■ Accepted Entries, Judges and more - Best Blurb ■

132 7 5

Accepted Entries

lostlovefairy - Stay

Annika_writer - Desirable Relationship

girlofmanythoughts - The Rules of Love

SueLou66 - Next Girl

EnigmaEpic - Fates Converged: A Witch's Vow

new_erasktaylor -  Cataract of Delusion

KanhaiyakiSakhi9112 -  Akarshika

Judge & Payment


Read & leave 5 comments on the FIRST chapter of Our Ruins (Not Mature, T/W: Self-harm, Violence, Abuse & Trauma, Murder) (Link to the book beside this line) Please report next to your entry once done.

Criteria (50): Clarity (10), Engagement (10), Relevance to Plot (10), Tone and Voice (10),  and Grammar and Syntax (10).


Wednesday, 31st January 2024, 11.59 PM IST (GMT + 5.30, EST + 9.30)

And a little Sneak Peak...

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The Nova Nexus Awards [Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora