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I drove to the garage, anxious and worried at the same exact time. I pulled a loose hair behind my ear, letting out a deep breath.

"It'll be fine. It'll be fine with the Phantom. She'll get out quick, Dylan. I promise. Woah, woah, woah."

Cops drove by with their sirens, as JJ tried his best to 'hide' his head without making it too suspicious. I hid my nervousness behind a poker face, and turned straight faced.

Once they passed, I looked at JJ. "They're still looking. It's a good sign."

I heard my phone buzzing, so I picked it up and looked at it, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Kie's almost there. She'll be there in 10 minutes," I explained, giving the phone to J. "Text her 'Okay' please."

"Yes, ma'am."


When we finally got to the garage, Kie still wasn't there, but thanks to Life360, she was almost there.

We got out of the car, as JJ opened the doors to the garage.

He was right. The Phantom was sitting there, a big girl.

"There she be," he muttered. "Hey, girl." He pulled a tarp off of the boat, looking at it with desire as if he was in love with it. "A 1983 Formula 402 SR1. The Phantom."

I cat-called it, messing around. "The first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under 16 hours, baby. Forty years old! Forty. And still the fastest thing that Kildare's ever seen."

I held back a laugh, as my dirty mind got the best of me. "It's kind of a junker," I said.

He took a step away from the bot, messing around. "Really? She's right there, Dylan. She can hear you."

"Hey, lovebirds," Kie said, opening her car door and putting the clothes in there. "Hey," I answered, slightly waving.

"Anyways, let's just put it this way. You would not be smokin' weed right now if she never existed, okay?"

"I just hope it runs," Kie said, as JJ began hooking the boat onto the car's hitch.

At a distance, we heard a dirt bike brake.

"Pope! Finally," Kie said, hopping over the hitch. I followed right after her, almost walking around the corner of the boat.

"Dylan! Baby!"

I stepped back, anxiously. "Tom? Rafe? What're you doing here?" I asked, backing up with Kie.

"What's going on?" Tommy asked, shrugging his arms.

"JJ?" Rafe asked, as I backed up to JJ, who took me in his arms.

"HoO-hoo!" Barry, the guy who jumped us, said from behind as Rafe got inside the boat. JJ grabbed my waist, holding me close to him. I continued to glare at Tommy, who had a smile on his face. JJ made sure his arm was fully around me on the side Tommy was on, to keep me safe.

All three men began getting closer to us. I looked at Kie, pulling her towards me, as Rafe and Tommy began getting closer.

I turned around, watching as Barry held a gun to JJ's chest. He held up his hands, gently pushing me away.

"See, don't think I forgot about me and you on the side of the road. I'm here because I want my motherfuckin' money!"

Barry grabbed JJ by the neck, tackling him down.

"JJ!" Me and Kie yelled, until we had our own fights to take on. Kie was picked up by Rafe, who carried her away. "Get off of me!"

"It's not you we want, Kie!" Rafe yelled, putting her down, only for Kie to slap him.

P4L, carpe diem (JJ Maybank)Where stories live. Discover now