Chapter 9:Caged

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*Sighs* Arcus exclaimed out loud, "Mercury's straighter than a teacher, I almost have a task every day, when will he give me a break!?" Yuki said, "Well, I'm here to help." "Count me in, too!" exclaimed Risi. "You guys are right, well let's get this over with!"

As the group advances, they explore Puestinal's hazy woodland on their way to Eccendentesia. They were despatched by Mercury to visit the land of the prince who went missing, Stomeiire. Prior to proceeding, they must go through the kingdom of 'Cupid' (one of the sextet), which is Eccendentesia, the one they wish to see at present.

Arcus attempted to move vines and trees using his Miesto's abilities, but he was unable because he is still learning.

Arcus cried out, "ugh-let's stop here." He was fatigued. Risi assisted Arcus in setting up a report for Mercury, while Yuki made camp and started a bonfire.

"Okay, I'll go hunt; just wait for me," Arcus said. As he sent the message back, Arcus and Risi exclaimed, "We're done! Wooho! It's 4:00 pm right now at the Puestinal forest, the one near the coast."

"Back!" Yuki said as he began preparing the fish and goose he had caught. "It's been more than a week and a lot has happened already," Yuki said, "it's true what they say, time flies." Risi was eating her dinner while Yuki gave it to her.

Arcus and Yuki stared at the flames.

"Yuki you know I feel like we've met before" . "You do?" Arcus inquired, nodding. "Mh-hm" You've asked that again, Arcus said. Arcus asked, "Is it just pure coincidence?" Yuki responded, "Maybe, but maybe not." Just the two of them now while Risi slept.

Head resting on Yuki's shoulder, Arcus did so. "Yuki, do you think we're friends and have met in other universe?"

"We certainly are," Yuki grinned. "Anyway, let's go sleep, we need energy for tomorrow." Arcus quickly put out the bonfire and lay down next to Yuki, where Risi was sound asleep.

"Goodnight Yuki" , "Goodnight, Sucram" .

Arcus turned to go to sleep, but wait-what was that he just called me? Arcus wondered to himself. Peeking, he noticed Yuki sound asleep. He said Sucram, but why?

We recently had a conversation; is it possible that he was thinking of someone else? Did he really forget about me? "I'll just sleep for tomorrow's journey," he told himself in his head.

following an extended, calm sleep. They got each other up and carried on with their journey. They harvested some herbs and spices and went hunting for their next meal. encountered various foes and challenges.

They finally arrived at the harbor after a lengthy journey. They exchanged glances and gave each other a nod.

As the group strolled along the waterfront, they noticed many individuals. Yuki cautioned him, "A typical one- Arcus protect your belongings," casting a spell around Arcus' belongings to prevent theft.

After purchasing a few necessities, they boarded a ship.

The conductor urged the passengers to board the ship by yelling, "Come abourd-come abourd!" the one that the party entered.

Yuki said, "Just two people and one animal" as they were given their tickets. They made their way to their room via the ship's corridor. As they began to unpack, they arranged their belongings by the bed's edge. He sat down and told them, "If the weather is normal, we should arrive at Eccendentesia within three days." Arcus was in the bed as well. "What do we do now? I'm pretty bored" , "Yuki we're here for an expedition not to play in the casino" . Yuki sprang up and said, "Wait, there's a casino!" Arcus and Risi rushed after her as she ran, demanding to see the casino's chamber.

Arcus trousers. The gang strolled through the opulent casino filled with aristocracy. "Why are you so fast?" "I'm athletic, do you not see my physique?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to bet; we don't even have money to bet in," they say as they observe the bottom level. "Yuki, you still can't just run around!" Arcus chastised her.

The group of aristocrats gave a collective gasp as they carried on with their talk. They looked around at the disturbance.

They broaden their eyes, "A dead man?" Arcus questioned, "Who could do such a thing?"


Thank you for reading till this time, I really apriciate it❤️🥹 I promise to leave more notes from now on🤗


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