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I opened my eyes and I looked at Lewis, I was sweating

Everything was a bad dream, that he cheated on me that I was pregnant

Thank God

"You okay peach?" Lewis asked and I looked at him "What happened?"

He sat up

"I don't know" I whispered

"You need to have a shower and change pyjamas!" Lewis stood up "I'll help you"

"Thanks" I sighed "I don't know what happened"

We walked in the bathroom and Lewis helped me take off my clothes

"Shit you are more sweaty than I thought" Lewis stroked my back

"I want to wash my hair as well" I whispered

"Yeah peach of course" Lewis agreed

I walked in the shower and Lewis helped me

"I watched that you cheated on me but also I was pregnant and and we had a baby girl" I replied

"Peach relax! I will never cheat on you because I love you, whatever they say" Lewis kiss my lips gently "It was just a dream, okay?"

"Okay" I nodded "I love you"

"I love you too and you know it" Lewis smiled

Lewis helped me have a shower and then I couldn't sleep so I sat in the living room and watched some Netflix

It's December, the Christmas are close, Lewis and I will leave for New York for Christmas

Lando will come with us as well and I know that we're going to have fun

The last season I ended second in the championship and Lewis third, it was kind of cute

"Good Morning" Lewis came in the living room around 8 in the morning

"Good Morning" I smiled softly

"I couldn't sleep" Lewis sat next to me "With you here"

"It's okay" I leaned against his arm and he stroked my belly

We talked for a while and Lewis walked to the kitchen to make us some breakfast

I walked in the kitchen and I watched Lewis making breakfast

"What happened peach?" Lewis asked and he turned at me

"I just like watching a man like you cooking" I smiled softly

"Come here" Lewis grabbed me and he placed me in the counter started kissing my lips passionately

Lewis hand arrived to my leggings exploring my hips with his hands

"Like it?" Lewis asked started taking off my leggings gently

"Keep going" I whispered back "Please"

The door knocked, Lewis and I looked at each other

"Coming" Lewis said

I stood up wearing my leggings again and Lewis walked to open

"Missed me?" Lando's voice came to my ears

"No" Lewis said

"Michaela!" Lando yelled "Dad didn't miss me"

Lando appeared in the kitchen

"Probably because you interrupted us" I gave Lando a hug

"Ew" Lando said with a disgusted expression "Don't make me imagine that"

"Okay I won't" I answered giggling "You okay baby?"

"Yes! I will leave for London for Christmas and I came here to gave you your gifts!" Lando said proudly

Lando gave me a Dior shopping bag and to Lewis a Louis Vuitton

"I hope you like my gifts!" Lando said blushing

I opened the shopping bag to watch a Large Dior Bag in black, Lewis had an oversized blue Louis Vuitton T-Shirt written Louis with red colour

"Thanks baby!" I gave Lando a hug "It's so cute"

"I didn't do anything!" Lando said proudly

"It's amazing mate! Thanks!" Lewis said

"Let me bring you your gift" I walked in the bedroom and I grabbed the Dior shopping bag, I walked again back in the kitchen "And that's for you!"

"Oh! You don't have to!" Lando said, I gave him the bag and he opened the gift "It's a box"

Lando opened the box and he released a Dior navy blue puffer

"Wow!" Lando said "Thanks!"


The same afternoon Lewis and I left for New York, we were into his jet

I was sitting alone reading a book and Lewis was on his phone having a big smile on his face

Or my nightmare from last night becoming true or I am overthinking

Think I need someone older (The come back?)Where stories live. Discover now