Part 4

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I went into my dad's room, i didn't have to worry about him catching me, not that he would care anyway, because him and mum were away with work.  They were most of the time because they would spent at most a night at home before jetting off somewhere else so i had the place to myself for the most part.  They gave me plenty of money to keep myself alive so maybe they did love me after all?  

Anyway, i know where he keeps alcohol and weed for when he is home, so i quickly took it out of his draw, before returning back to my own room.  He had loads left so i wouldn't have to worry about going out and getting my own for a while yet.  I sighed happily, and started to smoke the blunt, pausing to sip some vodka every now and again.  This was more like it, much better than that shithole of a building called a school.  I finished the blunt and rolled another and smoke that aswell.  By now my brain was so fuzzy but it felt amazing.  I downed what was left of the vodka, hardly feeling it burn my throat.  Fuck school, i was far too smashed to go in tommorow, no way would i be sober by then, i'll probably still be as high as the moon.  


I woke up to my phone buzzing beside me.  I just ignored it and tried to fall back asleep in my sheets, but my head was pounding.  It rang again.  "ughhhh" i groaned answering it. "who is it and what do you wnattttt" i said groggily.  "its lessi i messaged you and then figured you were probably still sleeping, looks like i was right! Get up you will be late" she said in a rush. I laughed, of course little miss goddy two shoes wouldnt let me miss school. Maybe i should go if i get to see her.  " i wasn't planning on coming in today" i admitted sheepishly.  "well you are now because im outside now get up" she said decisively before hanging up.  I laughed and looked out the window and sure enough, there she was standing at the bottom of the drive.  i checked my messages from her and saved her number to my contacts.


 Bluey 💙

hi, its lessi was wondering if you wanted to walk to school together

Ellie, are you there?

Don't tell me you're not awake

Right, i'm coming over there

I put on fresh uniform as fast as i could, and some deodrant trying to mask the smell of weed as i didnt have time for a shower, before running downstairs and out of the door.  "sorry for keeping you waiting my highness" i said approaching her.  she giggled as i got near before her face dropped a bit.  



"why do you smell of weed?"

shit. she noticed then.

"its my weed scented prefume, sherlock do the maths" i replied rolling my eyes. I could't help it, my mouth can't be quiet.  "come on we are gonna be late and you dont want that do you" i said pulling her along hoping she will drop it.  "not like this we're not, mr pedo will sniff you out from a mile away and you know it, here have some of my spray" she said stopping us.

"so you're chill with it" i questioned. Hadn't expected that from russo. " no i am very much not but im not stupid i know you and i trust you to be responsible if you're doing stuff like that, but it is bad for your football and health, you know that" she said sighing "alright mum" i mocked her but shut up quickly when she gave me a look. "belly i dont have to let you get away with it i'll come and confiscate your stuff" she said sounding deadly serious. "god maybe i shouldnt have given you my adress" i said pushing her. "but i know bluey ok" she nodded.

I sprayed lessi's perfume on me. now my hoodie is going to smell like her.  If it doesnt get taken off me because you're not allowed hoodies in school but oh well. Sorry mr pedo.

AN: sorry thats just a quick one, what do you think of the story so far and what are your thoughts on ellie?

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