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[As the door slowly closes behind her, Mia climbs down the ladder and walks down the corridor

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[As the door slowly closes behind her, Mia climbs down the ladder and walks down the corridor.]

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to The Chamber of Secrets," Mia announced, her voice echoing through the room as she dramatically introduced the harrowing location on the screen, filling the living room with an eerie sense of anticipation.

The group sat transfixed, their eyes locked onto the unfolding scene, as Mia's words seemed to hang in the air. The atmosphere crackled with tension, each one caught in the grip of a collective held breath. The stunned silence was punctuated by a collective "Woah" from them. The word hung in the air, a testament to the overwhelming impact of the unfolding events and the formidable aura created by Mia's dramatic introduction. Each "Woah" was a shared expression of disbelief, awe, and perhaps a hint of unease, as the weight of this revelation settled upon them all.

[Looking ahead, she sees Ginny lying motionless at the end of the Chamber. She is clutching Tom Riddle's diary.]

Molly's protective embrace around Ginny sent a wave of comfort and reassurance through the room, as the rest of the Weasley family instinctively drew closer to show their solidarity. Mia observed the tender display, understanding the unspoken bond that united them. Her decision to shield Ginny from the full gravity of the Chamber's secrets was a testament to her empathy.

As the atmosphere softened with the warmth of familial support, Mia's thoughtful consideration of Ginny's well-being lay unspoken but deeply felt. It was an unspoken act of kindness, deftly navigating the delicate tendrils of guilt that lingered in the aftermath of the revelations.

Mia: Ginny. [runs to her, drops her wand and gets on her knees] Ginny. No, Ginny. Please don't be dead. Wake up. Wake up! Please wake up.

Some cringed with tears in their eyes, envisioning the peril Ginny faced. Each member of the Weasley family was visibly upset. With Ginny in distress, it was up to Ron and Mia to assist her. However, with Ron blocked behind the stone wall, the task of rescuing Ginny rested solely on Mia.

[Suddenly, Tom Riddle walks out of a nearby doorway.]

"Definitely gives me the creeps," Draco remarked, a shiver of unease evident in his voice as he glanced at the young man.

"Yeah, what's he even doing there?" Blaise questioned, a puzzled frown creasing his brow as he awaited an answer that never came.

"How on earth did he get there?" Seamus mused aloud, his tone conveying a sense of bewilderment that echoed through the room.

The Ministry workers, their brows furrowed in perplexity, contemplated the enigma before them. They exchanged looks of confusion, struggling to piece together the puzzle.

"Perhaps the movies will provide some answers," one of the workers remarked with a hopeful tone, as they all turned their attention back to the screen, eager for more insight into the mystery at hand.

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