unthinking majority

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 it was saturday. my birthday, im finally 16. i heard soft knocks on my door and when i opened it there draco was. "you tell anyone?" "of course not happy birthday" i looked over at mattheo who was still sleeping. i winked at draco. i wrote a note to mattheo and went to ginnys dorm. "happy birthday y/n" fred and george both whispered. once we walked in ginny had a cupcake with a candle on the top. i watched her light it and they started singing. once i blew out the candle they were cheering. "thank you for not telling everyone" "shes testing the group is she?" fred spoke up. "they would fail either way" draco looked at the twins. he hates them but since i dont he tolerates them a little more. "y/n doesnt like her birthday. so when she keeps it small its easier to keep off her mind" ginny looked at the boys. "how was the anniversary?" "mattheo has been glued to my side sorry for not telling you sooner. he wanted to go out but its hard with a boot." "it looks like your struggling with the crutches" "everyone already walks faster then me, why do i need to be any slower then i already am?" she just laughed and there went me and draco walking back to his dorm only to see everyone already there. "what are we doing today im bored" "we have a game today against the hufflepuffs" theo spoke looking at astoria. "we can go watch" and that we did everyone was getting ready and mattheo wrote his number on my cheek in green and black. astoria also wrote dracos on my other cheek followed by her writing theos and blaises. so we covered everyone's bases. we ended up sitting in the same benches they sit on. which funny enough there was more people sitting there looking at us. they ended up winning meaning they wanted to go out and eat. "lunch where" "how about lunch at that one place in the alley?" "yeah that sounds good" i got pulled aside by blaise. "you think i dont remember but i do. happy birthday y/n" "good now just dont tell anyone" "i know you want no one knowing not even your best friend. i havent told a soul" i smiled at him earning one back. "hurry up slow pokes" "IM THE ONE THAT CANT WALK" "FUCK BACK TRACK" the fully stopped so i could catch up and they walked a little slower. i shouldnt even really need the crutches anymore. i should be working on walking again. so thats what i did. i put them away and started walking. i was still a little slow but way faster. i know ive told mattheo what my birthday is about 10 times now. even written in my calendar. im just shocked he hasnt said anything, unless he forgot. "y/n are you okay you seem upset" i looked at astoria. "im fine but feeling off today" thats a fucking lie i get sad every year on my birthday. i just smile through it. and when all was said and done and we ate it was time to hang out in dracos room. "so theo and mattheos birthdays are coming up what are we doing" "ill be going on a date" mattheo looked at me. "group hang out?" theo looked around at everyone. "that works" i smiled at mattheo. "okay y/n what is wrong" astoria asked me again. "just feels like an off day today" "its around this time y/n gets sad for no reason apart from her body feels like it" blaise covered the fuck outta my ass. "its true" draco just backed it up. "well im here for you" i looked at her and smiled. being in a boot didnt help but i know i get to take it off soon. which is the best present ever. besides dracos which was money and a bunch of new stuff. ginnys was her personal pick of underwear she thought i would like and the twins gave me a hug and a new necklace. all i really gave was shy smiles. ginny decided to take me out for sweets along with the twins. "you know you never truly told me your type" "i guess skinny and muscle?" "and?" "i like guys who ride motorcycles and play guitar?" "and?" now the twins were interested. "fluffy hair, style, alt style it matches mine. a good jawline is nice" we sat there eating icecream and candy floss. mostly the blue one for me and pink for everyone else. we sat there and watched a dude who matched that exact description playing guitar outside with his friends. "speak of the devil huh y/n" "shut up" "try to enjoy your birthday this year. has mattheo said anything" "not a word" "maybe hes planning something" "even if hes not george, its fine" they all looked at me as we walked back to the train station going back to hogwarts. me and ginny started singing only to get heard by the dude and he asked me to sing. "i cant" "its your birthday y/n have fun" "oh happy birthday. i promise it will be fun" "the boys will kill me" "shes not wrong" "fuck your overprotective friends" ginny spoke smiling at him before she dragged me off. "your cute by the way" "thanks" ginny yelled for me. "thank you for that ginny" "your welcome. i know you wouldnt have accepted it" and once we finally returned mattheo had looked at me. "sit down your walking to much" "its time for dinner" "i just had ice cream" "yeah and its 5" blaise looked at me. "im not really that hungry" i looked at everyone while i went to my room. "are you sure your not bothered by something?" "just plain ol upset mattheo" i looked back at him. "at least join us for dinner" "okay fine" mattheo ended up carrying me on his back to avoid me walking so much. "we should all watch a movie" "lets watch up" "why dont we let y/n pick" blaise looked at them trying to give them a hint. "since shes upset i think thats a good idea" theo agreed. and when we sat down draco passed me a note. "shot?" i wrote yes and sent it back. "your dorm after" "give me a couple. its one of those days" i could hear him laughing. "whats funny" "y/n." "what did she write" "its one of those days" i smiled a little and draco put the note in his pocket. i knew he was upset i was upset. draco always tried to make my birthdays special. it was only then ginny passed me a letter telling me to come see her. "gryffindor is having a party" "happy birthday y/n" "yeah happy birthday" i hugged the trio and looked back. "we figured you could use a couple" "im bout to go throw some back with draco, but i might join later tn" "a birthday party" hermione smiled laughing. "we got henny and malibou" ginny winked at me. "rum oh wow" i laughed sitting back with the boys. "what was that about" "i was invited to a party at the gryffindor common room." "you going" "ill stop by and hang out with ginny" "they are welcome to" ginny ran up and spoke before running back. "we have plans for tonight thats so fun" astoria spoke. and i talked it over with ginny. she told me she would yell happy birthday at 10. i smiled knowing her plan. and then it was a getting ready plan. draco came into my room and took 3 shots with me. "what are you wearing" "probably pants or something i dont know" "how the hell are you going to do that" "it was a joke draco. ill probably just wear shorts. its not like i can dance" he looked like he felt bad. which i understand why he would be. "sorry they havent told you" "i mean its a bummer but ginny has a plan" i watched him smile. "your both a bad duo" there was knocks at the door and i hid the bottle and draco opened the door. "am i late to the shot party" we both laughed at blaise who ended up having one shot with us. in the end i got dressed in a tshirt and a pair of volleyball shorts. we ended up getting there at 9 and there ginny was. "anything?" "not a single word" "arent you sad" "a little but they have i have my whole life of everyone forgetting my birthday. i mean my mom sent me a letter" "you and draco drink already?" "yeah...im not supposed to but you know. i cant control myself" we both laughed and she gave me a blended drink. "pina colada" i smiled. "thank you babes" your welcome anything for you on your important day" gryffindor music was more indie then it was r&b and classic club songs. it was like the slow get down to it songs. as soon as 10 hit we heard the music lower. i watched ginny stand on a chair and me stand next to her. "i just wanted to say. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N" and all you heard was cheering. and when the music turned back on ginny was dancing with me. "they are looking at you" "im embarrassed" draco ended up joining me and ginny drunk out his fucking mind. "i love my brother" i spoke laughing at him. me and draco ended up dancing together with ginny. "theo is fucking pissed" draco was slurring his words. i looked at ginny. "draco i think we need to go" "im fine, its your day y/n we can have fun" we did end up dancing. "they are also sad they havent told you anything" "i figured draco" i smiled at him. "as much as i would love to stay i think i should get you to bed." "y/n we are taking a shot in your name" ginny spoke handing me one. "TO Y/N TURNING 16" "Y/N" and we all drank the shot. "i have to put him to bed" i smiled at ginny who waved me bye. the boys followed behind. "draco get on my back" "okay" and once he did it was a lot easier to walk. not by much since hes a fucking tree. i ended up putting a blanket over him. "happy birthday to my sweet little sister one last time" he smiled at me. "thank you draco" "here i forgot to give you this when i told you earlier" i looked at blaise who handed me a bag. it was a heart locket with a picture of all of us. "thanks blaise" in the end when i left with blaise i had everyone there looking at me. "you didnt tell us" enzo spoke. "in her defense she shouldnt have to tell you. shes told you guys before" blaise was backing me up. "mattheo is having a crisis" theo looked at me. "is mattheo drunk as shit?" "yeah when he realized he forgot your birthday he decided that was the best possible action. and now hes in there with astoria" we all walked to the room to see astoria sitting on theos bed and mattheo laying on the floor. "hes gone. like gone" she looked at us. "mattheo" i stepped on his back. "oh and y/n happy birthday" theo looked at me and just like that everyone joined in together for a happy birthday. "sucks dracos to drunk to be here but i got a cake with candles" blaise looked at me. "the one person to actually remember." theo spoke looking at blasie "actually there was 5" i cleared the air "who?" "ginny, fred, george, me and draco" "fuck you guys"theo rolled his eyes, i just smiled. blaise lit the candles and i blew them out. in the end i gave mattheo a hug, he told me happy birthday and sorry he forgot. i ended up going back to my room only to sneak back out to the party again. "ginnnny" "y/nnnnn" i laughed and danced with her took 2 shots and drank what ever the fuck was in my cup. i was drunk, laughing, and having a great time. then the shit show was happening. "y/n are you okay?" "everything is spinning" "this asshole just tried to date rape me with a fucking roofie" i looked in my cup to see a small little fizz. "ginny" i looked at her. "oh shit" "i think i need to go back to my dorm" it was just then the girl next to me passed out. "lets go" there ended up being 3 more girls who passed out before we even got out the door. i dont remember much. i remember collapsing in the hallway. when i woke up for a split second i saw ron. "ginny?" "she went to get help y/n" "how long" "10 minutes" i felt my body be picked up and it was no other then ron. we met up with astoria halfway through the hallway. i ended up walking back with them. "just a couple more y/n" but when paired with 2 boys there it made it hard. "we can take her off your hands for you" "get the fuck out of my way" astoria is fiesty. and out like a light i went. when i ended up regaining my conscience. i was still outside the door but now theo and mattheo were both there and ginny had laid on top of me. "ginny" "welcome back y/n" the boys were kicking ass and i had laid on top of ginny. "i dont feel good" "i cant carry you" "drag me" she did just that. astoria helped by grabbing my other arm and dragging me to. i looked around to see everyone watching. out like a light.

"shes awake again" i saw theo looking at me. "but she will be fine" "you can go to bed ginny" astoria spoke. i watched ginny leave and then looked at everyone else. "how the hell could she go without us" theo started getting upset. "theo please" astoria was trying to reason and mattheo who still wasnt sober but halfway there was sitting there with me. "good night" i spoke i saw everyone look at me before i passed out once more. i woke up to yelling. theo yelling about me going alone astoria yelling at him about how i didnt plan this, this isnt my fault. "but she snuck out" "and she still made it here safe" "barely astoria barely" "i could have handled it" "no you couldnt have" "if i couldnt then ron could have" "ron?" "when y/n passed out ginny told someone to get her brother. they got ron. ginny ran to get me leaving y/n with ron. ron ended up carrying her to us" "you let ron? a dude alone around a unconscious girl?" theo looked at astoria. "shes still fine. its her fucking birthday theo. the birthday everyone forgot" i looked at mattheo who looked at me. i couldnt help but start to shake violently. "whats happening" theo looked over to me. "is she cold?" astoria put her hand on my forehead. "she has a fever". they ended up putting a blanket on me. "do we get draco" "lets not theo" mattheo ended up pulling me onto his lap wrapping both of us with another blanket. only problem was i buried in the blanket. mattheo had even covered half of his own face. i knew he was tired i could see it all over him. "okay" i spoke looking at both of them. "i get it. i shouldnt have went on my own. but i figured it would be okay. there was people and a shit ton, i didnt think about bar life. now im so fucking tired so if your staying sit the fuck down and sleep" "who shat in her cereal" theo looked at astoria "you did theo" i answered. i watched them both leave and i instantly fell asleep. there was not a fucking chance i wasnt gonna take a good as nap. im cold, tired and in pain. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz