he nodded and took her hand, intertwining their fingers together as he was calling cuir and celeste to get them. a couple of moments later both dragons came and landed on the cliff.

bodhi honestly wanted to get straight to the point because it was late and he just wanted to officially call amelia his girlfriend. he helped amelia get on celeste who could feel amelia's happy energy then got on cuir.

" you knew, he was going to ask. didn't you? " amelia said to celeste who nodded.

" yes, that's why i didn't tell you anything " she said flapping her wings and taking off.

luckily the college wasn't far at all and it would only take five minutes to get there. amelia was so happy she finally got what she wanted and now, maybe charlie will leave bodhi alone.

no one has seen much of charlie since amelia beat her, but apparently she is still talking about wining bodhi back. everyone told her she was crazy if she thought that she could get him back but of course, charlie didn't listen.

celeste and cuir had landed on the flight field, bodhi got down first then helped amelia down. his hands slipping back into hers as she smiled. together they walked towards the dorm, everyone staring as they did so.

by then everyone and there mothers knew it was official, which meant you hurt amelia and bodhi will kick your ass along with liam, garrick, xaden, and imogen. that also meant that if any girl flirted with bodhi then all amelia would need to do is send death glares and they would go running.

charlie passed by them in the hallway, her eyes were pissed and amelia turned around to give a look. a look that said you touch my boyfriend and i will slice your throat in front of everyone.

" let's go to my room " bodhi said looking amelia who nodded.

his room was so much bigger than hers, mainly because he was a second-year and she barely just got her room. xaden, who was in the hallway smiled a little at bodhi after he saw their hands together.

xaden knew that bodhi had finally grew a pair of balls and asked amelia out, he was happy for his cousin. especially after all charlie had put him through, it was about time he found himself a good girlfriend.

bodhi opened his bedroom door and locked it, he learned after the first time if he wanted to be alone with her then to lock the doors at all times.

he took one look at amelia and it was like all his worries had gone away, she was like a breath of fresh, the sunshine on his rainy days. amelia had a pout on her face which told him everything that he needed to know.

" are you sure? " bodhi said, he didn't want to rush things with her.

amelia nodded and stepped closer to him, her hands playing with the hem of his shirt. " you know, xaden looked pretty fine without a shirt on " she knew the best way to get what she wanted now as jealousy.

bodhi was nice and sweet, but when it came to amelia talking like that about other guys or even another guy hitting on her that's when he became mean. " you better take those words back "

" garrick as well " amelia said teasingly, she knew it was working and he was about to lose it.

before she could even tease him again, he roughly kissed her with his arms sneaking around her waist and picked her up threw on the bed.

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