Episode 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Code Geass.
Episode 1: The Birth of a Demon

Kaguya clapped her hands to attract attention, "Before we begin, I think we should prepare to make notes about the future."

"That's what I was thinking too," Milly said, showing a notepad and a pen. "It wouldn't do to forget any important details."

"Where did you find those, Madam President?" Shirley asked.

"Oh, I just thought that I wanted something to write on and they appeared," Milly replied. "Miss C.C. said this world works on a thought-based system, right?"

The green-haired girl in question blinked in surprise, "I did say that, but usually people don't adapt as quickly as you did."

"Well, I'm not Lelouch's superior for nothing." She winked back.

"Can we take things from here back to our world," Euphemia asked while glancing at her sister who had her legs and sight back hopefully.

C.C. denied. "No, this world may not be a dream but it can't affect reality. Not to mention that only our consciousness has entered; our physical bodies are still in reality."

"Well, that's a disappointment," Kaguya sighed. "We should still make note of important events and people and just memorize them before leaving."

"On it!" Milly volunteered. She picked up the pen and paper, handing out the remote. "Here, Shirley."

Shirley started the first episode.

The screen was black initially with just the title of the show written:
Code Geass
Lelouch of the rebellion

Instantly, there were reactions in the room at the title. Euphy and Nunnally were filled with apprehension.

Kallen and Shirley were confused of what Lelouch could be rebelling against.

'So, you're really taking this path, Lelouch,' Milly thought sadly. She had always known Lelouch's feelings about Britannia. But she had hoped he would never act on those feelings. But here was the proof that in the near future, her worst fears were going to come true.

Kaguya was delighted. She had a good idea now where this future was going. Still, there was a question on her mind. "Does anyone know what 'Code Geass' means?"

She got 'no' for an answer from the rest, except C.C. who didn't reply. She gave the enigmatic woman a suspicious look but didn't pry.

Milly noted down the show's name— Code Geass.

It was started with the opening of an eye to the blue sky. It was revealed that it was C.C. who the eye belonged to.

Two young boys were seen playing in the forest. One of them, the brown haired one, climbed an incline effortlessly. He turned and offered a hand to his black-haired playmate. It again showed C.C.'s yellow eyes and revealed her to be watching the two boys from behind a tree.

"Those are Lelouch and my cousin Suzaku Kururugi when they were living here in Japan," Kaguya informed as the scene started. "They became the best of friends after a rough start."

'So, that's Suzaku!' Nunnally watched carefully. Lelouch looked the same as in her memories but this was the first real glimpse of Suzaku that she'd caught. "I wonder what happened to Suzaku."

"Last I heard, he joined the military and became an Honorary Britannian," Kaguya said with slight distaste.

"Why would he do that? Wasn't he the Prime Minister's son?" Kallen asked, trying to keep her real emotions from surfacing. Suzaku was an infamous figure to the rebels.

"Who knows? Our family cut connection with him after he made his choice," Kaguya shrugged.

"I'm glad that Suzaku is ok," Nunnally sighed in relief.

"I can arrange a meeting for you," Euphemia offered. "I'd love to meet him personally and thank him for taking care of my siblings."

"I'd like that."

The two boys watched flying vehicles over Mt. Fuji as C.C. began her narration.
August 10th in the year 2010 of the Imperial Calendar. The Holy Britannian Empire declared war on Japan. The island nation in the Far East which argued for its neutrality and Britannia, the world's greatest superpower. There was a dispute between the two sides over Japan's underground resources and the diplomatic tensions between them were deep-rooted. In the deciding battle for the mainland, the Britannian forces introduced the humanoid autonomous battle armoured knight known as the Knightmare Frame into actual combat. As their power was far greater than anticipated, the mainland defence line of the Japanese forces was completely broken by the Knightmares.
Japan became a dominion of the empire. It was stripped of its freedom, its rights and even its name.
Area 11 – That number became the new name of the defeated nation of Japan.

Hearing the narration with the images shown was hard for the Britannians as well as the Japanese in the room.

For the Japanese, it was a reminder of all they had lost. For the Britannians, it was the first unbiased view of just what their nation had done to another. Especially the princesses, they wanted to apologize but couldn't find words to.

A burning building was shown. Suzaku was sitting on a rock depressed and turned only when his friend started talking.
"I swear…Suzaku, I swear…!" Lelouch said with determined eyes and angry voice. "I'm going to obliterate Britannia."

'Lelouch, you really hate us…' Euphemia felt tears building in her eyes. Nunnally was uncomfortable at seeing so much rage directed by her brother towards their family.

Kaguya's eyes gleamed. 'So, I wasn't wrong about you.'

Shirley now had an idea of just what her crush is going to rebel against and was growing worried.

But no one was more affected than Kallen. That expression and those words mirrored her own declaration after hearing of her brother's death. In that moment, she was struck dumb by her similarity to Lelouch.

The Day a New Demon Was Born

"A demon? Do they mean a literal demon or…?" Kaguya trailed off, looking at C.C. for answers.

"Depends on your definition of demon," the mysterious girl answered.

7 YEARS AFTER THE WAR (2017 a.t.b.)
Britannian Residence—Tokyo Settlement

"That means it is this year!" Milly noted down.

A Britannian copter was chasing a truck while informing rest of the forces: "This is alpha-3! Target moving from delta-12 to delta-14! Moving at speed of 80kph!"

"CCP to all mobile units. Declaring a Code 3 from floor 5 to floor 2. All units, take 2-8-8. I want the target intact!"

Kallen's eyes widened at the sight of the familiar truck.

It changed to a TV news running in one of the nearby buildings.
"This is video of yesterday's terrorist bombing in Osaka," the female reporter was reporting. "8 Britannians and 51 others were killed in this horrible incident.
None of the room's occupants paid her any attention. A nobleman was playing chess against a bald man surrounded by his men. By the relaxed expression on the nobleman's face and the sweating one on the bald man, it was obviously not going in his favour. Just then, the timer buzzed startling the bald man.
"You are out of time. From here on, you'll make your moves every 20 seconds." One of the men said.
The noble looked up from filing his nails and smirked. "Very well, I'm game. Hm, has your substitute arrived?"
The bald man turned to the door and got up from his seat when he saw the two boys entering. "Thank Heaven! I'm saved! Are things going well at school?"
The noble raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "What's this? Students?"
A grown up Lelouch entered the light and retuned, "Hmph. Well, look at this, a nobleman." His blue haired friend followed him in.
'Lelouch…I finally saw you again with my own eyes.' Nunnally was drinking in her brother's figure.
Euphy felt quite emotional too. 'You look just like I thought you would.' For years, she had hoped her siblings were still alive and to see both of them all grown up made her want to cry in relief.

"Lelouch and Rivalz," Milly introduced. "They must be gambling again."

"Gambling?" Kaguya asked. "Is that a regular occurrence?"

"Yes! They just don't know when to stop." Shirley said in clear disapproval.

The irritated nobleman taps the table. "I envy the young. They have so much time on their hands. So much time for regrets. Your name?"
His friend took a look at the board where the black side was at an obvious disadvantage and made a sound of regret. "Whoa! Whoa! You can't win this no matter what you do, right?"
"Rivalz, when do you think we should leave in order to make our next class?" Lelouch asked, unfazed.
"Ah…20 minutes if we bust hump"
"Then be sure that you drive safely on the way back." Lelouch took his seat. "I will need nine minutes."
He addressed the man who he replaced, "By the way, about yesterday?"
"Understood. We'll discuss it later."
"9 minutes? You have 20 seconds per move." His opponent reminded.
"More than enough." Lelouch picked up the king.

"Very cocky, isn't he?" C.C. asked.

"Not at all," Euphemia piped in. "Lelouch is a genius at chess. Even when he was young, only brother Schneizel could defeat him in the game."

"He was great in shogi too," Kaguya added. "Lord Kirihara always complimented him for his strategic thinking."

"Hm? You're starting with the king?" The noble laughed at him.

Lelouch smiled.

Milly and Shirley flushed at seeing that confident smile on his face. Normally, he always remained behind an indifferent mask. Even Milly hadn't seen the confident side of Lelouch for a long time.

The scene moved to Ashford Academy grounds. Milly, Shirley and a black-haired girl were together.

"Oh look, here we are!" Milly was happy at getting screen time this early. "That is our friend Nina Einstein, by the way. She is also on the student council."

"Where's Lelouch?" Milly asked.
"Rivalz took him," Shirley complained.
"What! Maybe it's poker this time?"
"They seem to forget that they're on the student council! They're off gambling for money!" Shirley complained. "Lulu may be smart, yet he wastes his brains on stupid things! If only he'd apply himself in school, he'd get high grades!"
"Oh, I wish my darling Lulu would be a serious young man!" Milly teased. "How adorable is that?"
"Please Madam President…"

Shirley flushed at all the stares and knowing smiles sent her way.

"So, Miss Shirley is Lelouch's girlfriend?" Euphemia questioned.

"N-no, not at all! Lulu and I are not in that kind of relationship."

"But she wants to be in such a relationship, don't you Shirley?" Milly added much to Shirley's embarrassment.

It returned to the stolen truck, showing its two occupants. The driver was a man and the other one was a woman but their features were hidden by caps.

'Crap!' Kallen noticed herself. Her face was hidden but she was not sure how long her cover would remain intact. 'Well, I can say goodbye to school finally.'

"Perfect! After we finally steal this damn thing…! It's all because Tamaki couldn't stick to Naoto's plan. And now we've got a problem!" The driver complained.

'I knew it!' Kallen felt vindicated. 'Naoto's plan didn't fail. It's Tamaki's fault that we're being chased.'

The nobleman from before was looking at the chessboard incredulously as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"I love playing against the nobility! When they lose, they always pay out of pride. By the way, 8 minutes 32 seconds is a new record!" Rivalz was commenting to Lelouch as they made their way out of the building.

"Wow, he has gotten better," Kaguya applauded.

"Lulu is amazing when he applies himself," Shirley said with pride.

"If only he was this great at understanding women," Milly sighed in regret.

"He also didn't have much time to move either. And as opponents go, the nobles are tepid. They're just over privileged parasites, that's all."
"Well then, why don't you challenge one of the Elevens? They're nothing like us Britannians…" Rivalz trailed off as they exited the building.

"I'm sorry for Rivalz's comments," Milly immediately apologized to Kaguya and Kallen. "His words are thoughtless but he is not a racist."

Shirley nodded. "Yes, Rivalz is a kind person."

"I understand," Kaguya waved them off. "It's the effect of the propaganda. You are far nicer than the Britannians I'm used to anyway."

That, Kallen agreed with. The Student Council really seemed not a bad place to join.

On the opposite building, a giant screen was still showing the news about yesterday's terrorist attack.
It was replaced by a Britannian flag with an announcement: "We apologize for the delay. Now His Royal Highness Prince Clovis, third prince of Britannia, will address the nation."
"To all my imperial subjects!" Clovis began, Lelouch narrowing his eyes at the sight of him. "Including of course the many cooperative Elevens who choose to serve the empire of Britannia!"
In the stolen truck, the woman in the front seat got angry at his words. "We're not Elevens! We're Japanese!"

'That voice…' Milly and Kaguya recognized the voice of the woman and shot Kallen discreet looks.

Clovis continued his dramatic speech condemning terrorism and called for a moment of silence in honor of the 8 dead Britannians.
"Well, aren't you gonna join in?" Rivalz asked.
"Aren't you?"
"Heh…it's sort of embarrassing."
"And I agree with you. Besides, spilling tears over those people won't bring them back to life now, will it."
"Dang! That's dark, buddy."
"It's all about self-satisfaction. Doesn't matter how hard you try; you can't do it. There's no way you can change the world."

Kallen scowled at Lelouch's words. 'And here I thought he was similar to me. But it seems we're different after all.'

The scene changed to Clovis who had just finished giving his speech. He was in a room filled with nobles dressed for a party.
"You were magnificent, Your Highness!" A woman in a dress complemented. "One would never guess that you were attending a party while doing that!"

"He is in a party," Kaguya blinked. "That's audacious."

"That is disrespectful," Euphemia frowned in disapproval.

"After all, the viceroy is the marquee actor of Area 11. I need to change costumes quickly." Clovis replied as his servants removed his cape.
"My! You're so self-confident!"
"I am just trying to please the media," Clovis said looking where the media was gathered.
"Untrue! Prince Clovis, our key purpose in life is to support your reign in any way we can!" One of them immediately asserted.

"That is not the true purpose of media at all," Milly said in resignation.

"His reign is a sham," Diethard Reid in the back muttered to himself before noticing Bartley running in a panic. "A soldier?"

"Does anyone know that person's name? The media man?" Kaguya asked.

"He is Diethard Reid, a higher up in the broadcasting station. We were introduced on a school field trip," Milly replied.

"Please note him down," Kaguya said. "I think he could be important." 'A media man dissatisfied by royal rule?'

"By the way, the soldier who entered is General Bartley," Princess Euphemia supplied. "He is my brother's chief aide."

Milly noted him down too.

Clovis berated the man for his interruption and the man apologized. Diethard looked at them with disinterest until Clovis yelled.
"You fool!"
Bartley glanced around and informed in low voice, "The police were informed that it's medical equipment, that's all. If we scramble the army there'll be a record…"
"Send out my Royal Guards! Knightmares as well!"
Britannian army was seen deploying with focus on two—Jeremiah Gottwald and Villetta Nu in Sutherlands.

"Clovis panicked," Kaguya noticed. "Whatever is in that truck must be very precious or very dangerous."

'Or both,' Kallen thought smugly, enjoying the trouble she is causing a royal.

Rivalz and Lelouch were on his bike making the return journey.
"That first move you made…" Rivalz began. "Why'd you start with the king?"
"If the king doesn't lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?" Lelouch replied.

"He is still like that, I see." Kaguya smiled. "Lord Kirihara always said that if Lelouch were to be a commander, he will lead from the front, despite not being much of a warrior."

"Of course," Milly said. "His pride wouldn't allow him to endanger others while remaining in safety."

"Do you fantasize about running a major corporation?"
"No way. Ambitions like that will ruin your health…" Lelouch was cut off by the blaring of horns. A familiar truck was right on their back about to run over them.

"Watch out!" More than a single voice screamed out at the sudden scare.
Rivalz screamed. The terrorist driving the truck cursed and turned the other lane in a panic.

"No! Not that way!" The female yelled.
They went off road and crashed in an under-construction building.
Rivalz stopped his bike and looked at the accident. "Uh…was that our fault?"
"I don't think so—"

Kallen suppressed the urge to snap, feeling her panic grow. 'That wasn't supposed to happen!'

Britannian Police in the helicopter informed his colleagues of the crash but was told that under General Bartley's command military was taking over the operation.
Bartley was thinking. 'We have to retrieve it all costs! That thing…in the wrong hands…!"
Lelouch looked at the truck and noticed green light particles over it. "What the…?"

C.C. looked in interest. 'So, that's what they stole! And to think I will reunite with Lelouch in this way. Is this fate?'

"Oh man, this sucks! Looks like the power line on the bike got cut." Rivalz said
Lelouch watched as the light particles gathered in a human like form before disappearing. "Yeah…Rivalz, come check this out."

Kaguya leaned forward in interest. "Did you all see that?"

"Yes," Milly replied as the rest nodded except C.C.

'So Lelouch can see that. I wasn't wrong about him, after all,' the witch thought.

Other people also noticed the accident but they were either talking among themselves or recording it. None moved to help.
"All these fools!" Lelouch narrowed his eyes at the display and ran off to help.

"Big brother, that's dangerous," Nunnally muttered as if expecting her voice to reach through the screen.

"He is so confusing!" Kallen said out loud. "One moment he is acting like he doesn't care about anything and then, he does something like this."

"Lulu may act cold on the outside but he is really kind on the inside," Shirley argued.

"It's a mask that he has to wear," Milly added. "But sometimes he can't help but show his real self."

"Wait!" Rivalz called after him.
The drivers were alive due to airbags. Lelouch ran to the truck but found the door blocked. "Hey! Are you alright?" He called but got no reply.
"Yeah, yeah, I know it's the right thing to do, but I wish the guy would quit flaunting his pride and just give it a rest for a while. Now we're gonna be late to school!" Rivalz complained to himself as he pushed his bike.

"Rivalz, you should learn something from Lulu," Shirley scolded.

"Well, this is the one time I'm glad he didn't," Milly said. "That is a dangerous situation Lelouch is walking into."

Airbags deflated and the female terrorist was trying to wake up the male driver. "Nagata? Nagata!" Nagata groaned as he woke up.
Lelouch climbed the ladder on the outside of the truck and peeked in. "Can you hear me? Are you okay?!"
"It's you…Finally I have found my…"

"That voice…is that you C.C.?" Kaguya asked. "Are you in the truck?"
She was ignored.

Lelouch heard a girl's voice and called back. "Where…? Are you in there?"
Just then, Nagata reversed the truck and Lelouch fell inside. "Stop! I'm in here!"

"Oh no, Lelouch!" Nunnally grabbed the nearest person—C.C.— in worry.

Rivalz looked at the truck speeding off and wondered, "Would that be considered hit and run?"
Lelouch looked at the interior of the truck and complained that there was no ladder on the inside.
He was considering climbing the dome like device to get out when he heard the voice from the outside.
It was a warning from the Britannian army to surrender immediately or they'd be shooting to kill. Followed by warning shots by the helicopter. The truck swerved to dodge. Another ultimatum was given.
"They've called out the army! Now what?!" Nagata asked.
"That's what I'm here for!” His companion removed her cap, revealing her to be Kallen.

"I knew it!" Milly jumped from her seat and pointed at Kallen. "I knew that there was more to you than you showed."

"You are a terrorist, Kallen?" Shirley was much more shocked.

"I am a freedom fighter!" Kallen protested strongly, dropping her act.

"But why? You are Britannian, right?" Euphemia asked.

"I am half-Japanese," Kallen admitted.

"Okay, I think we can discuss Ms. Kallen later," Kaguya interrupted. "After we're sure both Lelouch and Kallen make out of this alive."

Lelouch stopped trying to get out realizing that his situation was dangerous. He was considering calling for help when a door opened and Kallen entered. Lelouch hid and watched as Kallen took off her coat and instructed her companion. "Can you enter the subway via the Azabu route?"
"Kallen! Let's use it here! Why not?" Nagata asked, agitated.
"Because that would mean a blood bath!" Kallen reprimanded.

"What is this thing, anyway?" Milly asked.

"We don't know for sure," Kallen said. "But it's got to be a dangerous weapon."

"I'm glad that you stopped your friend, Kallen." Euphemia bowed to her. "On behalf of my people, you have my gratitude."

"I don't need your gratitude. We're not murderers, that's all."

Euphemia smiled, not minding Kallen's stiff response.

"You're right." Nagata realized, calming down.
Kallen took the stairs to the back without realizing Lelouch was looking at her in recognition.
It returned to Rivalz who was still searching for Lelouch at the crash site before returning to the copter chasing the truck.
"Target is moving from the settlement to the ghetto." It informed and was given the permission to engage.
But before it could fire, a slash harken fired from the back of the truck destroying it.
The back shutter of the truck opened to reveal a red Knightmare—a Glasgow.
"A Knightmare?!"
Those pursuing them were shocked.
The Glasgow jumped out, the shutter closing behind and trapping Lelouch who had now realized his situation. "Crap! These guys are real terrorists!"
"You fellas know full what this badass mother can do!" Kallen said, dodging gunfire and destroying another helicopter.

"Wow, you are a completely different person when you are not acting sick and weak." Milly was amazed at the complete change in personality.

A flight vehicle carrying a Sutherland took its place with its pilot ordering. "The rest of you, back off. I'll take this guy."
The vehicle dropped the Sutherland and it blocked Kallen's attack with its own slash harken. Its pilot addressed Kallen: "I don't know where you got that thing, but an old Glasgow will never be able to stop this Sutherland!" The pilot was revealed to be Jeremiah as he continued to mock Kallen, "Not to mention a filthy Eleven who spurns the compassion of our glorious emperor."
The Sutherland fired and managed to get a hit on the Glasgow forcing it back.
"Kallen, we have to split up," Nagata said in his radio. "We can't both get killed! Run for it!"

"Your friend is right," Kaguya said. "You can't guard that truck with a Glasgow."
"But I can't just abandon Nagata!"

"You may not have a choice," Milly said. "Whatever you stole may be far more important to Prince Clovis than you realize."

Another Sutherland appeared on the path of the truck and started firing causing it to change course.
Viletta, the pilot, sighed. "Simpleminded Eleven."
Kallen tried to attack but found her slash harken jammed. "No way?! It's stuck…!"
Jeremiah noticed it too and moved to attack. "Second-hand junk!"
Kallen managed to block by ejecting the entire arm at the last moment and escaped much to Jeremiah's surprise. "I will admit! I really like your spirit. However…!"

"You are really an impressive pilot, Kallen," Kaguya praised.

Lelouch was reassessing his situation inside the truck. "No cell phone reception. We're out of range. Judging from the darkness and road surface, we must be driving along the old subway lines. They're heading for an exit somewhere in the ghetto. Getting out would be dangerous. Still…okay, I've got it." He found Kallen's communicator from her discarded coat. "I'm not on big military but I'll take their protection. If I give them a terrorist communicator…Oh, wait. I forgot…"

'It's really impressive seeing his mind at work,' Kaguya thought. 'But I'm worried for the ghetto now.'

If our operation fails because of him… I swear…’ Kallen thought angrily.

The truck entered Shinjuku Ghetto.
Rivalz finally gave up on finding Lelouch believing him to have already left.
"Aha!" Lloyd Asplund smiled at General Bartley.

"Earl Asplund," Milly said in surprise.

"You know him, Milly?" Shirley asked.

"He is one of my prospective marriage partners," Milly said hesitantly. "He is a scientist working on new generation Knightmare development. Their sponsor is Second Prince Schneizel."

"Note him down too," Kaguya said.

"What are you doing?" Bartley asked nervously.
"Looking at a man who blundered…Am I right?"
"Why you…!"
Lloyd mocked him for losing Prince Clovis' secret project and continued, "Retrieving it is simple, but you want to sweep all of their compatriots in addition. Let the terrorists go and you can find their hideout, too."

Kallen slammed her fist on the armrest. "So, it's all a trap! We were fooled from the start."

He turned back to his assistant Cecile and applauded. "Congratulations! Your reasoning was spot on!"
"No, I just thought it was strange…" Cecile nervously replied.
"Enough!" Bartley barked. "So, what does the Special Corps want in all this?"
"I'm saying I'd like to help with the clean-up!" Lloyd replied.
"Correct. Because it's data I want."
"Excuse me, but what in the world have they just stolen, anyway?"
"Chemical weapons. In other words…poison gas."

"Poison gas?! Clovis created it?" Euphemia was aghast. Clovis was one of her closer siblings and more of an artist than a warrior. She had never expected this of him.

"So, that's what it is," Kallen snapped her fingers. "Naoto's guess was right."

"But that means that Lulu is in even more danger," Shirley couldn't help but remember that Lelouch was now very near the poison gas container.

Lelouch was sitting next to the container which supposedly held poison gas.
A Royal guard was briefing the Honorary Britannians about the mission. Terrorists were moving through the old subway system in the Shinjuku ghetto where the Elevens live. Their mission was to locate them and report. Recovery of the target will be done by the Royal Guard.
"You may be Honorary Britannians now, but you were born Elevens! Therefore, the stench of these monkeys ought to be a familiar one! If you want to earn the right to carry arms, then show some results! This is your opportunity to show your loyalty to Britannia!"
"Yes, my lord!" came the reply.

"Traitors," Kallen snorted. "They have no self-respect at all."

Britannian forces are seen moving into the ghetto to the fear of the residents.
Nagata was shown to be injured and bleeding. He noticed a fault in the road too late and crashed. Lelouch noticed this and wondered, "An accident?! Or else…"

"Oh no, Nagata!" Kallen remembered. "He is injured."

The loud noise managed to get the attention of a Britannian soldier. Nagata tried to reverse the truck but it won't move. "The tire's stuck…Please, Ohgi…Find me…!" He flipped a switch to open the truck's back door. Lelouch took cover behind the gas container just as the soldier from before came to the scene and caught a glimpse of it. He reported it.
"4-0-4 has sighted the target."
"Right! Prepare for recovery!"
The soldier finally noticed Lelouch and ran towards him.
"I can finally use this chance to climb up…" Lelouch prepared to escape when the soldier entered with a spin kick to his face. He managed to block his face and fell down.

The room was filled with tension as Lelouch was attacked.

"A Britannian…?" Lelouch's words were cut off as the soldier pressed him down and ordered, "Enough with the killing!"
"Wait! I'm not one of…"
"I can't believe you people would use poison gas! Don't play dumb with me!"
"Get off me…!" Lelouch kicked at the soldier causing him to back off and lose his mask. "I'm not here by choice. And if that's poison gas, it was made in Britannia, wasn't it?!"
Lelouch got up and walked in the light much to the soldier's shock. "My god…!"
"You don't want any more killings?! Then why don't you just obliterate Britannia!"

"Exactly!" Kallen couldn't have said it better.

Euphemia and Nunnally flinched. This was proof that even in the present and the future, Lelouch's hatred of Britannia has never changed.

"Lelouch?" The soldier removed his helmet revealing a familiar face. "It's me Suzaku."
Lelouch remembered, his memories flashing by on the screen.

"Suzaku, thank god!" Nunnally sighed in relief.

"What a surprise!" Milly exclaimed. "To think they will be reunited like this."

"Yes, this is too much of a coincidence," Kaguya agreed.

"Maybe it's fate," Euphemia said happily.

"Fate…like star crossed lovers," Milly said in a suggestive tone.

"Madam President!" Shirley raised her voice in protest while several girls blushed at the thought.

"You became a Britannian soldier?" Lelouch asked in disbelief.
"And you? Don't tell me you're…!" Suzaku was equally surprised.
"What're you saying?!" Lelouch said in denial.
Just then, the gas container opened giving out brilliant light. Suzaku dived for Lelouch and pushed him down, putting his gas mask on Lelouch's face. It turned out to be totally unnecessary.

Several cries of horror filled the room as they saw that.

"It's not poison gas?"
What came out of the container was a green-haired girl in a white straitjacket. She turned to look at them before closing her eyes.

"Ms. C.C.!"


"What are you doing in there?!" Kallen's reaction was the biggest.

"How would I know?" C.C. replied in the same bland tone as always. But none of them believed her this time.

Kallen would have pounced on her if not for Milly and Shirley pulling her back. "Do you have any idea how much we have sacrificed for this plan?! My brother died! And you think I will just let it go."

C.C. blinked at her. "Even if I were to explain to you right now, you wouldn't understand. The only thing I can tell you is that there never was any poison gas to begin with."

"So, how about a compromise," Kaguya proposed. "Kallen, it's obvious that your mission was not a failure. Ms. C.C. is obviously more important than any chemical weapons if they will use it as an excuse to cover up her existence. If this episode doesn't tell us why that is, then Ms. C.C. would explain. Is that acceptable?"

"That is fine with me," C.C. replied. Kallen also calmed down but was still glaring at her.

Kallen was talking to her compatriots. "Sorry. In all the confusion, I left my radio in my coat."
She had managed to find her way to the ghetto too.
"It's okay. The Glasgow's systems are usable. So, were we right?"
"Think so. I bet it's poison gas, like intelligence said."
"And Nagata?"
"I don't know. I think he made underground."
Nagata's injured and unconscious body was shown.

Kallen's anger quickly cooled down at the sight and was replaced by worry. "Nagata needs help and I don't even know it."

Lelouch was supporting the girl who was restrained in a straitjacket and questioning Suzaku. "Tell me the truth, Suzaku. Poison gas? This girl?"

"That's what they told us in the briefing," Suzaku defended as he cut the binds on C.C.

Suddenly, flashlights lit up the surroundings and they turned around to find the Royal Guard. The man who gave them the orders to see the girl out of bounds. "Stinking monkey! Being an Honorary Britannian will not excuse you!"

"The army! They found him," Shirley sighed in relief.

"Big brother is going to be okay," Nunnally was relieved too.

"I wouldn't be happy so soon," Kaguya said in a grim tone. Milly nodded in agreement.

Suzaku stood in front of his superior and defended. "I was told this was poison gas!"
"You have no right to question orders!"
Lelouch was much more aware of the problem than Suzaku. "We are in trouble. This is definitely poison. A poisonous situation which would pose a threat to Suzaku's superiors if it's unleashed."

"They are in danger. Both of them." Kaguya stated.

"However, in reward for your great achievements, I'll be merciful." His superior offered Suzaku a gun.
"Private Kururugi, use this to execute the terrorist."

"No! How could they!" Nunnally cried out.

"He is a Britannian! The army is supposed to investigate him before they shoot!" Euphemia's protests were just as vehement.

"He is not a terrorist! He's a civilian who got caught up in this!"
"You insubordinate little…!" His superior narrowed his eyes in impatience. "This is an order. Didn't you swear your loyalty and life to Britannia?!"
"But…But I can't."
"I won't do it, sir. I won't shoot a civilian." He turned his back to his superior and smiled reassuringly at Lelouch. "Not him."

"Suzaku, thank you!" Nunnally was glad he was there.

"Suzaku, I'm glad that you haven't changed," Kaguya smiled. 'But…'

"Then die." Royal Guard pressed the gun to Suzaku's back and fired.
"Suzaku!" Lelouch cried as Suzaku fell.

Nunnally and Kaguya cried out with Lelouch as he fell.

Euphemia quickly took her seat beside her sister and wrapped her in arms.

"Bloody Britannians," Kallen cursed. "This is the reason we fight them."

Euphemia couldn't find any excuse in her heart. Nunnally, for the first time, realized just why her brother hated Britannia so much.

"This has not happened yet," Milly reminded. "We can change this. We will."

Suzaku's assailant turned to him. "You look like a Britannian student, but it's just not your day." Lelouch looked at him in shock. "Collect the girl. After you've secured her, kill the student!"
"Yes, my lord!"
Nagata in the driver seat moved his hands with the last of his strength. "Goddamn…Britannians…." He pressed a button while looking at the photograph of his family. "Long Live Japan!"
The truck exploded in flames and smoke.

"Nagata…" Kallen closed her eyes in pain. She resolved to not let this happen.

"Lulu…" Shirley whimpered in worry.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen to Lelouch," Kaguya assured. "He is the main character, after all."

"They got away?!" Bartley yelled from the command centre when he got the report. "And you call yourselves the royal guard?!"

"Forgive me, my lord! The blast was mainly directed upwards, but the—"
"Do you understand why I only told you people about this?!"
"W-We'll continue the investigation!"
Clovis from his throne interjected: "The plan has moved forward to the next phase."
"But Your Highness!" Bartley protested.
"If knowledge of her gets out, I'll be disinherited. Tell them back home we're carrying out a planned urban renewal here. As Clovis, third prince of the empire, I command you! Destroy Shinjuku Ghetto! Leave no one alive!"

"That monster!" Kallen jumped to her feet in rage. "None of those people have anything to do with it."

Kaguya's gaze became severe. "But they are not people to him. They are just numbers."

Euphemia was lost in her own horror. 'Clovis! How could you?!'

'Brother Clovis…I never expected this of you. If even you are like this then, what about our other siblings? Is Britannia truly rotten to the core,' Nunnally wondered. 'No wonder Lelouch wants to destroy Britannia.'

One after other, Sutherlands were launched from the commanding ship.
They descended into the ghetto spreading fear and death. A bloody massacre commenced where even the ground forces took apart. People were killed in their homes.

To their slight relief, no graphic details of the massacre were shown. Still, the screams and the blood caused bile to rise up their throats.

"Even the Honorary Britannians are involved?!" Kallen sneered. "How low can they fall?"

"But why? Why would they kill their own people?!" Euphemia asked.

"They are no longer our people," Kaguya replied coldly.

"Your enemies are garbage who can never become even honorary Britannians. Wipe out every last one of them." Came the command.
"Naturally," Jeremiah replied, with a smile.
"Supervisor Jeremiah, General Bartley requests that you take command off—"
Jeremiah cut him off: "Bartley has staff officers. I haven't had this much fun on the front lines in ages!"
In the command centre, Prince Clovis smiled on seeing the surroundings on the map as his forces destroyed everything and surrounded where the enemy is most likely hidden.

'Clovis…it doesn't matter if you have not done this yet, I will never forgive you!' Euphemia determined.

Lelouch threw down C.C. when they were at a relatively safe place. "What the hell are you?!" He covered his face and tried to control his emotions. "This chaos is all your fault, isn't it?" He could hear the explosions and the screams. "Not only that, but Britannia has even killed Suzaku!"

"Not her," Kallen realized. "It's our fault! If we didn't hide in the ghetto, all those people wouldn't have died."

"That's not true!" Euphemia protested. "Its Clovis' crime! He was the one who gave that order!
"Yes, don't blame yourself. You couldn't have predicted what Clovis would do," Kaguya comforted.

"Not there?" Lloyd's voice came from a vehicle beside the command ship.
"It looks like he's gone to the front line." Cecile replied.
"Even though we brought the Lancelot here?" A key dangled from Lloyd's hands.
"Now what will we do?"
"We steamrolled our way in but we don't have a Devicer to use it," Lloyd said in disappointment.

"Is that the seventh generation Knightmare frame I have been hearing about?" Kaguya was intrigued.

"A seventh generation?!" Kallen gaped at her.

"It's still in the experimental phase," Euphemia informed. "But brother Schneizel has great hopes for it."

Lelouch and C.C. were near one the exits from the underground to the surface. "Stay Quiet. Wait here." Lelouch warned C.C. to stay below while he crawled up the stairs to peek out only to see a man being gunned down and ducked down.
Royal Guard filled the place around their exit.
"Report," the leader asked.
"We found only Elevens here, sir."
"Hm…You're sure that exit comes out here?"
"Yes, sir. It matches up with our map of the old city."
Lelouch and C.C. were listening to their conversation in hiding. There was suddenly the sound of a child's crying which attracted Lelouch's attention. But it was soon silenced by gunfire causing him to flinch.

Hearing that was too much for some of them. Shirley threw up. Nunnally flinched and started crying. Euphemia's face was a mask of cold fury that could be only matched by Kaguya's. The only one unaffected was C.C.

Then, Lelouch's phone rang attracting the Royal Guard. He quickly cut the call, much to the ire of Shirley who was on the other end, but the damage was already done.

"Oh no, Lulu…" Shirley felt like throwing up all over again.

"Don't worry. Remember what Kaguya said, Lulu will be okay," Milly comforted her while trying hard not to show her own terror.

They were found out. After they secured C.C., Lelouch was pushed against a wall. "An appropriate location for a terrorist to meet his end, isn't it?"
"You scum…!" Lelouch cursed.
"Still, you did well for a student, but that's to be expected. You're a Britannian. Unfortunately, my clever young friend, you have no future."

Nunnally closed her eyes and Euphemia felt fresh tears appearing in her eyes. The only thing that kept half the room from breaking down was the knowledge deep down that this was the future and could be changed should the worst come to pass.

The gun was pointed at him and Lelouch closed his eyes ready to meet his end. C.C. lunged forward suddenly and shielded him with her body with a cry of, "He mustn't die!"
The bullet hit her in the forehead and she fell backward. Blood started pooling under her head as Lelouch looked at her in sorrow. "You shot her!"

"Miss C.C.!" Nunnally grabbed the girl's hand. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it," C.C. said.

"That's right. This is the future. You are still alive." Kallen said. "Although that was very selfless of you. Maybe I was wrong about you."

"That is not what I meant," C.C. rolled her eyes. "Do you not want to know what Clovis wanted from me? Watch, you will witness it now."

The shooter was unfazed. "Our orders were to bring her back alive if possible. Oh well, nothing can be done about it now." He smirked at Lelouch. "We will tell our superiors that the Royal Guard found the terrorist hideout and killed them all. Regrettably the female hostage had already been tortured to death. What do you think, schoolboy?"

The longer the man talked, the more he caused Euphy to hate him. 'I have to find those men and make sure they are punished. It doesn't matter for what, I will just find a reason.'

There were many dead bodies behind the soldiers. Lelouch's hands were trembling as he sat by C.C.'s corpse. 'How can this be happening? First Suzaku's killed…And this girl…Now, I'm about to die. Before I've had a chance to do a single thing with my life. It's gone in a heartbeat…Nunnally…!'
The image of his sister came to his mind. A young girl in a wheelchair with her eyes closed.

"Big Brother…" Nunnally sobbed, her own mind going over the thought of living without her brother. "Don't die!"

Suddenly, C.C. moved and her hands grasped Lelouch's.
Lelouch experienced an out of body experience as her voice rang in his mind. "You don't want to end it here, do you?"

"C.C., what is this?!" Even Kaguya couldn't keep her calm. "Are you still alive?"

"I am," the witch admitted.

"But how?" Kallen asked. "That was a fatal wound. No one can live from that."

"That is one of the reasons I'm special," C.C. smirked.

"And what are you doing with Lelouch?" Milly asked.

"Offering him a way to survive."

"What is…?" Lelouch was completely confused as he saw several images that made no sense to him. Only the girl's voice was meaningful. "You appear to have a reason for living."
"The girl? That's impossible!" Lelouch recognized the voice belonging to the dead girl.
"If I grant you power, could you go on? I propose a deal. In exchange for this power, you must agree to make my one wish come true. Accept this contract and while living in the world of humans, you will live unlike any other. A different providence, a different time, a different life. The power of the king will condemn you to a life of solitude. Are you prepared for this?"
Two planets were shown being connected by a beam of light as she made her offer. More strange images followed.

"To be honest, if not our current circumstances, I would be more shocked," Milly commented. "But still, that was confusing."

She got several nods in agreement.

In a distant place, the back of the Emperor of Britannia was shown and he seemed aware of the moment as he spoke, "A convergence with the Ragnarok connection? So, the myth is beginning once again?"

"That was father," Euphemia gasped. "But what was he saying?"

"So, the Emperor was aware of the hidden side of the world all along," Kaguya took in a deep breath. "That changes everything."

Finally, it returned to Lelouch, his eyes burning with resolve as he replied: "Yes! I hereby accept the terms of your contract!"
His consciousness returned to reality as the contract was established. C.C. was still lying dead in front of him and he was still surrounded by armed soldiers. But only he was aware that something had changed in their circumstances.
His despair was replaced with confidence as he stood up with one hand covering his left eye, "Say…how should a Britannian who detests his own country live his life?"

"Something has changed in Lulu," Shirley noticed it first.

"He is showing his true self. He is confident that he can win." Milly deduced according to her understanding of Lelouch's character.

"Ms. C.C. did offer him power," Kaguya offered. "I wonder what kind of power it is though— the power of King."

"A power that condemns one to a life of solitude…it sounds like a curse," Euphemia said in concern.

"It doesn't matter!" Nunnally said. "As long as it allows big brother to live."

"Are you some kind of radical?" The gun was pointed at him but no one fired. They seemed to be taken aback in his sudden change in demeanour.
"What's wrong? Why not shoot? Your opponent is just a student. Or have you finally realized? The only ones who should kill are those prepared to be killed."
Lelouch uncovered his eye. A red bird like sigil glowed in his violet eye. At the sight of the eye, all soldiers were frozen.
"What's happening here…?!" Their leader seemed to realize something was wrong but could do no more than tremble.
"I, Lelouch vi Britannia, command you…now all of you…die!"
The crimson bird in his eyes flapped and flew to the soldier's eyes. Entering through the eyes, traveling through a network, it reached a circuit and changed it.
The leader of the Royal Guard gave an unhinged laugh, his eyes ringed by a red light, and put his gun to his neck. "Yes, Your Highness!"
The rest followed his lead with the same happy smile on their faces.
"Fire!" At the command, all guns fired. Blood went flying, some of it splashing Lelouch. He blinked and seemed to come out of a trance and realized what he had done.

Those in the room shuddered in horror. That look of madness in the eyes of the soldiers as they took their lives was etched in their minds.

"So, that's the power," Kaguya managed to speak. "Mind Control."

"That's horrible," Kallen spoke with a shudder. "That's a terrible power. He can make anyone be his slave."

"Lulu would never do that!" Shirley immediately defended.

"You can't guarantee that!"

"I can," Milly said. "Because that is something the emperor would have done. And Lelouch hates his father too much to become like him."

"Regardless, that he has such a power alone would make people fear and mistrust him," Kaguya said. "I seem to realize why you said the power will isolate him."

Euphemia and Nunnally didn't say anything. They were just glad that their brother was still alive.

His face was filled with horror as he saw all the dead bodies in front of him. His thoughts flew: 'That was the turning point. Since that day, I've lived a lie. The lie of living. My name too was a lie. My personal history, a lie. Nothing but lies. I was sick to death of a world that couldn't be changed. But even in my lies, I refused to give up in despair. But now this incredible power…it's mine.'

"Lelouch, I never realized how much it was bothering you," Milly closed her eyes in regret. "I'm sorry. I should have been there for you."

'Big Brother…so that's how you truly felt.' Nunnally thought in sorrow. 'You must be holding yourself back for my sake. And I was content to enjoy our new lives without caring about your feelings.'

Shirley's expression filled with despair. "Milly, is it true that everything was a lie to Lulu? Even our friendship? Is that why he never shared his true identity with us?"

"That's not true, Shirley," Nunnally replied. "Big Brother will never let me get along with people he didn't trust."

"But, then why?"

"Because he didn't dare to. If it was just his life, he would have trusted you with it in a heartbeat but he dared not take any risks with Nunnally. That's why he maintained a mask of cold and uncaring. That's why he never applied himself in studies despite being a genius. He didn't want to make any friends but we managed to wear him down. For the same reason, he can't fall in love either. I don't think he plans to graduate either because that would separate him from Nunnally. Nunnally is his reason to live!"

Milly's outburst was all of a sudden but at the same time it felt like she had been wanting to share these words with someone for a long time.

"Big brother…all this time, you have been suffering because of me and I didn't even realize." Nunnally felt like the worst sister in the world.

"Don't blame yourself, Nunna," Milly quickly soothed the younger girl. "As long as he can see your smile, your brother will be happy. It saved him everyday while living in despair. So, you must never blame yourself."

"Yes, it is the elder sibling's duty to protect the younger sibling," Euphemia looked at her younger sister. "If it is anyone's fault, it is ours. We should have been there for you."

"But I don't get it," Kallen spoke. "Why was Lelouch hiding? Wouldn't it be better to return to the royal family?"

"It's because of the emperor's philosophy of survival of the fittest," Kaguya replied. "What do you think would have happened to a girl like Nunnally in a society like that?"

"For Nunna's sake…I should have known. It is something Lulu would do," Shirley said, managing a weak smile.

His expression changed at the realization. Like he had finally found his life again. A determined light in eyes and a confident smile on his face, he said: "Well, then…"

"What does that look mean?" Kallen said. "One second he was horrified and the next, it was…"

"Lelouch has seen worse," Milly replied. "He walked through a warzone carrying Nunnally when Britannia invaded Japan. It's not a surprise he was able to recover so soon."

"But that smile of his looked positively devilish," Kaguya said with a twinkle in her eyes. "Like a demon about to throw a wrench in the plans of the higher powers for the world."

"Are you referring to the episode title?" Milly asked.

"Yes, I am," Kaguya nodded. "But not in a negative light. Sometimes to defeat an evil you must resort to evil."

"But that's not the correct path," Euphemia protested.

"I don't think the weak have the luxury to choose their methods," Kaguya replied, turning to C.C. she continued: "Speaking of methods, what was that power you gave to Lelouch? Has that something to do with 'Code Geass'?"

"To be precise, it was Geass," C.C. was forthcoming this time. "And my power is called 'Code'."

Milly started noting it down. "And what can you tell us about Code and Geass?"

"Code grants one immortality and the ability to form contracts with others. Those who accept the contract get a supernatural ability called Geass," C.C. answered.

"You mean there are others capable of bending will out there?" Kallen asked. "Is the emperor one of them?"

"Yes and no. Geass is a psychic ability but it manifests differently from person to person according to their desires."

"You mean Lelouch desires to control other people," Euphemia asked, not happy with the idea.

"Not that literally. Maybe he wanted to have more control over his own life or his desire to change the world gave him a power that allows him to change people's will."

"You didn't answer the question about the emperor," Kaguya noted. "Does he have a Geass or a Code?"

"Britannian emperor does have a Geass," C.C. admitted. "But I don't know what it is."

"One last question: can a person have both a Geass and a Code?"


The tone of finality brought sighs of relief from nearly every person in the room. Even his daughters didn't want Charles Britannia to be immortal.

"That still leaves the problem of the Geass," Kaguya said. "Luckily, we will have one on our side too. Unless you're willing to form a contract with me, Lelouch is our best bet to counter the emperor."

"I choose my contractors very carefully," was the clear dismissal.

"You sound like you are sure Lulu is going to choose your side," Shirley pointed out.

"Lelouch of the Rebellion?"

Silence descended in the room.

"Does anyone else have any question related to this episode?" Kaguya asked.
Euphemia raised her hand. "Ms. C.C., what did Clovis want with you? Did he want a Geass too?"

"Oh no, he was much more interested in my immortality. He was trying to find what made me…different."

Euphemia was horrified. "Are you saying he was experimenting on you? No, you are still his captive, aren't you?"

"We will have to do something about that when we return," Kaguya said grimly. "Kallen, you will share all the information your cell has on this mission. This is clearly beyond your small group."

"On that note, Kallen," Milly spoke. "Can you give us an exact timeline for this episode? When are you planning to do this raid?"

"Well, it was my brother Naoto's plan. He was the previous leader of the group and he was the one who found out about Code-R—that's what they call it—but a few months ago he got caught and executed by the Britannians," Kallen said in a sullen tone. "We postponed our plans. But our preparations are complete, so it could be anytime. My best guess is within a month."

Shirley squeezed her hand. "Is your brother the reason you're fighting Kallen?"

"Yes," Kallen replied. "I want revenge for my brother."

"Does that mean you hate us too? Because we're Britannians?" Shirley asked with a face that pleaded her to say 'no'.

"No…not really," Kallen replied. "I wanted to, in the beginning. But after seeing this, I realize that if even a Britannian prince can raise his voice against his country while the Japanese massacre their same race at the command of Britannians, I have no right to discriminate against all Britannians."

Milly and Shirley smiled happily at their new friend's confession.

"Well said, Kallen," Kaguya clapped her hands. "We should judge people by their actions rather than their race."

She waited for anyone else to raise any questions, but no one did.

"Okay, Shirley start the next episode," she said to the girl.

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