"I'll see you tomorrow Marvel!" I said waving as I saw my mom.

"Well, Athena? How was your first day of training?" my mother asked.

Apollo looked at me intrigued to see if I liked it.

"I made a new friend."

"A friend? Darling don't you know? You don't have friends in the hunger games." My mother said to me.

"Mama, he's a nice boy. He likes the color blue and his dad is a hunter!" I said.

"I'm sure he's nice, until the two of you are in the arena and you throws a spear in your chest!" She says exaggerated.

I frown. Apollo squeezes my shoulder.

"Don't listen to her. Enjoy this period while you can." He whispers.

The rest of the walk home was silent. Dinner was silent. I ended up going to bed, but barely getting a blink of sleep.

Everyday me and Marvel would sit in our corner and just talk about all kinds of stuff.

"Mr. Gloss said that training is postponed. The reaping is next week!" Marvel said.

Next week? How could he just forget to remind us that.

For a week I went home anxious. Until the day before the reaping.

I went home that day shaking. What if Apollo was picked.

It was late at night, nearly 2 am and I sat in my room crying. I tip toed out of my room and into Apollo's

"Apollo? Are you awake?" I whispered.

No reply.

"Apollo?" I whispered again, slightly shaking him.

"Hm?" he hummed while rubbing his eye.

"Apollo I'm scared." I cried.

Without hesitation, Apollo had pulled me into his bed. He held me in a tight hug.

"You have no reason to be scared Athena." He whispered.

"B-b-but you could be p-picked." I choked out.

"Athena, my name is only in there three times. Plus, if I get picked, I'm sure there's some 17 or 18 year old who would gladly volunteer i my place. People like to do that kinda thing in this place."

"But what if?" I cried more.

"Okay, what if. Then, I go into that arena and I fight to survive. I've been training since I was eight just like you. And I'm pretty handy with a spear. So I run to the cornucopia and get a spear, then I use it to survive. Then I win, and come back home to you and Ma, and we move into Victors Village."

"Apollo I can't lose you, I'd never survive Mama by myself."

"You're not gonna lose me Athena, I promise."

I hugged Apollo tighter as if it was my last time to ever hug him.

"You wanna sleep in here tonight?"


"Of course."

The day of the reaping me and Apollo woke up and got dressed in our nicest outfits.

My mom laid out a pink floral dress that tied at the waist and had poofy sleeves.

(the dress because you know what, and 8 year old in this is absolutely adorable)

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(the dress because you know what, and 8 year old in this is absolutely adorable)

Apollo wore a matching pink button up shirt and some khaki pants.

Me, Apollo, and our mother walking to the center of the district towards the Justice Building.

I was so scared for Apollo. And when our escort Velvet Grandeur came walking onto the stage in a bright yellow ensemble of what looked like bubbles.

"Welcome, welcome District Oners!" she said way to happily.

"And happy happy Hunger Games!" She smiled out.

She had us listen to the Capitol propaganda pretty much reminding us that we did this time ourselves.

"Now, isn't that just, ugh." She sighed happily.

"Okay! Now to get into the good stuff!" She said gesturing to the bowls filled with names.

"For the girls, Cashmere Tanner!" She said excitedly.

As she walked up the stage my mother leaned down and whispered into my ear, "That's Mr. Gloss's little sister."

A look of pure shock took over my face.

"And for the boys, Noble Fike!"

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. It wasn't Apollo, he was safe.

"Now may the odds be ever in your favor!" she smiled.

We went home a held a feast to celebrate Apollo not getting reaped.

After what Apollo had told me, training didn't seem as scary.

Hey so uhm, finished chapter ? This is like back ground, we're gonna stay in the past for the next chapter just not as far into the past 🤭

I hope you liked this beginning chapter

I Wanna Be Yours- Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now