Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony (part 2)

Cale couldn't help feeling irritated at this muscular guy who's yapping at him who's smoking cigarettes, leading him to inhaling the nauseating smell.

'It's not like I didn't inhale smoke in his past life as Kim Roksoo but...'

It is still not a pleasant experience.

But instead of that, this guy is ratting on about being his assistant a while ago.

"Kid, why would you try to get a grimoire when you don't have a bit of mana in your body?

"You should give up, kid, while you still can."

"I can offer you the position of being my assistant when I have my own guild. How 'bout it? Interested?"

Cale was going to decline politely when he felt a gaze in his direction. He turned around to see Roberto glaring towards his side, with a cold smile.

Cale shivered with fear. He hastily replied-

"No thanks."

"Aww, don't reject me so fast. You should reconsider, there's a wage on being my assistant."

Roberto squints his eyes. Cale quickly voices his feelings.

"I'm going to follow my dream."

"In being a magic knight? You should accept your fate and face reality."

"No, I-"

"Who are you to judge my young master's dream? I'd advise you to watch your mouth, foreigner."

Everyone was surprised to hear Roberto's voice as he rebuked the magic knight's words.

Then Cale flinched as he watched the butler's grimoire open as it automatically flipped pages.

He also saw the others' flinching, as their body stilled but ready to cast a defensive spell.

Cale was worried that he was going to be beaten between this old man's magic and the magic knights and tried to calm down the situation.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

'It's not my goal to become a magic knight, to begin with.'

He added-

"I'm aware of my situation. He just told me about his thoughts and suggestions so it's fine."

'This should be enough, right?'

Cale looked at Roberto.

Cale flinched once again, as his butler had teary eyes and a weary smile.

Cale was weirded out by this old man's expression while the butler only thought about his young master.

'How many years did it take for my young master to consider giving up his dream.'

Roberto teared up inside.

'I had failed my duty as his butler.'

He sighs.

'It hurts to see the young master to see this fragile self yet still be kind to others.'

Roberto clearly saw this change as a sign of the young master's strength and growing up to become aware of his surroundings but at the same time, it hurts to see that he also sees the reality he cannot reach and achieve.

He could only sigh as he wanted his young master to not give up on his dreams but, he also can't give false hope and become disappointed again.

'I should support whatever his young master wants.'

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