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???¹: Please don't die on me A&$;#^ don't let me alone, you are the only person who I can count for  every thing.
???²: S-Sorry N¥£&$^ I-I think It's the end for me. D-Don't think y-you are alone, others will be jealous f-for that special place. S-So don't cry.
???¹: "crying" YOU ARE THE ONE WHO TAKE ME FROM THIS LIFE OF SUFFERING, HOW DO YOU WANT I DON'T CRY!! "Crying more" How... I always lost people who are important to me a-and...and now I'm gonna lose you.
???²: N¥£&$^ You are the one who take me away from sadness a-and I-I think it's the same for others. S-So for me, promise me you will the be same joyful girl who brought joy back into our lives.
???¹: I-I promise you
???²: T-Thank N¥£&$^, live your  life for me
???¹: Y-Yes
???²: ...
???¹: A¥£&$^ ? A-A¥£&$^!! A¥£&$^!!! NOOOOOOO!!!

???¹: A¥£&$^ ? A-A¥£&$^!! A¥£&$^!!! NOOOOOOO!!!

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End of Flashback

???'s pov

I wake up in a mansion from what I remember it's not belong to me because I have nothing in this universe. Ah, yes I remember  am on a planet I visit early for establish my divin presence for this population...again. But after what I saw...I think...I'm just gonna destroy the all omniverse for remake something, because mortals are disrespectful. I gonna let them one chance.

I left the mansion offer by the master of this planet, I don't remember his name because he is insignificant. When I talking about the devil there is the master who come.

Master: Ah, Miss Nozomi(oc name), I was looking for you

Nozomi:"look of contempt" I don't think you have the permission for call me by my name, mortal

Master: S-Sorry but I'm looking for you because the buffet we cook for you is finish

Nozomi: Ok, take me to this place and fast.

Master: O-Ok my goddess

We make our way at the buffet and I think there something suspicious in this buffet. The aura of this mortals are full of bad intentions, I think they tried to kill me, but I will just play with them before destroy them.

We arrive at the buffet...There so many food in this buffet I think am in heav- "hum" I left my garde off. Don't forget they tried to kill you Nozomi.

Master: Please, take place in the table, my goddess, I think you have hungry

Nozomi: Yeah

I take place to the buffet and start to eat and as I planned there is poison in this food, a very strong poison, for a mortal one mouthful  kill them in 10 seconds...but I'm not infected.

*Time skip the buffet*

Nozomi: This was very good I appreciate the buffet you cook for me

Master & population: thank, my goddess

Nozomi: But..."create a blade with colors of universe" I don't like... "kill the master"

 "kill the master"

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Nozomi: Poison.

I start to kill every people in the planet what they think I'm a god literally and they think poison can kill me

Nozomi: "laughs"

Nozomi: All of you, All of omniverse... die. "Destroy everything"

I destroy the omniverse...again and remake this again

???:"flashback" Promise me you will be the same joyful girl who brought joy in your life.

Nozomi: Sorry I can't.

I destroy the all omniverse...no, not all there a multivers that I can't destroy it's not infected by my powers...She love this multiverse...me too so I think I'm gonna pay a visit

Hoyoverse, that the name she give to this multiverse...So I think...Yeah we go.

(A/N: this all for this epilogue, if the some mistake, Sorry but I hope all of you have a fun to read the story. The first chapter will be post I think in few day so be patient, for the next time in Nozomi's story)

Fallen Goddess (OC x Hoyoverse)Where stories live. Discover now