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Michael POV

I was very unhappy in my marriage it's not the same like it was before things have changed ...I try my best to have faith that my marriage would work out but it doesn't seem to be going that way I knew he was cheating on me but I try not i believe it he's always coming home late and I miss us

Michael ended up falling asleep after a good two hours his husband came home to see michael asleep

He stared at Michael for a good minute before putting the covers over him ...but little did his husband know he was going to receive some bad news soon

Next Morning

Michael POV

I was reading a newspaper in my own little world until Darell came in here

Darell POV

I need to apologize to Michael for not being a good husband he doesn't deserve me he was reading a newspaper

Michael: why are you apologizing for

Darell: for not being the husband I'm suppose to be to you

It was quiet for a moment that's when Michael spoke

Michael: it's ok I guess

Darell: ok So we're good

Michael: yes(he knew Darell was lying)

So he got back to reading his newspaper

Night Time

Michael POV

My friends wanted me to come out tonight to distracted me

Prince POV

It's alot of people here tonight these people aren't that exiting to me and not interested this was a fail

Suddenly everyone started shouting and screaming when they seen Michael coming into the building ...prince had no idea who they were cheering at when suddenly he saw Michael

Michael didn't know anyone there so he just came to sit down and absorb everyone

Prince just stared at him from across the room he could read people's emotions

Prince: hi there

Michael: oh hello

Prince: are you enjoying the party

Michael: I'm not really a party person honestly

Prince: I see

Michael: my friends wanted me to  come out

Prince: you didn't want to leave either right

Michael: yes how did you know

Prince: cause they did me the same way

Michael: ok So I'm not alone

Prince: no may I sit down

Michael: yes

He sat next to Michael and he noticed he was married but wonder why he looked so unhappy

Prince: you seem unhappy

Michael: I am

Prince: you alright

He wanted to break down and cry when prince said that but he held it in

Michael: I don't want to bore you with my issues

Prince: it's ok you won't

Michael: ok ....well I'm unhappy in my marriage and I think he's cheating on me

Prince: I'm sorry to hear that

Michael: it's ok

Prince: well just don't think about it to much

Michael: I'm not ...

Suddenly a song came on that michael remembered this song played at their wedding

Michael: I don't want to be rude but ....do you wanna dance with me

Prince: Sure

So they came to the dance floor and did a slow dance together ....Michael was having flashbacks of his wedding with Darell

Prince POV

I could tell he was unhappy I can see it in his eyes

Michael POV

I knew Darell was cheating cause I can feel it and my neck hurts so bad so I knew he was cheating ...

The song was over and prince thanked him for the dance

Michael: your welcome....

Prince: will I be seeing again

Michael: yes

Prince: ok well have a good night

Michael: you to

He walked out and came home...Michael told his friends that he was ready to leave he wanted to be home before Darell which they understood

An hour later

Michael POV

I just finished my shower and had dinner alone again tonight so I washed the dishes I'm going to bed another night eating alone and sleeping alone

So he turned off all the lights and he came to bed he cried his eyes out until he fell asleep

A few days have flown by prince has been keeping Michael company they became really good friends and really close it was nice to have someone who went through the same thing

Darell was still sleeping around but he was about to receive some bad news that may ruin everything and get his act together

Michael POV

Me and prince were doing go carts it was a lot of fun ....ahhh the memories this is how me and Darell met but since I been around prince he hasn't been on my mind and I like it it keeps me occupied

Prince POV

This was a lot of fun Michael truly is a fun person to be around

Michael: oh let's get on this

Prince: ok

Prince thought he was so cute being excited on getting on a ride

So they got on the ride and it was a lot of fun plus full of laughter

After a few hours they said goodbye and came home Michael had such a good time he couldn't wait to do it again

Darell decided to come home early then he expected he didn't know what was making him come home early all of sudden

For the first time in years Michael finally got some.good rest and sleep he enjoyed it very much

Darell got in bed and just stared at Michael he told Michael he loved him and went to sleep

Michael knew he didn't love him because if he did he wouldn't be out all hours through the night but he was surprised that he actually came home early

Michael was to beautiful of a soul to get cheated on or get treated liked that

Michael POV

I still have hope that we can fix our marriage but evefytime I try he's in a rush so I don't even try anymore my body is tired I'm tired ...I'm tired of everything the pain the suffering everything

So Darell got up to use the bathroom and looked into the mirror for s good minute or two before coming back to bed

Next chapter is coming

My Unhappy MarriageTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon