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"Johnnie let's go to Applebees." I say, walking up to the couch where Johnnie was resting.

"Only if you pay." He smiles at me. "Fine." I roll my eyes and smile before he gets up. We both put our shoes on and head for my car. I get in the drivers seat (obviously).

I let Johnnie pick the music because he has good music taste and I know he'll complain if we listen to my music again.

The first song that turned on was Helena by My Chemical Romance. I could see Johnnie's grin from a mile away.

You could say Johnnie has a bit of a man crush on Gerard Way. I don't blame him, he's hot as hell.

After a ride that was longer than it needed to be with LA traffic we had finally made it to Applebees. I knew exactly what I came here for too.

"Could I have a Shirley temple please?" I say. The waitress nods before taking Johnnie's drink and heading off.

"I need to make a video soon." I groan. I had absolutely no ideas on what to do. "Well what were you thinking about?" "I don't know, something with makeup maybe." I said. We sat in silence thinking for a minute. "Let me do your makeup!" I say. "No." He says, his eyes growing wide.

"Come on, if you let me do your makeup for a video then you could turn me emo for a video." I say. "Fine." He finally gives in. I smile.

"When we get back do you wanna watch a movie or something?" I ask. "Sure, maybe we can stream after too. Last time I streamed I was a total dick because everyone was getting on my nerves. It's like they don't realize that we're people too, you know?" He says. I nod. "It's tiring. But you don't owe them an explanation on your bad mood. I don't share everything with my viewers but when I do it's because they also deserve to know certain things to a certain level." I say.

Social media is a hard job to have, whether you believe so or not. Everyday is a new blog and when you post it you don't know if people will think it's good or funny. Then there's hate comments and the people that constantly try to pry into your business.

But there's also the good side to social media. All the love from fans and the support and benefits. Plus, without social media I wouldn't have met most of my friends.

She brought back our drinks and I ordered Wonton Tacos and buffalo bites and Johnnie ordered a cheese quesadilla off the kids menu.

I giggled when he ordered that. He's so picky it's hilarious.

"We should make a tiktok." I suggest. He gives me a death stare. "Every time we make a tiktok together two things happen. 1, we both look like dumb and dumber. And 2, people ship us. It's so annoying." He says.

I felt a ping in my heart when he said that. Why does it annoy him? Why doesn't he like me like that?

He probably likes Tara. No wonder he's always hanging out with her. But that's his best friend's ex.

I don't know why I feel so complicated towards Johnnie. It's just like whenever I'm around him I get all mushy and nervous anymore.

Holy fuck.

"Well, I won't make you look stupid and why does it matter if they ship us? I don't let it bother me, but why does it bother you?" I say. He sighs, "I don't know. I mean I don't think it's that it bothers me that they're shipping us. It's just that they're constantly trying to get in my personal life. It's like they look for something in everything I do to find out something I haven't shared. And with our fan base being more fangirl-y now it's just hard." He says.

I nod, "I don't get it because boys now just watch problematic gamers but I do have the fangirls and they're so hard to deal with. I love them with all my heart, don't get me wrong. But, it's just so difficult having strangers try to get in your personal life."

"Exactly, they don't understand that they don't know stuff because we don't want them to know stuff." He says.

I nod. "Come sit next to me." I say. "Why?" "So we can tiktok." I smile.

He rolls his eyes and comes over to my side of the table. I move over slightly to make more room and he sits next to me, his thigh touching mine.

I feel myself blush slightly at the sudden contact.

"I wanna use that one audio, it makes me laugh every time I see it bro. It's the 'ohio oniichan'. But like you say the ohio part and I say the oniichan part but in .5x and then we do a slow mo after with the music part of us doing the cosplay hands." I say.

He looks at me with a blank face. "I thought you said you wouldn't make us look dumb?" He says. I laugh.

"We're always dumb. Now let's film." I say.

I pull up the audio and change the camera to the .5 and record his part. Then he records mine. I change it to my front camera and to a slow motion and set it down, using my cup to prop it up.

I click the record button and we do the anime hands and I start laughing. I accidentally kick the table and my drink goes flying back. My phone falls and I gasp, picking it up as quickly as possible.

It's still recording me and Johnnie's faces. He's laughing and I'm just shocked. I stop recording and get napkins, trying to clean it up.

"Shit. Johnnie help me." I say, laughing. He starts dying of laughter. "Johnnington. Help." I say.

"Not after you called me Johnnington." "Johnnie, I swear to god." I say.

He rolls his eyes and gets some napkins to help.

"Thanks best friend." I smile. He rolls his eyes and smiles.

guys I got a puppy he's so cute
also, this is kinda a filler chapter ngl idrk where this story is gonna go but y'all r liking it so I'm guessing I'm doing a decent job lol
thanks for all the love and support!<3

 𝘈𝘓𝘞𝘈𝘠𝘚, 𝘍𝘖𝘙𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘙 - 𝗝𝗢𝗛𝗡𝗡𝗜𝗘 𝗚𝗨𝗜𝗟𝗕𝗘𝗥𝗧Where stories live. Discover now