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it was the day of the gauntlet and a couple of days since the kiss between amelia and bodhi. they hadn't put a label on their relationship as they are wanting to take things slow and have told no one about it. 

none of her friends know, none of his friends know, and epecially not the jackass and his friends. charlie had been giving death glares to amelia since that night and tries her hardest to get near bodhi whenever amelia isn't around. 

" as you know, hand-to-hand challenges are on hold for the next two and a half weeks before presentation so you can focus here." professor emetterio begins.

" sawyer, you're going to show them how it's done, since you already have the lay of the land. then pryor, trina, tynan, rhiannon, ridoc, amelia, violet, aurelie, and luca "

the squad started to line up the way professor emetterio mentioned, amelia looked at violet who nodded. the elsher girl was worried for violet because of some the obstacles

" you're the only squad to remain intact since parapet. that's incredible. your squad leader must be very proud. wait here for a second " he walks past the group.

" aetos is especially proud of sorrengail " tynan says to violet with a mocking sneer once the professor is out of hearing range.

" look, if you want to talk shit about me, that's one thing, but leave dain out of it " she retorts.

" tynan " sawyer said giving him a warning. 

" like it doesn't bother any of you that our squad leader is fucking one of us? " tynan throws out his hands.

amelia glared at tynan, he was almost shitting his pants when he saw the look on amelia's face. she wasn't the type to be messed especially because of how good she fights. 

" i'm not- " violet started to say then stopped. " honestly, it's none of your god damn business who i'm sleeping with, tynan "

" it is if it means you get preferntial treatment " luca joins in. 

amelia once again glared at luca, " both of you shut the hell up if you don't know what you are talking about " she said. 

" yeah, luca, tynan, mind your own business. they're not sleeping together. they've been friends since they were kids, or do you not know enough about our own leadership to know his dad is her mom's aide? " rhiannon said glaring at both of them.

tynan's eyes widened at rhiannon, " really? "

" really " violet nodded and looked back at the course. 

" shit. i'm.....sorry. barlowe said- "

" and that's your first mistake " ridoc interjects. " listening to that sadistic ass is going to get you killed. and you're lucky aetos isn't here "

after a couple of moments professor emetterio had come back, sawyer said some kind of encourging words before they started to practice. 

amelia was nervous about the whole thing, sure she was good at fighting and could walk across the parapet but had trouble on the mock gaunlet course her father made.

she nervously watched as others in her squad went before her, liam and bodhi had shared a few pointers to her especially bodhi who didn't want to see her die. she was thankful that they were nice enough to do that. 

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