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"Sweetie?" Lewis sat on the bed next to me and I turned at him "You okay?"

"Yes I'm fine" I sighed and he kissed my hair "It's just what has happened now is too much to me!"

I sat up and Lewis grabbed my hands

"Imagine what it means to me when a woman accuses me for raping! I'm telling the truth and I will run after her for the video" Lewis announced proudly

The door knocked and Lewis walked to open, it was Mick that just walked into the room

"What happened?" I asked giggling "Where's Laila?"

"We have a problem" Mick gave me him phone "It's about Lewis"

Lewis came next to me to watch the video with me, it was him and that Gina

Lewis placed her on the bed kissing her and she took off his T-Shirt, Lewis threw her and he was over her body

Then Gina slapped Lewis and she cursed him, Lewis was completely in shock and he walked out of the room as well

I looked at Mick giving him his phone back

"What is this?" Lewis was completely in shock and frozen "Why in the hell she did that?"

"You have to do something about it! She can't get away with it" I replied madly "Go and talk to Toto"

"I really need to" Lewis stood up "Mick stay here with Mikky I will go to Toto"

Lewis walked away from the room and I stayed with Mick that he sat next to me

"Talk to me" Mick sighed "What happened with the video? They say that he raped and abused her"

"He didn't!" I looked at Mick "Do you believe that someone like Lewis could do something like this??"

"Of course no! I'm sure about it because we do know that Lewis is such a good person with feelings and he would never do anything like that!" Mick smiled softly "But the video proves that he wanted to do something with the woman, it was when he was with you?"

"Lewis says that this happened before we met so everything is fine!" I stood up "I really need talk to my parents"

"Seb is already here, he is in the hotel lobby" Mick said standing up "He'll meet Lewis there we have to run there"

Mick and I ran downstairs to the hotel lobby, I was wearing pyjamas, we took the elevator to the lobby and a few seconds we were to the hotel lobby

Lewis had just stood in front of my dad, both Mick and I stopped walking completely in shock

"What in the hell the media are saying Lewis?" My dad asked madly

"I can explain!" Lewis defended himself

"Explain what?" My dad was so mad but calm "A woman accuses you for raping and abusing and at the same time my daughter is staying in the same house as you!"

Mick and I walked to them

"Papa!" I hugged my dad

"Hello teddy bear" My dad kissed my hair and I stood next to him "Lewis did not rape or abuse the woman! She is just crazy and she wants money"

"Toto just told me that their lawyers still they want to compromise with us! They ask money" Lewis said

"See dad?" I asked "She wants money and fame"

"Is it true?" My dad asked looking at Lewis

"I would never do anything like that and I'm confused that you believed it!" Lewis answered

"I'm sorry then" My dad sighed "I was planning come in Bahrain and here I am!"

"Happy to be here!" Mick said and he had a friendly hug with my dad

"Hello son!" My dad said and I just rolled my eyes "Happy to see you here"

"I need a seat so badly!" Mick giggled "Break a leg Lewis"

"No thanks!" Lewis giggled "I'm happy enough like that!"

Toto came to us and he smiled softly having a small talk for hello with my dad

"Lewis we have to meet Gina and her lawyers but that bitch does not want Michaela around so she'll stay here in the hotel if that's okay" Toto looked at me with a sad face

"I think it's better without me because the case is between Lewis and Gina so I'll go for shopping with my dad!" I said proudly

"Go and change firstly! I'm not taking you for shopping with your pyjamas!" My dad giggled "Mick join us"

"I'll take Laila for the airport and maybe we'll come later to say hi" Mick smiled

I ran upstairs to change into other clothes and then back downstairs to go for shopping with my dad

My mind was with Lewis and what will come later

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