Twisted and Tangled

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My thoughts are twisted and tangled in a sea of chaos
With music notes dancing
Lyrics screaming to karaoke
Words cutting my flesh
Letters interlocking and making love to each other
Arguments setting things ablaze
And romance trying to figure out what to do with itself.
500 thoughts at once and they all fight for a place in my head. Who will be heard first. Music is there to calm me, lyrics change my mood, words hurt but eco the truth, letters form what I want to say, arguments keep my heart safe, and romance... romance is just like me. It knows no place, it doesn't know what to do or where to go, who to like or what to feel.
It knows that it's heart is lonely
It knows that It's scared to belong to someone again
It knows that it thinks about a certain girl a lot
But also a certain guy
But u can't have either.
That's what sucks about our heart, it doesn't know what's right
Or how to protect its self
And it doesn't know that we can't love either of those people.

Poetry of a bleeding heartWhere stories live. Discover now