Start from the beginning

Certainly a battle building for sure if they added the battlefield as its signature marking.

"Really? I should train my Pokemon for the next gym." Kairi mumbled to herself. Obviously, the first battle with Hilbert she had was only mere luck and she couldn't rely on luck to carry her to victory. She glanced at Atlas and Croton who jumped up and down in excitement. "You two are oddly eager to get your hands dirty." Kairi laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Gib, gible!"

"Ped... veni..."

The bluenette nodded with a nervous smile before turning her head towards Nurse Joy. "Thank you so much, I'll keep your suggestion in mind. Anything else I should know?" Kairi asked in curiosity as Nurse Joy was in thought. "There's a beautiful park in the middle of Accumula Town. I'd suggest you see that too! Though I think an industry is setting something up for tomorrow."

Hearing this made Kairi curious of what industry was even here in the first place. They must've traveled fairly far to get here to set something up here. Or... they just came here by plane, but who knows? Kairi nodded. "Thank you, Nurse Joy!" She smiled and bowed down to Nurse Joy before waving bye at her and leaving the building.

"Hmm... the Battle Club... should be fun!"

Soon enough, Kairi arrived at the building. It looked empty with PCs aligned, where their screens flickered to different trainers that were currently around the area and registered in the Battle Club. It felt like a school experience that Kairi didn't know of.

The bluenette cautiously looked around, not sure what to do. Surely there must be some guidance that must be around here, right...? "You look lost," a voice called out to her. Oh Arceus, someone knows Kairi's anxiety of not knowing what to do in this situation!

"Gib?" Atlas cried out as Kairi turned to the voice. A fair dark skinned teenager with long dark lavender hair laughed softly and shook her head before her crimson eyes gazed at the large Gible with sparkles in her eyes. She ran up to Atlas and caressed the land shark's head which made Atlas confused by the sudden affection.

Her eyes sparkled in awe at the Gible. "You have a Gible?! She's soooo cute!" The girl squealed as she observed Atlas with admiration. "And she's a very large Gible too... you took care of her really well." She remarked as she continued to pet Atlas.

What does she even say here? Imagine a random stranger you don't even know starts petting your companion. It's not that uncommon, but it's still a little weird. Maybe she's too cautious. "Thank... you?" It sounded more like a question than an answer really. "But yes, it is my first time here." Kairi was embarrassed. She didn't even know the simplest thing.

The girl sighed before looking at Kairi. "Your first time? Hm, I can help you out! Name's Iris, by the way! What's yours?" She asked as she gestured to Kairi to follow her towards the PC. Iris...? That name sounds familiar... Kairi thought as she trailed behind the girl. "Name's Kairi... and the Gible here is Atlas." She introduced as Gible as playing with.. An Axew? The two Dragon type Pokemon circled around each other happily. It was a cute sight actually.

"Kairi? That's a cute name!" Iris praised, smiling as she pointed at one of the buttons on the screen. "By the way, this here is the Trainer Profiles!" The girl exclaimed, which caught Kairi's attention. Maybe that was the intention? Iris cleared her throat before continuing. "Here you'll see profiles from other trainers and what Pokemon they have. The Battle Club is a great place if you want to hone your skills while battling freely."

The cerulean girl nodded, taking mental note of Iris' words. "Do I have to register first?" It was obvious, it should be obvious right? Iris nodded and tapped on the Xtransceiver. "Of course! All you have to do is put your Xtransceiver within the PC and it'll register you and your party members."

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