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My eyes flash open, I sit up and look around. My clock says 4am, I'm soaked in a cold sweat. Every night like clockwork, I wake up from a nightmare. A man chasing me through the woods, I try to escape but I just can't.

I run and run, it doesn't end until I wake up. He stalks my dreams every night, I don't know how to get rid of him. I decided to get up, I won't be going back to sleep. I grab an outfit and head to the shower. The steam fills the bathroom, the hot water washes over me.

Making me feel warm, safe. As a child, I lost both parents in a horrible car wreck. I was in the car with them, I survived. We were on the way to pick up my sister Skylar from school, a semi didn't stop at the intersection and smashed the car. The car was smashed from the front, my leg was broken. I had cuts, bruises, but I had recovered.

I finished my shower, I dressed in ripped blue jeans, a v cut long sleeve that was black and snug. I do dark eye makeup, femme fatale. I decided to grab boots to wear with a jacket. My hair straightened, perfectly. I haven't started college, I'm 21 now.

I decided it was best to wait awhile. I head outside to get in the car with my sister. We're heading to the park, she wants to take some pictures for her photography business. I'm just going to read a book and try to relax. "Hey Rae, are you ready to go?" She asks, clicking her seatbelt. "Yeah, I'm ready." I responded.

I put my leather bag in the back, it's filled with a book, water, snacks, and a few other things. We drive to the coffee shop first and head in. I ordered a Mocha Latte, and my sister ordered a regular coffee. We get back into the car and drive to the park. I grab my bag, she grabs her camera.

It takes a while before we find the perfect spot. I set down the blanket and my bag. I lean against the tree with a book in my hand. "Make sure you're paying attention to your surroundings Raelyn, I'll be right back" Skylar says as she walks off to go take pictures. It's her way of focusing, feeling free from the tragedy.

For myself however, it's books and music that frees my mind. A swirly feeling in my stomach begins, my heart rate increases. Here we go with the fucking anxiety attacks. The anxiety leads to panic, it's a whole cycle that I can't stand. I feel like someone is watching me, though I know I'm just paranoid.

The dreams I have at night don't help. Paranoia creeps over my brain like a shadow casted on a sidewalk. I decided to ignore it, so I tried reading my book. The feeling won't go away. I look up at the gray sky, it looks like it's going to rain.

I rummage through my bag, I find my pills that help. Xanax is what the doctor prescribed for my anxiety and depression.

I wash it down with the alcohol I have in my flask, thinking it would be okay. I finally start to calm down, then I look up to see a man in the distance. My instincts weren't wrong, there was someone watching me.

I call my sister, but she doesn't pick up. I ring her again, nothing. "Fuck" i mumble to myself. I called my best friend Darcy, knowing she'll answer for sure.

"Darcy, i need you to get here asap" I say frantically. She knows I've been having really bad paranoia lately.

"Hey, hey calm down. I'll come get you right now. Where are you at?" Darcy responds with a calm voice. "I'm at the park, I'll meet you in the parking lot" I hang up and gather my stuff.

I sent a text to my sister telling her I'm leaving with Darcy. I haul ass to the parking lot and Darcy gets out of her car, I give her a hug. "Thanks for coming to get me Darc. There was an actual guy staring at me from a distance, this wasn't in my head." I tell her I'm hoping I don't sound crazy.

"That's creepy Rae, let's get out of here. How about we grab some lunch. Maybe that little sandwich shop on 15th Street?" She offers a sweet smile.

"That sounds great right about now" I say getting into her car. Luckily the fact I took a Xanax and washed it down with alcohol isn't noticeable, due to neither of them being very strong.

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