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hello I am nub the greatest I am best and so cool and I'm magic yep totally. Me and weird ugly strange small lady are about to go to a town seems safe :). I tell strange lady I can fly she does not understand me so I shove her in my mouth I don't think that she likes this idea very much. I don't know why? But then she starts to punch me I spit her out and growl. I turn the other way and sit mad like a cockroach 🪳. Just then the happy music stops playing it seems the bright light has gone the little lady starts to scream at me then I see a creature come after us I pick her up in my mouth and run. But I can run well because someone while designing me gave me short legs u know who u are 🙄. I see a house in the distance I run to it just then I start flying. The small lady cannot believe it. I knew it all along thought so I land. On the roof and sit down and spit the ugly lady out I make sure to give her extra Saliva :). She yells her little ant screams so I start to fall asleep💤 .

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