LXIV: Making today a perfect day

Start from the beginning

'But it's an ice cream cake!." Dude tried to reason, excitement in his voice. "And it's for Priscilla" Audrey reminded him in a quiet voice. "And it's for Priscilla" He repeats sadly

"Plus Chocolate. You can't have chocolate" Audrey told the dog before walking away. Dude let out a whine before getting off the table. Audrey suddenly remembered something causing her to let out another gasp "Oh, it's time!" She said out loud getting the others' attention

"It's time!" Dude copied Audrey's enthusiasm before he got confused "For what?" He asked her. Audrey turns to the boys "Okay..." She let out a chuckle, she pointed a finger at the two "You sure you got this?"

Carlos and Jay nodded their heads at the girl, "I'm
Sure" Carlos assured her

"Don't let anyone in before we're ready" Stre reminded him as she started to walk backward in the direction of Auradon prep "I won't" He told her

"And don't touch anything"
"I'm just gonna stand here"

"I'm probably gonna walk around a little" Dude announced as he also began walking away. Audrey was on the top of the stairs looking over at the two boys. She went to the railing, "And keep an eye on that cake!" She yelled to them before rushing off

Jay looks over at Carlos with a smile. " She thinks you're an idiot" He simply told the boy. Carlos rolled his eyes at Jay, he began to walk off not watching where he was going "Well, clearly she's wrong" Right as he said that he bumped into the table that held the cake

"Whoa" He exclaimed as he held his hand out. Once the cake turned out fine, he quickly fixed the ice sculptor before it fell. Carlos felt Jay's eyes on him, already knowing his expression. "What? It's fine"

Audrey made it to Priscilla's room and stood beside the bed as Priscilla continued to be asleep. Audrey 'Psst' at her sister making herself a seat on the bed. "Pris" She called for the sleeping girl. "Yeah?" Priscilla answered still half asleep

"Happy late birthday" Audrey sang, emphasizing the word 'late!' Priscilla slightly smiled "To you" Priscilla added, still sleepy. Audrey shook her head and chuckled at her, "It's your birthday!" She reminded
happily "Well, it was like two days ago but you know what I mean!" She rubbed Priscilla's back

"To me...!" Priscilla Corrected herself making Audrey
laugh "It's my birthday," Priscilla said to herself about
to go back to steep. "Come on!" Audrey pulled the blanket off Priscilla. Cilla sat up on her bed, now awake and rubbing the sleep away in her eye, "Audrey, my birthday was like days ago"

Audrey hummed a yes at her statement. "But we are going to celebrate it today! And it's going to be perfect because... you've never had a real birthday before," Audrey stood up and grabbed both of her sister's hands pulling her off the bed as she began to sing

"Except, of course, the ones just spent outside my locked door" Audrey recited the memories. She let go of Priscilla's and went over to her sister's closet, she grabbed a dress she had planned for Priscilla to wear for the day. Priscilla got excited for the surprise dress, she grabbed it from her older sister's hand and rushed to the room divider that was in her room "So, I'm way too late to help you celebrate and be your birthday date if I may..."

Audrey went up to the divider as Priscilla began to get dressed as Audrey continued to sing. Audrey let out a sneeze getting Priscilla's attention. Audrey sniffled and let out a quiet groan. Priscilla poked her head out to look at Audrey. She stepped out from behind the divider and looked at her sister concerned with her eyebrows furrowed. "Audrey, I'm thinking you might have a cold"

Audrey shook her head dismissively at her sister's accusation, "It's just a sneeze" She told her assuringly, Cilin didn't look too convinced. "Just follow the string!" She said, a string in her hand and showed it to Priscilla

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