games of the dead

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mcgonagall gave the call for prep and i couldn't find anyone i knew. i had gotten dressed in what i thought was good. in the end it was a black long sleeve and the best pair of 'jeans' i could get more like pants i guess. on the baggy side. i threw on my vans for the extra grip. and with my wand in my side it was my job to help mcgonagall to herd the slytherins into the chambers. i ended up wearing a black bandana. "y/n go" "but" "you must remain safe please" i did as told and followed the crowd guiding them. "she said this was the safest place" i spoke to everyone. and we sat there. "y/n" "oh hey blaise" "i haven't seen anyone" "neither have i" "let loose out there kid" "wait, can you stay with me" "your leading a giant fucking movement under the command of hogwarts" "doesn't matter please" he sighed and sat next to me. "wonderful choice of clothes y/n" "i know what to expect. i figured it would be better then my robes" me and him ended up dressing pretty similar. he had on half of his uniform but his style shined through. "i thought it wouldn't happen for a couple months" "i kinda fucked us in that" he looked at me with heavy eyes. "im the traitor after all blaise" "i don't think you are, i think your protecting what you love" i smiled at him in return, but the hours felt like days and the energy was draining from everyone in a constant state of panic. "do you feel that?" "the ground shaking yes i do" i looked at him. "y/n you've been living up to this moment. your the one person who needs to stay alive" "blaise wait" it wasnt 5 seconds later the ceiling started to put dust on us. "we have to go now" blaise grabbed my hand taking us out the cell. we saw draco and ran with everyone else. draco pulled me, blaise, and goyle into another hallway running. it didn't take long for the ceiling to crash behind us. "hurry" draco spoke. we all ran our asses off until we had to climb. "y/n switch it. your scared i need you focused" draco spoke looking at me. i pulled a little move. i also watched goyle fall, and i wasnt far to join him. "proteigo" i spoke casting a bubble which partly broke my fall. "Y/N" thats all i heard draco yell, i had to keep going if i wanted to meet him on the other side. i saw goyle laying there "it was good knowing you bud. travel safe" i knew he had died, and the fire was harsh coming towards us. i ran, i knew the school like the back of my hand. "shit" i whispered, there were death eaters trying to ween out any kids they caught. "avada kedarva" thats one..two...three...four. i started running. "y/n" i turned to see tom. "i knew you still had it in you, but your own kind?" "proteigo" i spoke deflecting the spell he tried to cast and when i knew i was a safe distance i deactivated it. he was chasing me, i knew he was. i cant think about draco, i need to think about surviving, getting to harry to defeat the enemy so we can be free. "you cant hide y/n" to bad that i am i waited for him to pass me before i dashed into a hallway. "gryffindor common room" i spoke heading towards it. i could see the battle outside the window. the giant glass window of the gryffindor common room. "malfoy dont make this harder then it has to be" i felt like the floor under my feet was going to fall. i walked over to tom. "im doing what it takes to survive tom" "then come with me" "and why would i do that tom" "because its safe for you y/n. you should know that better then anyone" "oh tom" i couldnt help but say it seductively. i watched him look me up and down. "have to catch me first lover boy" i spoke giving him a wink before i ran through the glass window. i knew it was off the ground but not this far off the ground. "proteigo" i ended up rolling before i made myself stop. i had to go back inside to see if anyone needed help, they did. i play support roles and im fine with it. "y/n you little" i turned back to see tom. "you caught me." "of course i did" "i could just eat you up" i smiled at him. "your playing an act" "or am i tom" i gave him a wink. i ended up following him to the main place. "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD" what the hell did i miss. i swear it didnt take me that long. apparently it did. i saw harrys body there. i admit i ran and i ran back to the castle. i ran to where i would think everyone would be. "neville wheres my brother" "i dont know y/n" i looked to see multiple things. i could only help him before i ran to find draco. "shes gone dont you understand, she fell" "what do you mean she fell" "she slipped off a rock and fell to the bottom mattheo. shes dead" i could hear his voice ring. "not so fast" there was a wand to my head. "im trying to get to draco tom" i looked over at him waiting for him to say something. "your still a traitor at heart and i forget that malfoy" "before you kill me let me do one thing" i turned around and gave him a hug. "what the hell are you doing" "i wanted to give you a hug before you kill me. i always thought we made a good team" i poured as much emotion as i could into it. he lowered his wand and hugged me back. "im ready tom" "avada kedavra" i let my body fall to the floor. "such a shame you were pretty to" he spoke i could hear his footsteps. "Y/N?" "OH SHIT BE OKAY" neville you poor baby. "im sorry i didnt help you like you helped me y/n im sorry" "WHERE IS SHE" draco.... "mattheo" neville spoke. "your brother killed her mattheo" his voice rang one more time. yeah but how am i not dead, thats my question. "we have to go there draco, its to late" sound so upset. "i know" draco please do not cry. pretty soon i felt everyone walking over me, and it did not feel good. "harry potter is you can join me" noseless bitch. i ended up getting up and walking over to everyone. theres a giant fucking hole in my shirt. "come join now, walk over there and join us" i saw hagrid carrying harry. "draco" my father "draco come on" my mother...."draco" my father. what the fuck is happening i can barely see. "mattheo lets go" "theo you to" "not without y/n" "where is she draco?" "tom killed her" i could see them waving him over. i climbed the parts of the castle that i could. i was over looking everyone. i saw a couple people look up and point me out. "who is that?" i could hear his voice from all the way down there, but i also saw draco walk much like the others i know and love. i watched harry move and i saw draco run over. from above i could land hits so i did one by one boom, boom,boom,boom. "your not dead" "go away tom" "your stonger then i thought" i felt him grab me. "emotionless, just how i like it. your ruthless. your murder numbers higher. what is it now? 13?" "shut up tom" i spoke holding him much like he held me. "i hoped you loved me" "i dont love anyone y/n malfoy" "good" i jumped off the little perch we were on falling to the ground. "your crazy" "im ruthless" i ended up flipping us last second so he hit the ground instead of me. "the malfoy is here" Voldemort laughed. i held the wand to him just like he did to me. and with a sick little smile i burned him. i wasnt going to hurt him to much. "oh my poor son" he looked at me much as i looked at him. looking at the scene everyone thought i was dead. "she survived the killing curse" tom spoke. and with another spell came a blast that made tom fly into a wall. "those eyes. im excited" i felt his nails dig into the side of my face as he looked at me. "the emotion switch" he kept looking at me. "avada kedavra"  i felt my body get weak...once more halfway across the floor. "Y/N" "Y/N PLEASE" i could hear everyone screaming. "Y/N" with one final voice rung harrys. and "Avada" "expell" i could barely focus on it but with one move he died. "y/n im sorry" harry spoke. "im not" tom ended up pushing him out the way. "dude" mattheo chimed in. "get out of my way" "fuck off. you tried to kill y/n" "and she tried to kill me we are even" i got up behind tom. "sectumsempra" i watched tom fall to the ground and with a smile once more i looked into his eyes. "wanna see what these nails can really do tom?" i shoved my nail into his eye socket. the pure scream was enough to make me laugh only earning my own mother to pull me off. "RELEASE ME" "y/n calm down" but the second he raised his wand to ginny is the second i broke free and snaped his arm in 2. "switch y/n you know you want to" tom spoke to me, hes trying to get in my head. but he cant move. i ended up putting my foot on his face. "mattheo" he mumbled out. he was busy helping people. and everyone else was busy trying to contain the rest of the death eaters. i stomped as hard as i could. "DRACO GET Y/N" that was all i heard ginny yell. but by then i dropped to my knees and started clawing him until he was bleeding. "wanna see how far your jaw goes tom? i do" and with me getting up and one kick i ended up breaking it. "y/n" i felt my body be grabbed. when my face was turned i saw draco looking at me. i looked back at tom. "you tried to kill me" he couldnt even form words anymore and that made me smile. "13" was all me mumbled out. i felt a wave of anger fly over me and thats when no one could get me. i was hostile, untouchable. but i was going in, punches not stopping, why stop. i couldnt help but laugh. in the end draco ended up tackling me and holding me in place with my face towards the ground. and there i was in the corner tied up and mouth taped. and when i watched everyone move around i wanted to join. i watched mattheo look at tom and start talking to him and then he looked at me tied in a corner. when he started walking towards me draco went and got him walking him in the other direction. im smart, i freed myself. i was free to walk around. "y/n?" "harry" he gave me a hug. "she almost killed a man in front of us harry" "i just killed a man hermione" "both were evil" ron chimed in. i went up to what used to be my room. and half of it was still there. i could collect my stuff or what i could carry in my pockets. my jewelry,photos....there was nothing much left. "y/n" i quickly turned around with my wand up, but lowered it when i saw mattheo. "want to explain my brother?" "he tried to kill me" "and then you tried to kill him twice" "fair game" he ended up giving me a hug. "the rings mattheo" "they are at your house in your room" i looked up at him. "you can calm down. your safe" "you shouldnt be here" "and neither should you." "we need to get to dracos room" i watched him look behind. "baby theres no way" "but your room is there to" he sighed. and in the end he grabbed a backpack and a suitcase and started packing my clothes. "you scared the fuck out of us y/n" "im alive" "draco said you fell" "i did. i protected myself. told goyle goodbye. and fought my ass out the castle. lied to tom and flew out the window. tom found me brought me to where harry died first. i left and helped neville. i conned tom and he used the killing curse. i survived somehow. i ended up going to the top of the rubble and started taking my shots. thats when i fell with tom knocking him on the ground then voldemort cursed me, and then i dont remember. i remember coming up here. i felt like i needed to" i explain. i could feel the tears forming. "come here princess" he gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. "your mother lied to save you and draco y/n but she got told you died" i looked at him. "i just wanted to make sure draco was okay matty" "i know y/n" "but i didnt make it until the end. i wanted to be by his side mattheo. but i couldnt be" he broke the hug to finish getting most of my stuff. we ended up jumping over the crack lines into dracos room. i grabbed what i could of his before we went to mattheos and grabbed what we could of his and theos. and i even got some of blaises stuff. when we finally went down again we gave them the stuff. "you both went up there?" theo looked at us. we had 2 suitcases and backpacks. when draco saw me he ran to me and hugged me causing both of us to fall to the ground. "you scared the fuck out of me y/n" "im sorry" "you fell i thought you died" "i protected myself. i told goyle goodbye for us" draco was upset. and in the end there was my mother and father. "come on" draco grabbed my hand but  i wasnt going without theo and mattheo or enzo or blaise. and we all ended up going together. i could help but cry on draco. "i tried so hard draco" "its fine. but y/n 13?" "dont talk about it" "where the hell were you" "i dont know" "13 what?" theo looked over and now everyone was looking at me. i looked at draco to see him looking at everyone else. "13 people" "and?" "are dead because of y/n" they all looked at me. "it was life or death. be glad im here" "its good to have you back y/n" enzo spoke to me. it was a horrible car ride. like rank ass car ride, it smelled like blood and sweat. "my side really hurts" "let me see" when i lifted my shirt draco pulled it back down. "what is it draco?" "shes bleeding like bad" i watched my mother look at me. "oh thats where tom hit me with the curse. and noseless hit me here" i spoke pulling down my sleeve" once i got back to my bed draco came into my room along with mattheo and theo. 1 to clean me up and 2 putting away my stuff along with mattheos. 

"i feel like everything has just begun" i looked at them. "maybe" "its a new start y/n" i looked at all of them pulling every single person there with me in a hug. "you better never leave me" "i dont know, after seeing a new side of you. i see your fucking insane" "its my survival skills theo. i didnt ask you how you survive, did you want me dead or crazy?" " a normal fucking person" we all laughed and when the time came, i couldnt sleep only earning mattheo to comfort me throughout the night.

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon