Chapter 6 Overprotective, Comforting

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Valley thought about his Day what should he do along with Weslen as he walked to dinner seeing Weslen is cooking some meat fish and they're in table
"Hmm?'s delicious"Valley said amazed at his cook which made Weslen smiled
"Of course! I learn it from my Mother!"Weslen said proudly as Valley looks at him
"Well I think your mom is amazing at cooking"Valley said as Weslen nervously scratch his head
"Yeah.. about that my Mother left me after my dad force her to leave me or else he hurt me worse..."Weslen said sadly as Valley widen eyes...
"O-oh sorry I didn't know.."Valley said awkwardly and felt bad for Weslen....
"Oh no! It's fine you just didn't know also thank you for being there for me"Weslen said as Valley tinted blush little
"Oh... no problem.."Valley looks away in embarrassment...
Valley felt he is safe around with Weslen he doesn't why though even though Weslen is flirting with him again he kinda hates Weslen for teasing him and tries to flirt him.
"Do you want to buy something?"Valley said curiously
"Well yes I'm gonna buy something be right back"Weslen said hurriedly as he left Valley alone as all his fans found him as Valley face paled as he back away but is surrounded by them
"Wai-wait I th-think you got mistake- Eek!"Valley squeak like mouse as he saw fans went on wild
"Prince Valley!!! Eeekk you were real"Fans screaming surrounding him and picturing causes to Valley panic instead he saw his fans it's his old family and old friends and his bullies his eyes widen in horror.......
"No no no no...Valley said quietly as he step back as his phobia makes him worse as his tears fall he felt he was useless to them as Fans and anyone in crowd notice Prince Valley cried they try to comfort him but no avail as he back away in trauma..
"Stay back! Stay back!"Valley said as he back away in fear...until
Weslen didn't know what happened but until he heard Valley's scream so he ran to Valley and saw Valley was about to passed out his trauma Weslen doesn't know about this but tries to help Valley as carry him as he glared at Valley's fan which made them shivered...
At Weslen home
Weslen hugs Valley protectively as he stares those neighbors with his death glare which made them stay back at his house...
Valley woke up fearing he was in Yagi House now but Weslen was there with him..
Weslen looks at Valley with visibly concern about him
"Valley!? You okay? You just pass out when your fans were around you why were you scared of strangers instead of your friends and me?..."Weslen said
"I... I have... I just had worst nightmare.."Valley said as he was crying
"I don't want to go back there... I don't want to go back..."Valley said as Weslen was confused
"What do you mean?.."Weslen said as Valley looks at him
"I never told you about my Step family before I was found by my real family of Valley kingdom"Valley said as Weslen looks at him curious
"Can you tell me what happened? It's okay if you don't want too.."Weslen said as he gives Valley comfort hug
"I'll tell you everything about my past...."Valley said as Weslen nodded
"It all started..."As Valley was about to say....
Weslen listen about Valley/Izuku's Story.. this made Weslen boiling red in anger as his veins popped out on his head
Weslen was very furious very much and is disgusted by them and his step family ...
"Why would those Bastards hurt you.."Weslen said in anger
"They're not worth it Weslen and also don't worry about me.."Valley said as Weslen looked at him in sympathy as Weslen was crying clenching his fist which caught off Valley's guard little
"But you were been through how can you be fine"Weslen said while Valley just smile
"Because I found my real Family no... they found me.. I was very happy with them but I still have Phobia fear but I felt I was getting improvement getting over my fear.."Valley said which made Weslen shock little
"Okay..but if I saw them can I beat their ass alive?"Weslen ask as Valley looks at him in dotted expression in confusion
"No..."Valley said which Weslen was groaned
"Okay fine..
"Also can you stay with me Weslen I... uhh... have few nightmares"This made Weslen blushed in embarrassment
"You sure?"Weslen said as Valley nodded
"Yes of course"Valley said as Weslen move into his bed
"Okay uhhh sure..."Weslen said as Valley already sleep same as Weslen because he had already drifted his sleep due to he was tired of carrying Valley to get back here in home, Weslen and Valley hugs each other in sleep before they snuggle eachother.....

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