Chapter II: Obsession

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He had been drifting for days, following the cruise ship from a distance. He had learned to control the sharks, to communicate with them, to use them as his eyes and ears. He had learned to survive on their flesh and blood, to ignore the pain and hunger, to focus on his goal.

He had learned to hate.

He hated his wife, his daughter, his enemy. He hated them for betraying him, for lying to him, for trying to kill him. He hated them for taking away his happiness, his dreams, his life. He hated them for making him what he was, a monster, a freak, a madman.

He hated them with every fiber of his being, with every drop of his blood, with every breath of his lungs.

He hated them more than anything else in the world.

He waited for his chance, for his moment, for his opportunity. He waited for the ship to dock, for the passengers to disembark, for his prey to expose themselves. He waited for the right time, for the perfect time, for the only time.

He waited for his revenge.

He saw them, finally, after so long. He saw them walking down the gangway, hand in hand, smiling and laughing. He saw them carrying their bags, their souvenirs, their memories. He saw them looking happy, looking free, looking alive.

He saw them, and he felt a surge of rage, of fury, of madness.

He signaled to his sharks, to his army, to his family. He told them to attack, to kill, to feast. He told them to target the other passengers, the crew, the security. He told them to create chaos, to cause panic, to spread fear.

He told them to distract, to divert, to delay.

He swam towards the shore, towards the dock, towards his enemies. He moved fast, faster than any human, faster than any shark. He moved with purpose, with determination, with vengeance.

He moved with hate.

He reached the land, and crawled out of the water. He felt the sun on his skin, the air in his lungs, the ground under his feet. He felt strange, unnatural, alien. He felt weak, vulnerable, exposed.

He felt nothing but hate.

He saw them, still unaware, still happy, still alive. He saw them getting into a taxi, heading to the airport, escaping to their new life. He saw them leaving him behind, leaving him alone, leaving him to die.

He saw them, and he roared, a sound that shattered the silence, that pierced the air, that reached their ears.

He saw them, and he ran, ran after them, ran towards them, ran to kill them.

He ran with hate.

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