He's pushed out of the way by May and Shaw, who also fall to the ground and a bolt Strikes the place he was standing at.

He looks up and sees cracks in the sky, but it also looks like electricity is there, he is taken out of his awe like state by Shaw.

"We gotta get out of this place! We gotta move fast! You guys gotta hold my hand and move exactly where I move okay!" Shaw frantically told them as she held both of May and Bill.

"We gotta avoid the lights! Keep moving" he told both of them who follow his orders.

They all dodged one bolt after another as they watch where the currents go to in the ground, Bill Almaty got struck but it missed him perfectly.

His hand slips from Shaw's grasp but then fells May grabs his right hand and direct him where Shaw is directing them.

The managed to doge one final blast, and let out a huge sigh of relief, Bill sits down and leans up against a Tree to catch his breath.

"What the hell was that?" Bill asked in confusion as he looked up to Shaw who grabbed his hand and picked him up.

"Look, after the rift closes, it leaves some kind electrical charge or something, it affects your vision, it affects the ground, it goes off like a lethal static shock"

Bill turns his gaze towards Shaw in realization, "You've gone down head before haven't you?", Shaw nods his head at him "Yes, a long time ago"

"How?" May had asked him after she regained her composure.

"On a recon mission, same thing happened to my eyes" Shaw told the two of them.

"Recon mission? Where are we?" Bill and May said at the same time as they looked at the man whose time down here isn't his first.

"We're in it guys, we're in their world, the Titans, this is just another part of their realm" Shaw explained, which made Bill's Jaw dropped in shock as she put his hands to his face.

"How did we get here?", "I cleared the space and I hit the timer, she must've turned around and come and inside" Shaw revealed.

Bill starts to remember something, Cate fell through the hole as well, he starts to panick "No no no, Cate fell to, she isn't here!"

He started to hyperventilate, almost having a panic attack but May and Shaw try to calm him down "Hey hey hey, we're gonna find her, she's here just somewhere, okay?"

"Listen we all fell together guys, she's down here I know that, I promise" Shaw told him but Bill still can't shake the thought of her being down here alone.

"But you guys gotta do everything exactly as I say, and I can you safe, you understand?" Shaw asked the two younger people.

The three of them started to trek their way through the mystery world while calling out for Cate, hoping she'll respond to them.


Bill has seen all types of creatures he's never seen before, these weird giant fly things that glow, and a weird bear thing that they hid from a bit.

During their trek, Shaw has told Bill and May about what happened during his time up here and when he got out.

"Oh my god" May said taken aback but everything that happened to the elder man.

"That all really happened?" Bill had asked him, "Yep, it sure did, I lost years, I mean if we frisk some way to get you home, and what happened to me doesn't happen to neither of you, well then I'd say it's worth it" Shaw said on guard.

Bill can't believe everything he said, this is really the world that his family was thrusted into, and now he's become part of that world as well.

"Don't let this get to your head but you look good for 90" May said to the man who shrugged, "Everybody tell me" Shaw chucked.

They started to call out for Cate once again, but not getting a response once again.


On the surface, Kentaro is in his father's office hoping to look for clues that can help him find out where the others went to.

At that time, Hiroshi walked into the office, surprised to see his son in there as well.

(In Japanese)

Kentaro looks over to see his father standing in the doorframe to the office, he chucked in disbelief seeing him here.

"Well look who it is, back from the dead again?" Kentaro said before taking his attention of of him.

"How are you? I just came back to Tokyo, I haven't had time to reach out to your mother-"

"More important things to do than to check that we made it out of the desert alive? We understand" Kentaro cut him off.

"What are you doing here?" Hiroshi asked.

"I was just leaving, you?" Kentaro threw it back onto his father, "Trying to continue my work, something went wrong in the desert and I need to know why, which will be considerably more difficult if you avail yourself of my files"

"How did you even get in here?" Hiroshi asked in disbelief, he managed to get in the office he always made sure was secured.

"I got the keys from Cate and Bill" Kentaro dropped the ball which made Hiroshi suck in his breath.

"What were you three doing out there in the desert? How did you find out I was there-"

"We were looking for you Dad, we thought you were dead" Kentaro told him sternly, which made Hiroshi think of what he has to say, considering it's out now.

"I suppose I have a lot to explain to you all" Hiroshi realized.

"How do you even start?" Kentaro said sarcastically, that he just realized that he had to reveal everything.

"Kentaro, you were never meant to know about them, about that part of my life-"

"To late" Kentaro walked around, "What do you hope to accomplish with those"Hiroshi asked, seeing the files in his hands.

"I want my own answers, and Monarch won't help anymore, so I have to figure out on my own" Kentaro raised his voice, agitated.

"It's no wonder, you're angry, I know I've hurt you three, but, what your looking for is not in there, if I could just talk to you and your brother and sister, I could-"

"I said it's too late for that!" Kentaro yelled, which made Hiroshi reciprocate the tone as well, "what is too late?!"

Kentaro struggled to reveal the revelation, the emotions resurfacing, "Cate and Bill died, Dad"

Hiroshi struggled to take in this news, trying not to believe it, "That can't be true, you're saying that to hurt me, I hurt you, you're trying to hurt me back" Hiroshi saying, trying to deny it.

"Please tell me it's not, please tell me it's not"Hiroshi said as he started to cry, coming to terms with that he's lost two of his kids now.

"What have I done?" Hiroshi said as he fell to the floor in tears, but Kentaro stares at him in anger

"If you weren't a sad, lying, secret little man who kept running away from them, Cate and Bill never would've come barging into my life!" Kentaro yelled in anger.

"This is your fault!" Kentaro told his father.

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