight of the look on Selene's face. "You'll be of age this summer, and soon you'll be able to live wherever you want. At – at the very worst, it'll be your last summer with the Dursleys." He hesitated. "And no matter what, you'll always have your room here, if you wanted it."

Harry looked so incredibly disappointed that Selene's eyes filled with tears. "But – but this is home. I don't want to live with the Dursleys. Couldn't you say something, to try to convince him?"

"Oh, Harry, we'll try our hardest," Selene said desperately. "But I've asked in the past, and he's always said no... I don't want to make any promises..."

Harry looked very put out, but he nodded. "Okay... thanks, Mum, Remus." He sighed. "I really hope I can stay."

Remus frowned deeply. "We hope so too, Harry. It's – it's not home here without you."

Selene's heart clenched. She knew Remus was right. The two of them had lived there in the cottage for so long and called it home, but it'd really always been their reclusive retreat away from the world. Now, with Harry there with them, they'd realized that they had always been missing something. Their family was complete, and with the three of them together, the cottage had become a happier, brighter place.

Selene didn't know what would become of it if Harry did not come back.

After Remus bid Selene and Harry good-bye, promising to see them soon, the two Flooed from the cottage into McGonagall's office.

Selene || Remus LupinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang