Diary Entry from Ten Years in the Future

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Dear Diary,

Life moves on even if we choose to stay stuck in our own ways, I have learned this as I watch some of my most important family members lose themselves to their own grief. I understand why though, when you spend all those years with someone you feel like just another year is a step to forever but when you lose that person you realize that everyone has a time that they are destined to go. Both uncle bob and uncle bobby lost their wives ten years ago and soon after lost themselves to there own grief.

I can't really say anything either because after mom passed away things got dark for a while for me. She ended up passing away a few years ago and it wasn't a pretty sight, everyone knew that I was going to break down, but no one knew how bad it was going to be. But now I am getting better, going to counseling and getting help for things that have stuck with me for many, many years.

Enough of the bad things that have happened over the years though, Timmy has been the light of my life, he is the reason that I got the help that I needed because I was sick of seeing him struggling basically without a mother for so long, he needs me, and I promised that I would never let anything like this happen again. He is such a strong and resilient eleven-year-old boy. He is so intelligent as well and I am so proud of the little man that he is becoming in life today.

In other news, Jake and Chey have been married now for almost eight years and recently brought home their second child, a little boy. Their oldest was a beautiful little girl two years younger than Timmy, and he became very protective of her when he first saw her, we all found it funny and kind of cute but now as he is in the middle school and she is in the elementary school they haven't been able to see each other as much as they want to be and Timmy got upset when we sat down and told him that when she goes to the middle school that he would be in the high school. He keeps telling us that he just wants to be with his best friend.

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