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We began driving to the warehouse, at 'Resurrection Drive', wherever it was. I sat in the side seat with my legs on JJ's, who held the gold with one hand, but drew circles on my legs with the other.

We were in the middle of nowhere, just a marshy area. "So they keep money out here?" Pope asked.

"That's what she said," I answered, looking out the window.

JJ chuckled. "That's what she said."

"Stop," Pope commanded.

"I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive," Sarah said from the front seat. "It's cause you're rich."

"You've never heard of it either!" Kie exclaimed.

"Thank you," Sarah agreed.

I looked at the surrounding trees and marsh. It was all green, and it didn't really seem in a good way. "There's nothing but weeds back here," I explained.

"All right, babe. Just cause it's just weeds doesn't mean it's like..." JJ answered and I laughed.

"Are you trying to describe our relationship right now?" I joked, playfully. He hit me with his hat, which I stole and put it in my head. He stole it right back, messing up my hair.

We were interrupted by the sound of a cop siren.

"Cops, out here?" Kie asked, and we turned to look behind us. There was a blue car, with a cop siren on it. "God! Are you kidding me?" My boyfriend exclaimed.

"What did we do?" Sarah questioned, as I took my legs off of JJ.

My brother turned around from the driver seat. "Stash that," he instructed JJ, meaning the gold."Did you bring the gun?"

JJ shook his head. "No. Everyone told me to leave it back at the place." I took a deep breath.

"Thank God. Please, everything else in your bag," Kie kept rambling.

"I am. I am."

"How much weed do you have on you?"

"Guys, he's walking out," I added, sitting up straighter. JJ scrambled to put everything into the seat, along with the gold.

"Nothing better to do—"

John B was stopped by the sound of a gun cocking, and getting pointed in his face. This guy had a mask over his face, but I couldn't help but realize he was holding the shotgun wrong. "Hands up in the air. All y'all's hands up in the air now!" He demanded.

I did as I was told, nervous.

"You, out of the car," the man instructed my brother, who began getting out. "Out of the car! Let's go! Hurry!"

My brother shut the door to the Twinkie.

"Let them out!" The robber yelled, pointing to the door. John walked very slowly towards the other side. "What are you waitin' on? What are you waitin' on? Let them out!" He repeated.

John B opened the door, and Sarah went first. Kie, then Pope then me.

I took too much time, so he began shouting at me, pointing the gun straight at my face. "Hurry up, pretty girl! You don't have this much time!"

JJ stepped in front of me, protecting here. "Get off of her!" He shouted at him.

"Shut the hell up!" The robber shouted. "Alright! Just relax!"

"Shut the hell up! Blow your damn head off! Lay down in the ditch! Lay down in the ditch!!" He shouted. "On your goddamn hands and knees! Put your face on the ground!"

P4L, carpe diem (JJ Maybank)Where stories live. Discover now