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I feel like and illusion
A mere fantasy of yours
Perhaps a mirage.
Something too good to touch
And when you do
I vanish.

I feel unreal
Like a mental image you fall in love with
Only to be left broken. 
It would be simpler to just stop
I promise I do not mean
What I do
Or how I break you. 

You promise not to be hurt
Not be be upset
Not to come to anger
But if I stood in your place
I would hate myself
I would curse my name under my breath
Wondering why you let fall
Just to see me smash my face on the floor.
The truth being
I fall
But I fall with caution
I let myself dream but never too high
It is like I fall
I fall
But thinking of how it will end.

So when you say I won't hurt you
All I can think of
Is how I feel like an illusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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