im never going back

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i left. days after days of bein hit with a cane and crying out to help only to get none. i left. 4 days in a row ive been hit and yelled and hurt. my last straw wass when my father drew blood on my already scrapped arm. i went to ginnys day one and tried to sleep and get comfort. i stayed there  for 2 days and now ive been walking for 4. i expected to end up next to the train station for hogwarts. but im in london now. stuck in the dead middle next to the london bridge. "pardon me sir, do you know where a phone might be" "up this corner to the left" "thank you for being so generous" i smiled and walked away. i learned to start to ask people if i needed help instead of trying myself. i put in a few change into the phone and called mine. no one answered so i tried again. "ginny y/n isnt here" "hi draco" "y/n where the hell are you" "im at the london bridge" "stay there im coming" "no. id rather you not. but hey draco" "im coming" "hey draco" "what" "i love you" i smiled and hung up. i havent told him that since before we started hogwarts. i sat on the bridge taking a break. "excuse me" i looked up to see a older women. "oh am i in your way im so sorry" "no your alright, but do you need help" "no im okay thank you" "here take this. i hate for you to be out here with no warm food on a cold day like this. if you need i can point you to a homeless home" "no im alright. thank you though" she handed me 40 anyway and went on her way talking about its a shame since im so young. most people think im homeless, in a sense i am. a runaway with no where to go isnt homeless just lost. no one was there to guide them like they should have been. i went back to the pay phone to call ginny only to get george to answer. "hello" "hey where are you i dont know this number" "im next to the bridge" "what bridge" "the london bridge" "how did you end up there" "i walked. although my feet hurt a lot" "do we need to come get you" "no im okay. if i need you to ill call again" but before i could finish talking i ran out of time on the call. it was a lot of walking but theres not much to do when you dont exactly have a thing to do. i didnt exactly take money and i spent the 40 on a better coat so i was actually warm. even got a blanket with the remaining. i sat on the rail of the bridge with my bag on the floor. "you might slip if you keep sitting there" i looked beside me to see 2 boys maybe 17 or 18. "thank you" i spoke keeping my spot. "how did you get here, wheres your parents" "i left" "but why" "it was a home i no longer wanted to be in" "did they hurt you" all i could do was nod. in the end i had these boys follow me everywhere. maybe to keep me safe or as a precaution. suicide watch maybe, they didnt want to be questioned since they were last talking to me. and in the end i layed my head on the concreate of the bridge to try and get some sleep. and 10 minutes later i woke up and they were gone. they knew it was clear that they wouldn't be questioned if anything happened. it had been 2 hours since i called everyone. and i found a ledge on the bridge. what better adventure then to stand on it. when i did i had people start grabbing my ankles and legs. "im alright you dont need to do that" i looked at all of them. "your gonna jump arent you" a older gentlemen spoke looking at me. "no" no one seemed sure. but i guess if i saw it through their eyes, a teen runaway standing on a bridge edge, it wouldnt look good either. "MOVE" "GET OUT MY WAY" "MOVE IT, LET GO" i felt my shirt be grabbed and pulled back. it was those boys again. i dont like to be seen as a damsel in distress. "your crazy yeah? could have drug you with her alright." "go shoo, this isnt for a scene" they had a thick accent. but instead of it being them there were girls with them, and more boys. he still had me by my shirt. "crazy arent you" "no not really" "15 to 16 and your trying to off yourself, yeah?" "no i mean" he kept cutting me off over and over. "lucky i was here. this is serious. ill take you to the station. they wont send you home, but you can get the care you need" "no really im fine" "your not trying to jump off the bridge in 32 degree water, gonna get hypothermia" "y/n" i looked behind me to see theo. "your name is y/n" "it is and i would appreciate if you let her go" "who are you" "does it matter, y/n ginny told me everything. i talked it out and your coming with me" "i need to get to the train theo" "you need to fucking eat, now lets go" i felt the older boys let me go. "kids leading kids" "im your age asshole" theo looked at him flipping me off. "oh but thanks for not letting her jump" theo smiled before grabbing my hand and walking with me. "your bag" one of the girls followed suit. i put it on my back and kept walking with theo. "theo i need the train." "draco told me you would be here and since mattheo is asleep, we decided i was the best person to get you since i dont look like family." "i dont want to go theo, dont make me" i was crying. "what happened for you to leave" i just showed him every single bruise and cut. "draco didnt tell us you were being hit" "i tried to scream for help all the time." theo was mad i could tell. "draco you asshole" theo looked at him waking up mattheo in the front seat. "fuck you draco, you dragged us on this mission making it seem like nothing was wrong she just up and left" "what the fuck are you talking about theo, i told you all she ran away and we dont know where" "you left out all the bruises and cuts asshole" "what" mattheo looked up at me. "i didnt expect her to look so drained" draco spoke. "what do you want to eat" theo looked at me. "i dont" "what are you in the mood for my love" mattheo looked at me. "i dont know" "pizza" "no" i looked at theo. "a burger" "no" "mashed potatoes" draco spoke from the driver seat. "get your finger out your mouth y/n" he looked at me more. i was biting the side of my thumb without even noticing. "mattheo rip me off a piece of plastic" i was handed a piece of plastic to chew on instead of gum for the fact no one had any. "theres a steak place around here somewhere" theo spoke. i let go of theos hand to get to the only pay phone i know of. "hello y/n" "hi, um. draco and the boys found me. can you let yout mother know ron" "are you going to be okay going back" "probably not. but i might crash with other people if its possible" "we only have a week left stay strong y/n" "ill" the call ran out. i walked back up to the car. "mattheo get your sick ass out this car we are going" "im coming just give me a second" he groaned getting out the passenger. "go park" theo spoke to draco earning him to drive away. "these teen boys acting like they are the reason shes safe because they stopped her from killing herself." "she was trying to off herself" "you know y/n, she does stupid shit but she wouldnt do that" they were watching draco try and park the car. i went up behind mattheo and hugged him from behind. "draco failed to tell us she left because she was being hurt" "how bad" "y/n show him" i did against my own will. "my mom would flip" "my parents arent the most okay with it" "i know it hit mrs.malfoy really hard." "but not the father. he doesnt seem to care. hes all about draco" mattheo wrapped me in his blanket. "arent you scared of infecting her with your sickness" "im not scared, ill be there if she is. it was my fault for already not being there" "hes taking to long lets just go" we all started walking to this expensive looking steak house. "how many" "4" i watched as she nodded and led us to a table draco joining slowly after. "drinks" "coffee" "coffee" "tea" and they all looked at me. "i dont know" i watched the waitress smile. "y/n stop chewing on your bone" draco spoke. "sorry" "nervous habit" draco looked at the waitress. "i know what to get her" she smiled walking away. coming back 10 minutes later. "coffee, coffee, tea, and your mystery drink and water" she smiled at me. i pointed to what i wanted to eat for draco. "but not the stuff on top" he looked at me. "fucking picky eater" "oh and not that either" "can i have this" "the ultimate burger, sure thing" "soup" "chicken noodle, beef and broth, egg drop, or salmon and bowtie" "chicken and beef" "sure thing and you." "ill have the 8 steak medium to medium rare. with a side of" he looked at me. "fries with oil ranch. and she will have 6 steak. medium well to well done. barely any pink. mashed potatoes with all gravy on the side and no rosemary or thyme. extra butter on steak. please and thank you" and she was off again. "that was the most complicated order i have ever heard" "dont expect her to eat it all. she will be after our meals before her own" theo smiled at me. "i didnt know you liked fries and ranch draco" mattheo laughed. "its for her not me" and they looked at me. "whats wrong with it" "nothing at all, we just thought it wasnt dracos taste of food" i took a sip of my mystery drink to find out it was chocolate milk. "can i have some" i passed it to mattheo only to see him caught off guard. "why is it so good" i laughed a little. "look its those boys" theo spoke looking at mattheo. "table for 7" this way. what we didnt expect was for them to be right next to us. "i cant beat ass in this state theo" "get better" the second they saw me is the second they wanted to start trouble. "why cant you leave her alone" theo looked at them. "you guys owe me. i saved her" he took one good look at draco and one look at me. "siblings. so the gist is return her to a trouble home? seeing her bruises your going to take her back to it. some friends and family you are. come here sweetheart ill take care of you." "dont fucking call her that" mattheo looked at them. "why are you getting so mad" "shes not your sweetheart" "is she yours" mattheo looked at draco. "no, but shes not yours either" they just started laughing. "this fucking sucks" "they are pretty short. i give it like 5'5 to 5'7" theo spoke. "so your saying we tower them" "lets see your 5'10 im 5'9 and draco is 5'9" they were all just smiling with each other. until and of the medium height guys stood at the foot of our table earning theo and mattheo to stand up almost towering over them. which only had the 3 girls there head over heels. "sit your ass back down" theo looked at him. and the food came. "can i have some chicken soup" i looked at mattheo who slid me the bowl. i took 4 sips and handed it back. before stealing 3 of theos fries and most of dracos. "your food y/n" draco reminded me. i ate half of my food before i was full.  "excuse me. do you have any take home boxes" "oh yeah, how many" "2 please" mattheo spoke to the waitress. "leave 15" theo spoke. and then it was time to get into the car. me and mt blanket with my bag. "your sleeping at mattheos" theo looked at me. "until you cant, then your coming to mine. hopefully by then it will be time to return" i nodded. i had to go home to get stuff and shower but then it would be time to leave. "when we go back bring more of that care stuff" mattheo spoke. i packed everything i needed even taking a shower. avoiding my mother and father entirely. my mother was upset but not him. he wasnt. i left out my window and started walking to mattheos house. i didnt even have to climb. he sleeps on the bottom level. "come on" he spoke pulling me through the window. "be quiet" he whispered. he didnt sleep next to anyone like me and draco did but he was still pretty close to his brothers room. and with knocked on the door he hid me in the closet. "how do you feel" "bad. draco took me to get soup and i feel a little better but i slept the whole way" "me and tom are going to the malfoys. they said y/n was home, but dont know when she would run off again. its nice to know your friend is safe. but im taking your little sister. sleep well. i have medience on the counter for you" he shut the door and opened the closet. "lay down. get some sleep" and i did. the entire night. 48 hours of no sleep really fuck with a person. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin