∙ 𝗙𝗢𝗨𝗥 ∙

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The two months leading up to the case were so stressful. The amount of paperwork and meetings I've had is an overwhelming amount.

Johnnie really has helped me so much. I don't know where I'd be right now if it wasn't for him. Hes stayed up with me on late nights and helped look for a good lawyer.

My team wanted the court case to be televised because of all the media attention I could get. I was okay with it be televised but not for that reason.

If my hearing would be televised it would be because I want to raise awareness to the situation and help other who were struggling like I was. I didn't want more fans or views because of a toxic relationship.

I was getting ready for the first day of the court case. I had to wear something more professional that what I usually wear.

I prepared myself to talk in front of a live court room and news cameras

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I prepared myself to talk in front of a live court room and news cameras. I was so scared. Not of the publicity, but of him.

I was so utterly terrified of him.

I left my house and got in the car before meeting with my lawyer in the courthouse. All of my friends were already here waiting with my lawyer who were testifying and my other friends were waiting outside of the courtroom.

I almost cried at the sight of it.

"Here. Follow me." My lawyer says. We all follow him into a room. We discuss everything we'll be saying within the days we're here and he tells me about how I will be taking the stand first since I am the plaintiff.

After discussing everything we all go into the courtroom which was quickly filling up with people. I wiped my hands on my pants quickly and took a deep breath.

"All rise." The judge says. I stand up and feel my heart race.

I get called up to the stand and I look at Alex's attorney and lawyer. Pieces of shit for helping him.

"So Miss, you said that Alex abused you and raped you, correct?" I'm asked. I scoff. "If I didn't say that none of us would be here." I reply. "I don't need a smart mouth, thank you." He says. I roll my eyes.

"Well, how would we know. You don't have any proof of him causing any harm to you." He tells me. "But I do. I have pictures and camera footage that can easily be played right now which would immediately put that man behind bars." I say.

I see his attorney and lawyer exchange a scared glance.

"Could someone please show pictures or play some sort of footage?" I ask. The judge nods and I look at the screen that plays the clip from the last time he had hit me.

"What the fucks your problem?" I hear my voice. The screen shows the camera in the kitchen. "My fucking card got declined! Because you spend all of my money, you bitch." He yells at me in the footage.

After some of the bickering and him flipping the table we got to the part where he punched me in the face. The entire room gasped and I jumped. Then I punched him and everyone gasped again.

"How do we know you aren't the abuser?" He asks me. "Listen, if your approach is to turn this around on me it's not gonna work. I am not an abuser, I'm a fucking survivor of domestic violence because he has a short temper. Why would a completely unprovoked man attack me? He had no fucking reason." I tell the guy. "Why'd you punch him back?" "Because I knew that my friends were there and that if he tried to fucking kill me, which he did, I'd have some help."

"No where in that video did he try to kill you." He says. "Someone play the other clip, please?" I say.

The screen starts playing the recording in the living room, starting when I ran out.

"Alex. Alex. Stop. It's not that serious. Please don't hurt me." I pleaded in the video. I looked down as a few tears escaped my eyes.

"You're crying like a little fucking baby? Grow the fuck up, Liana. You're seriously so fucking stupid." Alex says on the video. I punched him again in the video. Then he started punching me.

I watched the video as he wrapped his hands around my throat. I see myself try to escape his hold but nothing happens.

"Help!" I hear myself scream on the screen. I look back up and I see Alex banging my head into the ground before everyone runs down the stairs and stops it from happening.

"After that my face was entirely bruised and I had a concussion." I said. "But he's not an abuser, right?"

Sitting on the stand I could see Alex and his lawyer talking. They looked scared.

"My job is to get my client the least amount of time possible. Not to say that he didn't do anything." "Well you sure are making it seem that way. With all due respect sir, you're defending a rapist." I say smugly.

"What was your relationship like with Mr. Hartford?" "In the beginning of our relationship he was super sweet. Then he got verbally abusive. And then he started to hit me and rape me. If anything, he reminds me of a sadist. Every fucking time he hit me I'd get raped. I never wanted to have sex with that man because of the person he is. He's a sick and twisted individual." I said.

"Why do you think that happened?" "I don't know. I don't think I've ever done anything that should make him act like that."

"We'll see about that."

"You're doing great, Liana. I'm so proud of you." Johnnie says, bringing me into a hug immediately.

I hug him back and smile., feeling all warm inside.

"I've wanted to punch him so hard looking at him from that stand." I say. Johnnie laughs and I can't help but notice the butterflies I feel when he does.

all of our friends come over. Sam, Colby, Tara, Jake, Celina, Kris, Hellie, and Scuff, and Caroline. They all came. (LMFAO)

"You chewed up that attorney!" Tara laughed. I giggled and gave her a tight hug. I gave hugs to all of my friends.

"I'm gonna go get some water, I'll be right back." I say, walking away from the group.

Walking to the fountain I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and Alex is there.

"Why the fuck are you near me?" I say, less of a question more as a statement. "Listen-" "No, I don't want to fucking listen to you. If you want to go lie to that judge and my attorney and lawyer then go right ahead. But right now, you're not on my roster. Now get the fuck out of my way or I will make a scene." I tell him.

I see anger flash across his face and he aggressively shoved me against the wall. I punch him in the face and push him before running off.

I made my way back over to where everyone from the courtroom was but got tackled to the ground. My face hit the ground and I was in immediate pain. I heard everyone in the room gasp.

I tried to squirm away from him but he was lifted off of me and put in cuffs by some police officers. The other ones helped me.

My nose was bleeding from hitting my face against the ground. I wiped under my nose and saw the blood. I rolled my eyes and wiped her my nose again before I was offered pocket tissues from a random person.

"He's a fucking nut job!" An old lady tells me.

Guys I know nothing about court and all that objection and here say stuff so this is what y'all get.
Alex is a little coo-coo-catchoo
Make sure to vote and comment and stay hydrated!!

 𝘈𝘓𝘞𝘈𝘠𝘚, 𝘍𝘖𝘙𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘙 - 𝗝𝗢𝗛𝗡𝗡𝗜𝗘 𝗚𝗨𝗜𝗟𝗕𝗘𝗥𝗧Where stories live. Discover now