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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Today was the day of the appointment with Brooklyn good thing is Kya was busy working so he didn't have to lie or anything

He was currently picking her up and waiting on her

"Where the fuck is she at man oh there she go" He said getting out

Although he hated her with their past he still the stupidest damn part of him still loved her

He opened her door for her making sure she was in safely

After closing her door he jogged back to the driver side hopping back in

"So how you been" Brooklyn said awkwardly trying to break the silence

"I been Ight would ask you the same thing but I already know prolly been eating deshae shit up" Jay joked

"Not to much the fuck can I have these skittles" she asked with puppy eyes

"Bra I just bought em brook fuck it you can have em" Jay said shaking his head

After a couple of minutes of driving they made it to the hospital of the appointment and we're currently in the room

"Brooklyn how have you been hun" Dr.Jason asked

"I've been doing ok doc" she responded

"That's great and I assume you are the father how is it going in her doctor Jason" he said

"Nice to meet you" Jay said

"You to ok so Brooklyn it's nothing serious just a check up on the baby we're gonna see what the lil guy is doing" The doc said

After hearing guy it made jay immediately pay attention especially with him not knowing the gender previously

After saying that the doctors grabbed the gel thing and placed it on the stomach and looking inside seeing the baby

"Aww lil guy is trying to kick father would you like to come feel" Doc said smiling

"Fasho" jay responded

After saying that jay reached her stomach and felt it and after a couple of seconds felt a kick making him chuckle

"Lil man ready for you to pop already" Jay said joking

"He sure is I could give you the ultrasound pics if wanted" The doc said

"Oh lemme get one" Jay asked

"I got you lemme go get these copies and y'all are free to go" The doc said walking out

After a few minutes they were back in his car

"Well that was interesting you going back home or to deshae crib" Jay asked

"Uhh back to deshae house cause he got all the snacks I haven't been shopping and shit" Brooklyn said smacking on skittles

"How the hell is you smacking on skittles yea yo ass definitely pregnant" Jay laughed

"Fuck you boy take me home" Brooklyn said laying back

After driving for a few minutes they arrived at deshae's home making jay wake her up

"Aye we here you want help out or you good" Jay asked

"Help would be nice" she said tiredly

After getting out jay opened her door picking her up carrying her to the house

After putting her down while she was standing Brooklyn would stare at him while he knocked on the door she eventually pulled his face towards hers kissing him on the lips making jay pull away immediately

"What the fuck Brooklyn is you cool" Jay said angrily

"Man I'm out bitch kissed me on my Dan lips man fuck" Jay said irritated

After walking back to his car he immediately started it pulling off

"Mmmcht yea we just gon pretend like it ain't happen" Jay said suggesting to lie


𝐔𝐧-𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 | 𝐉𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨Where stories live. Discover now