A Dark truth Revealed

Start from the beginning

"I'm also the founder and architect of Team Eclipse." He said, this time with a slight sneer. Play's entire world seemed to crumble around him in that moment, time slowed down. Jake fell to his knees in shock, his eyes and soul filled with pain. Play too, felt his legs turn to ice for a moment, his heart feeling weak in his chest. Tess didn't know exactly who Cypress was, but looking between Tess and Play, she could feel the idea.

"I suppose I should explain myself." Cypress said. "A long time ago, when I was a child, I had no friends. My only companions and joy were my Pokemon that I had befreinded. It's what fasicnated me, and made me want to study them as Roria's professor. But upon beginning my research, I learned that humans do not show the same affection for Pokemon as we get back. That's why, I discovered a new world, where society can be structered around the concept of Pokemon and humans being free." This speech clearly touched a nerve on Cypress's heart, as he doubled over slightly.

"Pokemon can finally be free." He whispered. "And not be the slaves to the humans that fight with them over nothing but entertainment. They'd be much better off without us." Play had no words. Everything he knew about Pokemon was being turned on it's head.

"That's why." Cypress said. "That day, when you chose your Piplup, and your parents told me about a portal to a new world they found, I had to have it at any costs. Even if it meant kidnapping them."

Play's breathing increased in rate. 

"This isn't happening." He thought. "I'm not hearing this."

At that moment, a short, chubby man in a golden top hat and bright green eyes wandered up to where Cypress was standing and whispered into his ear.

"The bombs have been planted." The man whispered.

"What?" Tess asked furiously. "Now you're planting bombs?" Cypress slowly nodded his head.

"Indeed." He said. "As a parting gift to Anthian City, bombs have been planted right on the power core. As you know, this core is what keeps the city afloat. The bombs will obliterate the power core, and so, Anthian will fall."

"You're a professor, not a terrorist!" Tess reasoned, a new level of disgust in her voice.

"When we enter the new world." Cypress said with a smirk. "The current world will be destroyed anyway. There's no point." He then turned to the man in the golden top hat.

"Thank you Tyler."

"How could you justify such a thing?" Tess said.

"It's not justice." Cypress stated. "It's Revenge." Tess, Play, or Jake simply had no words for that. Cypress then clicked his fingers.

"Take the boy aboard." Cypress said. Standing in a formation of sorts, the Eclipse grunts stood in a semi circle around Jake and grabbed his arms, before walking up the boardwalk to the ship.

"Jake!" Tess choked out his name in a strangled whisper. Jake turned around one final time to look at them, he smiled briefly before he was hauled on board the ship.

"Ciao." Cypress said, before turning around and walking away.

"Wait!" Tess shouted. Cypress stopped. "We won't let you go without a fight." Cypress turned around, surprised that they had even dared to tell him to stop.

"Are you actually challenging the leader of Team Eclipse to a fight?" Cypress said.

"Play." Tess whispered. "You have to stop him." Play, for the last few minutes had simply been an observer, but he stepped forward.

"I'll do what I can." He said, reaching down for a Pokeball. At that moment, a bright white creature leapt out of nowhere and landed in front of Play.

"Absol?" Play asked, remembering the encounter he'd had with one not so long ago. Absol nodded, before turning in a fighting stance towards Cypress.

Pokemon Brick Bronze: A novelWhere stories live. Discover now