"Master, will Miss Lupin be arriving soon?" Kreacher asks, watching as the dark haired man stares blankly into the fireplace.

"Oh, uh. Not tonight."

"Oh no." Kreacher gasps slightly moving forward. "Did Master do something to offend Miss Lupin? Kreacher will fix it! Kreacher will convince her to return!"

"No!" Regulus quickly stops his house elf from apparating to find the woman and no doubt beg her to return in the most embarrassing way he can imagine. "Grace promised to spend the evening with her roommate. He's has a rough week and they are having a night in together."

"Oh, Kreacher understands. Kreature will go and remove this roommate."

"NO!" Regulus reaches out and once again stops him from snapping his fingers. "Her roommate is fine. I like him."

"But he is preventing Master from being happy with Miss Lupin!"

Regulus shakes his head with a laugh. "I appreciate you trying to help, but Grace is enjoying a night with her friend. I will see her tomorrow."

"Hmff." Kreacher huffs in disappointment before turning and heading into the kitchen.

Chuckling, Regulus grabs one of the books Grace has lent him and begins reading by the fire. As the evening progresses, he is surprised to hear a knocking at his door. Listening with curious ears, he hears Kreacher answer, only to then hear him begin yelling. "MISS CANNOT ENTER! KREACHER NEEDS MISS TO STOP RIGHT NOW!"

Standing from his seat, Regulus looks over to see a woman, a little older than him, barge into the room. Her ewry green tinted eyes look emotionless as she raises her wand and begins casting at him. Shit. Quickly dodging the first blow, Regulus grabs his wand. "Kreacher! Do not harm her, she's under a curse!" He yells, seeing his house elf getting ready to attack the woman.

"But Master!"

"I have it handled!" Reglus shouts blocking the spells. Back and forth the woman attacks and Regulus blocks. "Expelliarmus!" Regulus casts, but the woman is quick to counter with a protective spell. She's too good of a dueler. I'll need to use some force. "Incendio!" He launches a stream of fire towards the woman whose shield breaks from the pressure. "Expelliarmus!" He casts the disarming charm in quick succession, launching the woman's wand from her hands over to Regulus. "Incarcerous!" He shouts again, binding the woman with thick rope as she falls to the ground, squirming as she tries to break free.

Quickly notifying the Ministry, the on-call Aurors arrive to take Regulus and Kreachers statements and then escort the woman to St. Mungos for treatment on reversing the curse. "Hmm." The one Auror speaks after finishing his note. "The killer must have known you were on the case." The one man comments, making Regulus' heart drop. Grace.

Panic filling him, he doesn't say another word before he apparates away from the Aurors and straight to Grace's apartment. If they attacked me, what's to say they didn't attack Grace?!

"Reg!" The brunette woman calls, smiling up at him mid spin as her and Jeremy dance around the kitchen baking brownies. "What's up?"

Letting out a heavy breath he didn't realize he was holding, he races forward and pulls the woman into his arms. "Thank Merlin, you're okay." He whispers, fear having consumed him with the idea that Grace could have just as easily been targeted.

"What's wrong?" She asks, pulling back, worry creeping into her as she sees his expression. Giving her a brief overview of what occurred, Grace immediately grows concerned and enraged. "I'm going to kill them." She hisses, fists clenched.

"Grace." Regulus scolds, grateful Jeremy was understanding and allowed them to go back into her room to speak privately.

"They went after you, Reg. This is personal now. They're dead."

Aurors Heart: A Regulus Black RomanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang