I Can Make It A Ten

Start from the beginning

Michael: sorry Prince I didn't know it was you

Prince: it's fine everything ok

Michael: no

Prince: what happened

Michael: can we meet up I'll tell you everything

Princd: ok sure

Michael: ok

So they met up at the location Michael had dried up tears on his face

Prince: what happened

Michael: Darell just told me some bad news that triggered me

Prince: that's not good

Michael: it's not ....he told me he got the std from Chad

Prince knew who Chad was he just couldn't believe

Prince: wait did you just say Chad

Michael: yes ...why do you know him

Prince: actually yes I do ...but that's not important right now but what happened when you told him

Michael: I just went off on him I couldn't hold it in anymore after six years

Prince: when did he get it(getting information)

Michael: last week

Prince stared at him for a minute He was in shock

Michael: that's the same reaction I had on my face

Prince: I'm sorry this happened to you

Michael: it's ok I just knew it was true

Prince: come on let's go

Michael: where we going

Prince: to cheer you up

Michael: ok

So prince bought him somewhere to cheer him up to keep his mind off of the news he just received and to his surprise it actually worked

The guilt was eating Darell alive but at least he told Michael he knew it would definitely change in their marriage

Two hours later

Michael POV

Prince definitely took my mind off the situation it was very helpful

Prince POV

I'm glade I could take his mind of the situation it was so unfair how Darell kept that from him nobody be prepared for that type of news

Michael: thank you

Prince: your welcome ...so whats next for you both

Michasl: I'm still trying to figure it out

Prince: well whatever you decide I'm here for you

Michael: thanks ...well see you later

They said goodbye Prince waited for him go and then he went to Chad house he had a few words to say to him and they weren't nice words

Michael thought long and hard on what he was going to do ...that's when he decided what he was going to do

Three months later

Michael POV

Three months ago I got a divorce from Darell and at the moment I felt so relieved from it all for the first time I could breathe

Michael telephone ringed and it was prince

Michael: wanna come over for dinner could use the company

Prince: Sure i'll be there in five minutes

Michael: ok take your time

So he ended the call and prince was on his way to Michael house

Five Minutes Later

Michael POV

He made it so I welcomed him into my house

Prince POV

I made it to Michael house he was so happy to see me

So they set down and ate dinner together it was full of laughter prince enjoyed his company and saw was glade to see him happy and in good spirits

Michael was so happy to be back in good spirits it felt good after his divorce he felt relieved and alive again

Michael: I want to give you this

Prince: you didn't have to get Me anything

Michael: I know but it's a thank you gift

He opened the gift and absolutely loved it

Prince: I love you thank you

Michael: your welcome

After that prince left and Michael got ready for bed

Next chapter is coming

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