61. - Meanwhile, in Ordial.

Start from the beginning

[Gidou] "Please, call me Gidou."

He stated, pointing to her formal way of calling him just now. Arian giggled lightly before sighing.

[Arian] "Very well - Gidou, I believe we shouldn't waste time and get to the point of this meeting."

She stated, turning serious very fast. Gidou stared at her for a couple of moments, before sighing, turning more serious as well, before leaning forward slightly.

[Gidou] "Then I'll get to the point - We've confirmed that the Primal Dragon of Abyss, Arabor has vanished from the ruins he was imprisoned."

Gidou announced immediately, putting Arians maids at a slightly alerted composure. Arian looked down, thinking for a bit.

[Arian] "And how did you confirm this?"

[Gidou] "Simple. After Arabors presence completely vanished, I sent out a party of A-Rank adventurers to investigate the ruins and find out what happened. Inside, they found some intriguing stuff."

He stated, explaining a bit more.
Arian grew a tad bit more interested.

[Arian] "What stuff?"

Gidou then took out an envelope, before with one hand, opening it and placing three pictures onto the table.

The pictures were as follows - a photo of the two massive doors within the ruins, that led to Arabor being open.
The Magic crystals at the top of the cave having dimmed down.
And at the Top, Arabor being nowhere to be found.

Arian inspected the photos a bit closer, with her maids also leaning in to take a better look.

[Gidou] "Whatever happened in those ruins, it's obvious that Arabor didn't vanish just into thin air. Something or someone entered the ruins and most likely screwed with his seal."

Gidou stated.

[Gidou] "However, there is no way to know for sure - all we have are these photos and the fact that he's gone."

[Arian] "And does anyone else besides me and you know about this?"

Gidou shook his head in denial.

[Gidou] "The general public? No. However, the Duke and a couple of Adventurers I trust do. However, outside of that, no one else knows."

Gidou replied.
Arian looked a bit nervously at Gidou, before shaking her head and placing the photos back onto the table.

A silence took place as Arian dove into thoughts, overthinking the situation that was presented to her at hand.
After a couple more moments, she looked at him seriously.

[Arian] "So then- What do we do now? We know Arabor is gone, however, what do we do with that information? We can't conceal it forever."

Gidou sighed, rubbing the back of his head.

[Gidou] "I am aware of that... To be frank with you, the thing me and the Duke are currently most worried about is what moves the Holy Capital may take."

Gidou responded, looking at her a bit nervously.

[Gidou] "After all, it was heroes from the Holy Capital that sealed Arabor inside the ruins in the first place - if word about his vanishing was to get to them, it could cause unnecessary conflict."

[Arian] "You have a point there... However, that doesn't answer my question about what we should do about this right now."

Gidou went silent, thinking for a moment.
A couple moments later, he sighed heavily.

[Gidou] "I don't know. I currently sent the same A-Rank adventurers back to the forest to investigate any nearby dungeons to see if anything has changed there."

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now