Chapter One: Your Choice, Your Move

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Days went by after the recent episode of BFB, that being episode 15. It was the day before the next episode, and, unlike usual, Four recovered everyone who had died, and the lava was all removed. Most contestants were walking around and talking to each other,

Most, except for Lollipop.

She was off the hosting grounds, sitting on a bench in a park in a nearby city, watching ducks in the pond. Her mind was in another world, daydreaming about Four years ago.


Lollipop sat on a bench in a park, watching ducks.

She would often sit there, to get away from the world.

She sat in an orderly manner, wearing a purple bowtie by her neck, as her parents often forced her to "dress" neatly.

As she sat there, another taller object who was running late for band practice was rushing by, but noticed Lollipop sitting on a bench by herself.

They stop in their tracks, and approached Lollipop, who was still staring at the pond.

"Hello there, I'm Microphone!" They said loudly when they were next to Lollipop, accidentally shouting in the process.

Lollipop flinched at the sudden shout, but didn't dare to look over at Mic.

"Oops, sorry about that..." Mic chuckled nervously as she turned her volume down.

"I'm Microphone, or Mic...What's your name?" Mic asked in a cheerful tone, completely forgetting band practice.

Lollipop continued to stare at the pond, not even glancing at Mic.

"Not much of a talker, huh?"
Mic sat down next to Lollipop, also looking at the pond to figure out why's Lolly is so intrigued with the ducks.

"They're just normal ducks, why're you keep staring at them?!" Mic asked, accidentally sounding rude.

"I...Uh, meant that genuinely, sorry about my rudeness..."
Mic looked over to Lollipop, who still wasn't saying anything, nor looking at her.

Mic seemed puzzled by Lolly's ignorance, before quickly remembering her band practice.

"Shoot!" She exclaimed, getting up from her seat.

"I gotta go, see ya!"

Mic ran off, stumbling a bit as she ran to the location.

Lollipop seemed unfazed, and continued staring at the pond.

The next day, she was still sitting by the pond, but with a different purple bowtie.

Mic was walking by the pond to see if Lolly was there, feeling bad about suddenly disappearing.

She noticed her still at the bench, and ran up to her.

"Hey! Sorry about leaving yesterday!" Mic called out, catching her breath once she reached Lollipop.

"I said I was Mic, remember? I didn't catch your name yesterday."

Again, Lollipop seemed unfazed.

"Hey, you could at least say something!" Mic shouted out in annoyance, pretty upset about getting ignored.

Showdown Secrets [BFB X II AU]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora